
  • 网络freestyle;Free Style;FREE-STYLE;Stile Liberty
  1. 用wiimote的z键开火。“自由风格模式”让玩家用慢动作瞄准敌人,选择射死还是射伤他们。

    Z-button on Wiimote fires gun . " freestyle mode " allows player to target enemies in slow motion , opting to shoot them fatally or disable them .

  2. 他说:“我也会观察卢卡斯的自由风格,有时候我很嫉妒。那是一种疯狂,一种疯狂科学家式的疯狂。”

    I do look at Lucas 's freer style , and I 'm sometimes envious , ' Mr. Haque says . ' It 's madness , in a mad-scientist way . '

  3. 加上其他漆画家们的探索与创新,现代蛋壳漆画呈现出题材广泛、技法自由、风格多样的多元化发展趋势。

    Together with other painters ' exploration and innovation , modern eggshell painting showing a wide range of topics , techniques freedom , diversity and diverse style trends .

  4. 我们不论这些观点是否妥当,其所表现出来的怀疑批判精神、自由讨论风格以及思辨创造思维实足为后人称道。

    Regardless the appropriateness of these viewpoints , the suspicious and dialectic spirit , the style of free discussion and the contemplative and creative minds are worth of the respect from later generations .

  5. 诗性在电影中通过自由间接主观性风格得以体现。

    The Poetic was realized by the Free Indirect Subjectivity in films .

  6. 玩家可以自由选择店面风格。

    The player can choose the style the shop freely .

  7. 对自由版式设计风格构成要素的研究。

    Second , the elements studying of the style of free format design .

  8. 在自由,法国风格的雕像。

    The statue of Liberty , French style .

  9. 装置艺术宽泛自由的形式风格使之成为很多艺术形式借鉴的资源。

    Installment art is a broading free form , causes it as one kind of artistic form to become the resources which many artistic forms use for resources .

  10. 当设计开始出现强烈的回归人性、回归自然、回归艺术本体的倾向,重视人性化、自由化、风格化、多元化,就开始追求文化品位和独特的审美情感。

    When the design began to emerge a strong return to human nature , back to nature , the tendency to return to art itself ; pay attention to human nature , liberalization , style , diversity , culture , the pursuit of design quality and unique aesthetic emotion .

  11. 她代表妇女的一番动人心弦的演讲,对社会平等及个人自由方面树立了风格并为她日后的许多的重要决定铺下了根基。

    Her eloquent language on behalf of women set the tone for social equality and personal liberty and laid the groundwork for a pivotal decision she would make a few years later .

  12. 从官民兼具的办学主体、修身养性的教育理念、自由开放的讲学风格、情深意笃的师生关系四个方面着手,对宋代书院办学特色作了较为详细的述评。

    In aspects of public and private subjects of running a school , the features as the emphasis on morality in education , the freedom in teaching , building closer relations between teachers and students , are discussed .

  13. 威廉姆斯以单口相声演员出道,凭借美国电视剧《默克与明迪》为人们所熟知,他以自由奔放的表演风格,塑造了一名想要融入地球生活的外星人角色。

    After beginning his career as a stand-up comic , Williams rose to fame in the iconic US television sitcom " Mork & Mindy , " channelling his anarchic , high-energy style as an extra-terrestrial struggling to fit in on Earth .

  14. 他们的独特风格,迥异于一般传统,给他们带来美誉及财富。但他们不能自由地另创风格或形式。这是因为群众向他们每个人所要求的正是他们原来所提供的一切。

    Their distinctive styles marked a significant change in the traditional forms and granted them fame and forturn , but they were not free to develop other styles or forms because their audience demanded of each of them what they originally presented .