
mào zhuàng jiàn mó
  • galea;galea aponeurotica
帽状腱膜[mào zhuàng jiàn mó]
  1. 眶上血管神经分为内侧支和外侧支,分别穿过额肌、帽状腱膜进入头皮。

    The supraorbital vessels and nerve ran through the frontal muscle and the galea aponeurotica into the scalp .

  2. 7例既有前颅底骨质破坏,又有硬脑膜缺损且直径在2.5cm以上者,以带蒂额肌骨膜瓣、帽状腱膜额骨膜瓣或带蒂颞肌筋膜骨膜瓣修复。

    Other 7 cases with defects , diameter more than 2.5 cm , on both the skull base and duramater were covered with frontalis muscle flap or temporalis fascia flap .

  3. 外伤性帽状腱膜下血肿合并眶内血肿的治疗

    The treatment of the subgaleal hematoma combined with intraorbital hematoma

  4. 颞浅血管为蒂的帽状腱膜瓣修复头颈肿瘤术后缺损

    Pedicled galeal flap in the reconstruction of head and neck tumor defects

  5. 带蒂额肌帽状腱膜复合组织瓣Ⅰ期修复颅底缺损-附3例报告

    Pedical frontal muscle compound flap reconstructing skull base defect

  6. 自体带蒂颅骨瓣帽状腱膜下保存的研究

    Clinical study on preservation of auto - cranial pedicle flap under galea aponeurotica

  7. 带血管蒂帽状腱膜瓣及阔筋膜常用于术中修补瘘口。

    Galea frontalis myofascial flap and fascia lata were often used to repair fistula in operation .

  8. 结论帽状腱膜下血肿合并眶内血肿易由临床影像学确定诊断。

    Conclusion The diagnosis of the subgaleal hematoma combined with intraorbital hematoma was easily diagnosed with B scan and CT .

  9. 结论:带蒂帽状腱膜骨膜瓣是修复粉碎性前颅底骨折较好的手术方法。

    Conclusion : The surgery way of " sandwich " were suitable for traumatic comminuted fractures of anterior skull base .

  10. 目的:探讨额颞部除皱的同时行额肌帽状腱膜瓣折叠隆额术的新方法,评价其优缺点。

    Objective To investigate a new projecting forehead while forehead and temporal rhytidectomy , in order to assess the value of it .

  11. 目的:通过分组进行人类颞区组织的应用解剖学研究,阐明颞区帽状腱膜、颞肌复合组织瓣动力修复晚期面瘫的解剖学基础。

    Objective : To evaluate the anatomic basis of temporal region for the repair of late facial paralysis in power by grouped human specimen .

  12. 目的:探讨自体颅骨帽状腱膜下埋藏与再植的临床疗效。

    Objective : To examine the clinical effect on transplantation and re transplantation with one ′ s own skull under epicranial aponeurosis ( EA ) .

  13. 2例行颅外进路肿瘤切除,对颅底缺损的修复用帽状腱膜-颅骨骨膜瓣、颞肌-肌筋瓣、颅骨骨瓣、前臂皮瓣等。

    The skull membrane , temporal muscle flap , skull bone flap and free forearm flap were used to repair the defects of the cranial base .

  14. 结论:自体颅骨帽状腱膜下埋藏与再植是颅骨修补的有效方法,能形成骨性愈合,塑形满意,减少术后并发症的发生率。

    Conclusion : Transplantation and re transplantation with one ′ s own skull under EA is a effective method on skull mending operation , it could get healing with callus and gain satisfactory skull reform , lessen the rate of post operation complication .