
  • 网络free school;independent school;autonomous schools
  1. 除了自主学校自行设定学费的金额,所有小学、中学、初级学院的学生都只付极少的学费。

    Except the scholarships the school offers , all the students shall only pay a little for the fee to go to school .

  2. 尽管很多由家长和教师创立的自主学校将在未来几周内开放,但作为个体,你会发现很难从已经削减的教育经费中分得一杯羹。

    Although many of the free schools that will open in the coming weeks were founded by parents and teachers , individuals will find it harder to obtain funding as cuts to the education budget bite .

  3. 第二代校长负责聚焦于四个方面:由外控管理学校走向自主管理学校;

    The proposals about the second generation of principal responsibility system in this article focus on four aspects : from externally-controlled schools to self-managing schools ;

  4. 学生自主管理作为学校管理的重要组成部分,它具有十分广泛而深刻的内涵。

    School Management college management as an important part , it hasa very broad and profound content .

  5. 自主发展呼唤学校制定学校发展规划。

    Independent development of the school calls for schools to make their own School Development Planning ( SDP ) .

  6. 享有一定自主权力的学校,必须承担起学校发展成败和教育品质高低的责任。

    In other words , schools that have certain rights of independence must take responsibility for school development and the quality of education .

  7. 促进学生自主发展是学校教育的本质和使命,符合当代基础教育课程改革的精神实质。

    Promoting students ' self-development is the essence and mission of school teaching , which also meets the spirit of the Basic Education Curriculum Reform .

  8. 对于不同空间中的社会生活内容,论文依次描述了学生在班级规范空间、自主空间、学校教育的制度空间中的交往活动。

    For the social life in different space , the study described the student communication activities in class space , self-determination space , and school system space .

  9. 缺乏自主性的学校,不可能提供有利于在学校中生活、工作、学习的个人发展的环境和条件,更不用说提供能够培养创造精神和独立个性的学生的教育。

    If a school is lack of autonomy , it can not offer the necessities for any person living , working or learning in it , even or cultivate the learners'with creativity and individual personality .

  10. 设置一门自主课程:《学校问题研讨》

    Designing a Self-Regulated Curriculum : Studies on School Problems ;

  11. 培养学生自主学习是职业学校英语教改的发展趋势

    Tendency of English Teaching Reform in Vocational Schools

  12. 最后,对中国自主管理的国际学校在课程设置和实施方面的问题作了一个思考,并提出一些建议。

    Finally , problems and suggestions about international schools run by Chinese are put forward .

  13. 略论依法自主办学与高等学校新型管理机制构建

    On Running School according to Law and the Setup of the New Administration Mechanism of Higher Education

  14. 论自主奋斗型优质学校的创建&以江苏省两所中学为例

    On the Creation of Independent-struggle Quality School & Taking Two Middle Schools in Jiangsu Province as an Example

  15. 针对制约我国高校跨学科专业发展的主要因素,当前发展跨学科专业,要做好以下工作:(1)将专业设置自主权下放给学校;

    To develop interdisciplines against constrained factors , following measures should be taken : 1 . Giving the power of specialty setting to universities ;

  16. 办学自主权使高等学校有了面向社会、面向市场调整优化学科结构的主体意识。

    Self-determination makes it possible for colleges / universities to possess the sense of optimizing their subject framework when facing the society and the market .

  17. 培养学生学习自主性是现代学校教育的目标,也是学生个体差异的必然要求。

    To cultivate students ' independent learning ability is the target of the modern school education and also the demands of students ' individual differences .

  18. 发展学生自主学习能力既是学校重要的教育目标,也是学生获得知识、发展技能的重要条件和途径。

    Developing students ' autonomous learning ability is the important education goal of schools and the vital prerequisite and necessary method of acquiring knowledge and developing skills for students .

  19. 学校现实的社会建构并非仅仅意味着外在社会力量在决定学校现实中的作用,同时也意味着学校自身的自主建构,以及学校中教育者的主动参与。

    The social construction of school life does not only mean the determination of the exterior social forces to the school reality , but also mean the active construction of the school itself and the teachers .

  20. 为保障教师形成自主反思的意识和能力并获得专业自主发展,学校需规定相关的制度,并形成反思文化。

    In order to ensure teachers form the awareness of self reflection and ability as well as obtain independent profession development , school needs to set certain related system and form reflection culture .