
  • 网络neuroimaging;neuroimage
  1. 方法对46例癫痫自动症患者的临床、神经影像学和EEG进行分析。

    Methods : 46 patients suffered from automatism seizure were studied . Clinical feature , neuroimaging and EEG of the patients were compared and analysed .

  2. 30例后循环缺血性孤立性眩晕的临床特点及神经影像学评价

    Clinical Characteristics and Neuroimaging Evaluation of 30 Patients with Posterior Circulation Ischemia Vertigo

  3. 方法对31例首次头颅CT所见符合典型鞍上池血肿患者的临床表现、神经影像学、并发症及预后等资料进行分析。

    Methods We studied the clinical manifestation , CT and DSA findings , complications and prognosis of 31 cases .

  4. 神经影像学检查,特别是MRI联合MR血管造影有重要的诊断价值。

    Neuroimaging , especially the combination of magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angiography has important diagnostic value .

  5. 额颞叶变性的CSF生物学标记物:临床特征、载脂蛋白E基因型和神经影像学的关系

    CSF biomarkers in frontotemporal lobar degeneration : Relations with clinical characteristics , apolipoprotein E genotype , and neuroimaging

  6. 发作表现、EEG以及神经影像学检查对致痫灶定位的互相符合时,预示预后良好。

    A concordant localization of epileptogenic zone from seizure manifestation , EEG and neuroimaging studies may predict a favorable seizure outcome .

  7. 目的研究脑膜癌病(LC)的脑脊液(CSF)细胞学、临床及神经影像学特点。

    Objective To observe the clinical characteristics of the cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) cytology in leptomeningeal carcinomatosis ( LC ) .

  8. 神经影像学检查发现23例有异常病灶(77%),其中20例定位与VideoEEG完全一致(87%)。

    Abnormal focus was found in 23 patients by neuro-imagine ( 77 % ), The epileptic focus locations were completely consistent with those detected by Video-EEG ( 87 % ) .

  9. 并由工作经验和水平各不相同的六位神经影像学专家就SVM分析病例的相关影像给出二元的诊断意见。

    A binary diagnostic classification was made by six radiologists with different levels of experience on the same scans and information that had been previously analysed with SVM .

  10. vonHippel-Lindau病的神经影像学罕见表现及鉴别诊断:病例报告和文献综述

    Neuroradiologic Unusual Findings and Differentiations of von Hippel-Lindau Disease : Case Report and Review of Literature

  11. 结论TOBS的诊断主要依赖临床表现和神经影像学检查,尤其MRI检查有利于早期诊断。

    Conclusion The diagnosis of TOBs depended on the clinical manifestations and neuroimaging , especially MRI could help to early diagnosis .

  12. 脑囊虫病患者血清循环抗原、IgG4与神经影像学关系研究

    Relationship of Serum Circulating Antigen and Specific IgG4 with Neuroimaging in Patients with Neurocysticercosis

  13. 背景:神经影像学研究发现重度抑郁症(MDD)患者脑组织存在功能和结构改变。

    Background : Neuroimaging studies have revealed structural and functional changes in brain regions associated with major depressive disorder ( MDD ) .

  14. 方法回顾性分析318例慢性硬脑膜下血肿(CSDH)病人的临床特点、神经影像学资料、手术方法和结果。

    Methods Clinical features , neuroradiological material , surgical techniques and outcome of 318 patients with CSDH were analyzed retrospectively .

  15. 尽管近年来神经影像学技术的进步为MS临床诊断提供了有力的手段,但脑脊液(cerebrospinalfluid,CSF)检查在MS临床和研究方面的重要作用仍然是其他方法无法取代的。

    Although recent advances in neuroimaging techniques have provided a powerful tool for the clinical diagnosis of MS , the importance of cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) examination and research in MS is still no substitute for other methods .

  16. Apostolova对路透社说道,“这些先进的神经影像学进展将为AD的临床前期诊断带来切实可行的方法。”

    Apostolova told Reuters Health . " These avantgarde neuroimaging advances deliver a promise that pre-clinical diagnosis of AD will soon be feasible . "

  17. 应用1.5T超导型设备常规序列获取头颅MRI图像,由2位神经影像学医生对MRI图像进行分析,确定梗死灶的部位,并判断其是否为新发病灶。

    MR image of skull was routinely obtained with 1.5 T superconductive equipment , and the MR image was analyzed by two neuroradiologists to define the region of infarcted focus and judge whether it was new focus or not .

  18. 文章从4个方面综述了失语症患者的功能神经影像学:(1)Broca区损害对其远隔非损害区域的影响;

    The article reviews the functional neuroimaging trials in patients with aphasia from four aspects : ( 1 ) the lesion of Broca 's area influences its distant undamaged regions ;

  19. 法国INSERM的认知神经影像学组主任斯坦尼斯德阿纳完美的揭示出潜意识和意识思维之间微妙的关系。

    Stanislas Dehaene , director of the Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit at INSERM , France , has elegantly revealed the subtle interplay between subconscious and conscious thought .

  20. VBM技术可探查PD认知障碍早期-PD-MCI时期大脑结构的细微改变,局部脑结构的萎缩有可能成为PD-MCI早期诊断的神经影像学标记物,但仍需更多的大样本研究加以证实。

    VBM can find subtle changes in brain even in early phase of PD cognitive impairment , the atrophy of the brain structures may become neuroimaging markers for the early diagnosis of PD-MCI . Further studies with larger groups of patients are needed to confirm these findings .

  21. 在放射学与神经影像学研究领域,人脑aMRI数据分析的关键问题是如何精确地检测与测量各部分脑组织,可以归结为医学影像的多目标分割问题。

    In radiology and neurology , a key problem of aMRI of the brain is how to detect and to measure tissues to represent the anatomy structures of the brain which can be seen as a basic problem of multi-object segmentation for medical images .

  22. 颞叶白质纤维解剖学及神经影像学研究

    Study of White Matter Fiber Dissection and Neuroimaging of Temporal Regions

  23. 我们可以从神经影像学中获得哪些脑老化和认知方面的收获?

    What can neuroimaging tell us about the aging brain and cognition ?

  24. 功能性磁共振成像&神经影像学的研究热点

    Functional MRI & A Hot Research Topic in Neuroimaging

  25. 方法总结岩斜脑膜瘤的临床表现、神经影像学特征和术中要点。

    Methods To summarize the clinical and neuroimaging features .

  26. 孤立性皮质静脉血栓形成的临床和神经影像学特征

    Clinical and neuroradiological spectrum of isolated cortical vein thrombosis

  27. 功能神经影像学&语言功能的脑磁图研究

    - Magnetoencephalography Evaluation of Language Function Functional Neuroradiology

  28. 眼软脑膜型淀粉样变性的神经影像学和临床病理学特征

    Neuroradiologic and clinicopathologic features of oculoleptomeningeal type amyloidosis

  29. 神经影像学在新生儿脑卒中诊断的应用

    Application of neuroimaging in diagnosis of neonatal stroke

  30. 在此项研究中把从神经影像学中获得结果与之相比较。

    In this study , we compare the results to those obtained by radiologists .