
  • 网络inner set
  1. 本文研究了内集空间与赋权内集空间之间的关系。

    In this paper , the relations between the inner set spaces and the weighted inner set spaces are studied .

  2. 大约用了一年时间,Gorbunova在全球范围内集齐了死亡的啮齿类的标本,并运到实验室冷藏起来。

    For over a year , Gorbunova collected deceased rodents from around the world and had them shipped to her lab in chilled containers .

  3. 基于内集-外集模型的自然灾害软风险区划图研究

    Study on Soft Risk Maps of Natural Disasters Based on Interior-outer-set Model

  4. 旋风分离式集沙仪在风洞内集沙效率的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Sampler Efficiency of Whirl Type Separation Sand Sampler in Wind Tunnel

  5. 基于扩散函数的内集-外集模型

    The Interior-outer-set Models Based on Diffusion Functions

  6. 内集-外集模型的计算机仿真检验

    Computer simulation tests of interior-outer-set mode

  7. 内集-外集模型的一个简便算法

    A simple algorithm of interior-outer-set model

  8. 而且此结构采用片内集成功率管的同步整流方式来减少功率损耗以提高系统的转换效率,同时也减小了外围电路的体积。

    And using synchronous rectification to reduce power loss to improve efficiency and also reduces the size of the external circuit .

  9. 使用该算法,很容易对内集-外集模型进行编程,依给定的样本和区间,计算模糊风险。

    Using this algorithm , it is easy to make a program for the interior-outer-set model and to calculate a possibility-probability distribution according to a given sample and some intervals .

  10. 这一研究表明,内集-外集模型用于自然灾害模糊风险评估,在期望值的意义上是一个可靠的模型。

    This study demonstrates that , in the meaning of the expected value , the interior outer set model is reliable for calculating the fuzzy risk of the natural disaster .

  11. 仿真结果显示,用内集-外集模型计算出来的可能性-概率分布的均值甚至比传统直方图分布的均值更靠近真实概率分布的期望值。

    Simulation results show that the expected value of a possibility probability distribution calculated by using this model is more closer to the real expected value than that from a histogram estimation .

  12. 基于信息分配方法建立的内集-外集模型,用于计算可能性-概率风险,可以表达概率估计的模糊性。

    The interior outer set model , based on the method of information distribution , can represent the imprecision of probability estimation when it is used to calculate a possibility probability risk .

  13. 研究结果表明:通过比较截面上一定区域内集料面积累计之和的差异,可以定量地评价沥青混合料的离析程度。

    The research results indicate that if the differences between ( cumulative ) aggregate area values across proper regions on a section are considered , it is feasible to assess quantitatively the level of segregation in hot-mix asphalt .

  14. 进而利用该内集拓扑所对应的指定预序,证明了每个元素的相容核就是内集拓扑中单点集的闭包。

    Also , by exploiting the specification preorder of this topology , it is pointed out that the compatibility kernel of each element is the closure , in the sense of the topology of interior sets , of singleton .

  15. 转染组细胞Cx43mRNA表达升高,通讯功能增强,细胞生长慢,在软琼脂内集落形成率和在裸鼠体内生长速度明显低于对照组,抑制率分别为90%和75%。

    The Cx43 transfectant cells showed increased level of Cx43 mRNA and increased function of GJIC . Cell growth in soft agar and in nude mice was markedly retarded . The inhibition rate was 90 % and 75 % , respectively .

  16. 注意:在Python内,集是惟一元素的无序集合。

    Note : In Python , sets are unordered collections of unique elements .

  17. 基于Voronoi内邻集的等高线树生成法

    A Voronoi Interior Adjacency-based Approach for Generating a Contour Tree

  18. Hausdorff拓扑线性空间内紧集与非紧集上的U.D.C.映射与不动点

    U.D.C.Mappings and Fixed Points on Compact and Non-Compact Subsets of Hausdorff Topological Vector Spaces

  19. 基于图的任意域内点集的Delaunay三角剖分算法

    A graph based algorithm for generating the Delaunay triangulation of a point set within an arbitrary 2D domain

  20. 多边形内点集的三角剖分算法

    An Algorithm for the Triangulation of Point-Sets in an Arbitrary Polygon

  21. 干熄炉内环形集气道压降及阻力系数的研究

    Study on pressure drop and drag coefficient of annular flue in CDQ shaft

  22. 本文研究了取值于可展空间内的集值映射的选择问题,得到了下半连续映射的一个选择定理。

    In this paper , we obtain a selection theorem on set-valued mappings wih values in developable spaces .

  23. 大庆油田葡一油层组高精度层序格架内储集砂体的沉积构成及其对油田开发的意义

    Facies Architecture of the Reservoir Sandstones within the High-Resolution Sequence Framework of the Pu-1 Oil Layer and Its Significance to Exploitation in Daqing Oilfield

  24. 对比两种培养体系下细胞集落扩增倍数发现,培养初期孔板内的集落形成能力要大于转瓶,但到培养后期,孔板内集落形成能力下降速度远大于转瓶。

    Compared with the colony forming potential , the cells in well flask were greater , but in the later culture period the colony number declined more sharply .

  25. 结果表明,在所研究的范围内,集热面及玻璃盖板的壁面温度随时间的变化一致,且与太阳辐射强度随时间的变化一致。

    The results showed that in the scope of the study , the collector surface and the glass temperature change consistent with time and the solar radiation intensity .

  26. 沉积相带研究表明,区内储集层主要发育于通榆-保康三角洲沉积体系,青一段至青三段沉积环境由深湖型过渡到浅湖型。

    The reservoirs are mainly derived from Tongyu to Baokang deltaic depositional system , and the sedimentary environment from Qing-1 to Qing-3 members transforms from deep-lake type to shallow-lake type .

  27. 首先对导线内的集肤效应现象进行研究,直观地得到了导线内部的电流密度分布,确定了频率与集肤效应的关系。

    First , the skin effect in the lead is studied , the current density in the lead is described , and the relationship between the frequency and skin depth is presented .

  28. 孔隙演化研究表明,区内储集层的原始孔隙度均较高,经过一系列成岩作用后,原生孔隙所剩无几;

    The porosity evolution study suggests that the initial porosity of reservoir in the area is higher . After reservoir was subjected to a series of diagenesis , primary porosity of reservoir is less ;

  29. 尾静脉注射15d后受体肝内可见造血集落形成,造血集落数量和形态上实验组与对照组无差别。

    At 15th day after injection , there was no significant change of hematopoietic foci formation in livers between Neu-treated and untreated groups .

  30. 它真正让人兴奋的是,由始至终,在不到三个月的时间内,特性集就被组合在一起并提交到Geronimo的源代码树!

    What 's really amazing about this is that from start to finish the feature set has been put together and committed to the Geronimo source tree in a little less than three months !