
  • 网络astral;The Astral Body
  1. 在气场、星光体及其它类似的概念下,科学家明白人体电磁场究竟是怎么一回事。

    Under aura , astral and similar esoteric concepts scientists understand electromagnetic fields of the person .

  2. 借助练习星光体振动水平被提升,允许它能够脱离开肉体身体。

    With Practice the vibration level of the astral body is raised , allowing it to separate from the physical .

  3. 来吧,来吧,从(星光体)的梦之地升起。

    Come , come , rise from the dream-lands .

  4. 星光体知识和记忆的积累直到直觉变得很强烈时才能全部唤醒意识。

    Knowledge and memory of the astral plane are not registered in full waking consciousness until the intuition becomes strong enough .

  5. 一种爆裂的声音可能由星光体从松果体区域分离出来的时刻产生。

    A popping sound may occur at the time separation of the astral body in the area of the pineal gland .

  6. 当人类继续进化更进一步远离物质的时候,在从灵魂到物质回到灵魂的旅途上,松果体将会继续从它的长时间休眠状态中提升,产生人的星光体和精神能力。

    As human beings continue to evolve further out of matter , on the journey from spirit to matter back to spirit , the pineal gland will continue to rise from its state of age-long dormancy , bringing back to humanity astral capacities and spiritual abilities .