
  • 网络Self-discipline consciousness;consciousness of self-discipline
  1. 媒体自身应树立自律意识,包括教化意识、道德意识和法律意识。

    The media itself should establish the consciousness of self-discipline , which includes indoctrination , moral and law .

  2. 高职美术生的思想特点是个性特征比较鲜明,文化素质相对较低,自律意识相对薄弱,在遵守纪律方面存在观念误区。

    The characteristics of the students'ideology of arts department in senior higher vocational institute have clear personality features , relatively weak consciousness of self-discipline and low culture quality . The art students have misunderstanding in aspect of discipline-obeying .

  3. 被评高校只有强化教学质量的自律意识,深化校内教学评估,才能巩固评建成果,持续提高教学质量。

    Universities can increase their education quality only by self-discipline consciousness .

  4. 其次,提高实践者行为自律意识。

    Secondly , to raise the practioners ' behavioral " self-restricted consciousness " .

  5. 试论人民警察自律意识的修养

    On training the police 's consciousness of self-controlling

  6. 不容易,如果你没有自律意识。

    Not easy if you 're not disciplined .

  7. 自觉强化廉洁自律意识是加强党的作风建设的关键

    Consciously Intensifying Self-discipline and Clean Conduct Is the Key to Improving the Party 's Conduct

  8. 目的完善药品召回制度,培育药品生产企业的诚信自律意识。

    Objective Perfecting the drug recall system will cultivate credit and self-disciplinary awareness of production enterprises .

  9. 公正廉洁的行政、司法品质,离不开这种自律意识。

    Character of just and clean-fingered administration , judicatory , cannot leave consciousness of this kind of self-discipline .

  10. 道德自律意识的增强,是以德治国实现的基础。

    Strengthening the sense of moral self-discipline is basic to realize the aim of running a country with morality .

  11. 三是新的教育模式探索过程中中学生自律意识的薄弱;

    Third , in the course of the exploration of new education pattern , the middle school students ' self-consciousness gets weak .

  12. 本文主张以单行法的方式具体规定网络侵权问题,建立有限制的网络实名制,提高网民的自律意识。

    The paper argues that a single law specified network violations , the establishment of limited NRS Internet users sense of self .

  13. 推行社区矫正制度可以增强服刑人员的自律意识,减少重新犯罪,提高罪犯改造质量等重要的意义。

    Adopting the community 's correction system can increase the self-discipline awareness of the persons serving setences , and improve the quality of prisoners ' reformation .

  14. 包括强化服务育人意识、增强改革创新意识、增强自律意识、增强效率意识和增强协作意识五个方面。

    Including strengthening awareness , enhanced sense of reform and innovation , enhance the rate of awareness , increase efficiency and enhance collaboration awareness of five .

  15. 要通过大学精神建设,激发我国大学内在的学术自觉精神,提高学术自律意识。

    We must , through the college spirit construction , trigger off the intrinsic spirit of academic consciousness in China 's college , improve academic self-rule awareness .

  16. 网络文化下的德育对策是改革高校德育内容,加强监控和管理,优化学校德育环境,提高大学生道德生活主体意识和道德自律意识。

    The counterplan is reforming the high school virtuous contents , enhancing to supervise and manage , changing morality education , increasing university student morals self-discipline consciousness .

  17. 当网民的自律意识和自律能力不足以抵挡不良影响时,网络管理制度则具有警示与约束的功能。

    When the users of the self-consciousness and self-discipline enough to withstand the adverse effects , the network management system is a function of warning and restraint .

  18. 调查研究认为,大学生网络行为失范的原因是多方面的,关键取决于大学生自身的综合素质高低和自律意识和能力的培育。

    Research that students network misconduct are many reasons , the key depends on the overall quality of students themselves and self-awareness and ability level of cultivation .

  19. 高校人格教育的发展趋势:一是要培养大学生的自我人格意识和自律意识,在内化上下功夫;

    Development trend of the university personality education is that , the first is that university train undergraduate 's self-personality consciousness and self-disciplines consciousness , make effort at inside ;

  20. 诚信是网络社会的生存之基,只有遵从诚信原则,增强自律意识,才能确保网络社会的净化和成熟。

    Honesty is the living fundament of network society , only by abiding by honesty principle , strengthening self-discipline consciousness , can we make certain the maturity and purity of network society .

  21. 部分高校大学生政治修养不高、缺乏网络道德意识和自律意识才是导致他们网络道德素质缺失的最重要的原因。

    Part of college students ' political training is not high , lack of network moral consciousness and autonomy consciousness which causes their lack of network moral quality is the most important reason .

  22. 开展效能监察,有利于培养师生的学术意识和自律意识,促进高校学术建设,防止学术腐败现象的发生。

    To develop potency supervision is advantageous in raise teachers ' and students ' academic consciousness and autonomy consciousness , and promotion university academic construction , prevent the occurrence of the academic corruption .

  23. 其审美现代性思想具体表现在审美自律意识、审丑意识和时间意识三个方面。

    Relying on such social reality , Baudelaire formed his aesthetic modernity theory which embodied in three aspects : the consciousness of the autonomy of aesthetics , appreciation of ugliness , and time .

  24. 同时,教育可以通过培养人才、调适社会心理、代际储备和加强社会成员的自律意识等促进社会的平等和公正。

    At the same time , education may play the key role of can promoting social equality and justice by cultivating talents , adjusting social mentality , reserving fund for offspring and strengthening self-discipline .

  25. 因此,着眼于内在控制机制建设,激发大学生的自律意识,增强大学生的慎独精神,不仅很有必要,而且更为现实。

    Therefore , on focus the internal control mechanism , stimulate the sense of self-discipline and strengthen the spirit of " self-supervision " of college students is not only necessary , but also more realistic .

  26. 消费者自身通过加强、学习绿色消费教育,强化对一次性消费绿色转向的自律意识,建立全新的绿色消费观,使一次性消费实现绿色转向。

    Customers through to learn and enhance the education of green consumption , strengthening self-discipline of disposable consumer green , establishing a new concept of green consumption , making a one-time consumption realize a green turn .

  27. 我们应充分发觉君子人格中所包含的对解决现实问题有帮助的方面,如君子的仁爱,义利观念,诚信观念,自律意识等。

    We find that a gentleman should be fully contained in the right personality to solve practical problems helpful aspects , such as a gentleman of benevolence , righteousness benefit trends , ethical values , and self-awareness .

  28. 不仅如此,高职教师还要面对一群文化知识基础差、自卑心理比较严重、自律意识不强的特殊学生群体。

    Moreover , higher vocational teachers have to face with specific groups of students a group of students , who have the poor cultural knowledge base , more serious inferiority complex , a weak sense of self-discipline .

  29. 网络文明建设的急需与呼唤是网络先进文化建设的迫切要求,也是促进网民不断提高自己的自律意识和自律能力迫切需要。

    The urgent need of civilization and the network is a network called an urgent requirement for construction of advanced culture , but also promote the users and constantly improve their ability to self-awareness and self-urgent needs .

  30. 本文通过问卷调查法和座谈会等方法,从价值取向、进取精神、道德素质、自律意识、人生态度、心理素质、就业观念、等思想道德素质进行了总结分析。

    Through questionnaires and forums and other methods , from the value orientation , entrepreneurial spirit , and moral qualities , self-awareness , attitude to life , psychological , employment concepts , such as ideological and moral qualities were analyzed .