
  • 网络Shanghart;ShanghArt Gallery
  1. 香格纳画廊的老板何浦林(LorenzHelbling)说,上海著名艺术家丁乙和胡介鸣为稍小的中国省级展馆提供了方案。

    Famous Shanghainese artists Ding Yi and Hu Jieming provided projects for smaller Chinese provincial pavilions , says ShanghArt Gallery owner Lorenz Helbling .

  2. 一个瑞士人,在上海开设的香格纳画廊成为了中国当代艺术领

    Lorenz Helbling is a Switzer , who opened ShanghART Gallery , which is k

  3. 5月30日,芮欧(Réel)百货上海公司开幕了一个名叫“艺想天开”(InandOut)的展览,展示的是香格纳画廊的艺术家们的作品。香格纳画廊是上海的顶级画廊之一。

    On May 30 , R é el Shanghai Department Store opened an exhibition titled " In and Out " with works by artists from ShanghART , one of the city 's premier galleries .

  4. 在繁忙的静安地铁站的购物中心举办展览引起了香格纳画廊的总监何浦林(LorenzHelbling)的兴趣。

    The idea of an exhibition at the mall , located at the busy Jing'an subway stop , intrigued ShanghART 's director , Lorenz Helbling .