
  • 网络gem;growth enterprise market
  1. 第四章对美国纳斯达克、英国AIM和香港创业板从运行机制、上市企业以及投资者等方面进行了分析,总结了我国在创业板建设中应该吸取的经验。

    Chapter IV analysis the United States NASDAQ , United Kingdom AIM and Hong Kong GEM from the operating mechanism , listed companies and investors , summarizes the experience and acceptance .

  2. 同时,内地民营企业选择声誉良好的财务顾问,有助于在香港创业板的顺利上市。

    The private enterprise can choose financial adviser of high reputation to ensure its listing in HK GEM .

  3. 但由中国公司组成的小盘股指数香港创业板指数(Gem)却上扬8.5%。

    Yet the GEM board , a small-caps index of Chinese companies , has risen 8.5 per cent .

  4. 香港创业板上市公司IPO前后业绩变化及其影响因素的实证研究

    Performance Change and Its Influence Factors in Initial Public Offerings : An Empirical Study on Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market

  5. 同样,香港创业板(GEM)创立之初曾吸引过一些关注,但自此以后,交易量就大幅下跌。

    Similarly , Hong Kong 's Growth Enterprise Market ( GEM ) attracted some initial attention but trading volume has since fallen drastically .

  6. 出于对管理研究要理论结合实际的认识,在整个研究过程中还查阅了大量关于我国民营企业融资的研究成果,并参考来自Nasdaq、香港创业板和国内主板市场的实际资料。

    Because of the importance of combining theories and practice in the research of management , during the course of the research I have referred a lot of productions of financing of private-owned corporations in China as well as data from Nasdaq and GEM of Hong Kong .

  7. 美国与香港创业板的比较分析及对我国创业板的启示

    American and HK starting board 's comparison analysis and its inspiration to China

  8. 技术的新型处理器。科技和金融的纽带&论香港创业板市场的设立

    The Link of Science and Technology with Finance

  9. 纳斯达克和香港创业板制度设计特点的比较研究及其意义

    The Studies on the Characteristics of the Systems of NASDAQ and Hong Kong GEM and Their Significance

  10. 香港创业板的创立为内地的高新技术企业提供了优良的渠道。

    The foundation of Hong Kong 's starting an undertaking block provides a good channel for inland 's advanced and new technology ventures .

  11. 德国新市场的失败和香港创业板市场的沉论源于片面追求规模做大忽视对投资者的保护而让投资者与其渐行渐远。

    New German market failures and Hong Kong gem market destruction from one-sided pursuit of scale big ignore investor protection and let investors and its tapering off .

  12. 根据风险企业的特殊性建立风险企业价值评价体系,在该评价体系下选择香港创业板144家企业作为实证分析的对象。

    Venture enterprise value evaluation system should be established according to the particularity of venture enterprises , and 144 corporations in Hong Kong growth enterprise market are selected as the analysis object .

  13. 上世纪末,酝酿10年之久的香港创业板终于呱呱坠地,它定位于为处于创业阶段的中小高成长性公司尤其是高科技公司,其发展和繁荣带给我们很大的经验和启示。

    The end of last century , Hong Kong Growth Enterprises Market board established with a ten years of the venture , which is set in for a second phase of the medium high growth company , especially high-tech companies .

  14. 香港创业板市场的建立不仅可以巩固其作为国际金融中心的地位,而且为内地民营企业拓宽融资渠道、进入国际资本市场提供了契机。

    The establishment of Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market ( HK GEM ) not only can consolidate its international financial center position , but also provide the chance that the interior private enterprises develop financial channel and enter international capital market .

  15. 第一、二章对纳斯达克市场和香港创业板市场设立背景和制度设计(选择了四个方面:监管、上市、退市、信息披露)的特点做了介绍与分析。

    Chapter One and Chapter Two are devoted to analyzing the backgrounds for the establishment and the systems of NASDAQ and Hong Kong GEM ( four aspects are included : supervision , listing , retreating , and information publicizing ), and summarizing their common features .

  16. 成立于1999年11月15日的香港创业板市场,担负着促进香港地区高科技和高成长性企业的发展、带动整个香港经济结构的调整和改善证券市场上市公司结构等特殊任务。

    The Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market ( HKGEM ) established on November 15 1999 undertake the special tasks to promote the development of Hi-Tech and start-up enterprises in Hong Kong , drive the adjustment of the Hong Kong economic structure and the listing corporate structure of the security market .

  17. 本文目的在探讨香港的创业板上市和监管制度、市场特色及其优势和风险。

    The aim of this Thesis is to explore and discuss the GEM 's listing rules and monitoring system , its economic and market characteristics and its advantages and risks .

  18. 以海外创业板成功和失败的教训和经验,通过理论和实践的结合和分析,就香港的特殊经济环境,提出多项建议以重建投资者对香港创业板的信心。

    With the lessons and experiences learnt from the success and failure of overseas growth enterprises markets , under the special economic environment of Hong Kong , we suggest several measures to rebuild the confidence of investors in GEM by virtue of both theories and practices analysis .