
  1. 在轨运行结果表明,C星电源分系统各部件状态良好,能满足任务要求。

    The on-orbit operation illustrated that the major parts of the power subsystem for C satellite were operated in good condition , which could satisfy the mission requirement .

  2. STARFIRE~(TM)-RTG星基差分实时精密单点定位原理、测试与应用

    STARFIRE ~ ( TM ) - RTG The Principle , Testing and Application of the Real-Time Differential Precise Single Positioning

  3. FY-2C星电源分系统及其在轨性能

    Power Source Subsystem of FY-2C Meteorological Satellite and Its On-Orbit Performance

  4. 环境减灾-1A、1B卫星星务分系统技术美国会议员提案设立科技防卫团防范恐怖攻击

    Technical Characteristics of HJ-1A / 1B Housekeeping System US Congressmen Raise A Bill to Set up Sci-Tech Unit to Prevent Terrorist Attacks

  5. FY-2C星控制分系统设计

    Control Subsystem Design of FY-2C Meteorological Satellite

  6. 按CCSDS分包遥测和遥测信道编码标准,设计和研制了星载分包遥测设备。

    Following CCSDS Packard telemetry and telemetry channel coding standard , an on Board packard telemetry equipment has been designed and implemented .

  7. 基于改进时星差分的室内伪卫星精密单点定位研究

    Indoor Pseudolites Precise Point Positioning Based on Improved Time-Satellites Difference

  8. 星载分包遥测设备的设计和研制

    Design And Implementation of On-Board Packard Telemetry Equipment

  9. 星基差分GPS&StarFire系统

    Star-based Differential GPS System & StarFire

  10. 三颗Be星的分光研究

    Spectroscopic observations of three be stars

  11. 导出了脉冲星差分观测方程,分析了它们对测量误差的消除或减弱能力。

    Differential observation equations are derived and their ability of eliminating and reducing observation errors is investigated .

  12. 应力分析法在星载SAR分系统中的应用

    The Application of Stress Analysis in the Satellite SAR Sub-system

  13. 星站差分GPS定位技术介绍

    Introduction of satellite difference GPS technique

  14. 手持式星站差分GPS在水面流速流向测量中的应用单基站差分GPS定位精度的分析与检验

    Measurement of Water Surface Flow Rate with Hand-held Satellite Difference GPS Analysis and Test of Single-Reference Station DGPS Positioning Precision

  15. 在实际应用中,宜采用如下技术流程:采用高精度的星站差分GPS采集足够数量的地面控制点;

    In practical applications , are advised to use the following technical processes : Collect a sufficient number of ground control points by high-precision WADGPS ;

  16. FY-2C星地面应用分系统工程建设

    Engineering Construction of the Ground Application Subsystem for FY-2C Meteorological Satellite

  17. 先由GPS伪距单点定位、GPS星内差分定姿获得卫星间相对位置、卫星姿态的先验信息,再采用Bayes最小二乘进行编队星座状态整体确定。

    Getting the apriority of relative positions between satellites and attitudes of satellite by using pseudo positioning and intra-CDGPS , the entire states of formation constellation have been resolved by Bayes Least Square .

  18. FY-2C星地面应用分系统指令与数据获取站

    Commands and Data Acquisition Station of the Ground Application Subsystem for FY-2C Meteorological Satellite

  19. 而星站差分GPS定位新技术(RTG),采用Inmarsat卫星数字通讯网传输广域差分改正信号比较好地解决了这一难题。

    The new technique of satellite difference GPS ( RTG ) uses corrected general domain difference signal transmitted by Inmarsat digital satellite communication network can better solve the difficulty .

  20. 介绍了风云二号(FY-2)C星地面应用分系统数据与指令接收站(CDAS)的主要技术指标、工作流程,以及与C星的星地接口与地面应用分系统其他部分的接口。

    The main performances and operation flowchart of the commands and data acquisition station ( CDAS ) of the ground application subsystem for FY-2C meteorological satellite were introduced in this paper , and so were the interfaces with the C satellite and other parts of the ground application system .

  21. 首次采用星站双差分技术试验研究GPS卫星广播星历误差影响值,推导了星站双差解析模型;最后,进行了试验和技术分析。

    The influence of broadcasting ephemeris error is estimated from the satellite-station double difference technology .

  22. 基于Skyrme-Hartree-Fock理论研究了两种典型的非对称核物质状态方程(软对称势和硬对称势)对中子星中化学组分的影响。

    Based on the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock theory , the proton fractions of the neutron stars are investigated for two typical asymmetric nuclear matter EOS , namely the soft symmetry potential and stiff symmetry potential .

  23. 重点研究了用于激光导星的偏振耦合分光技术。

    The polarizing beam coupling and splitting technology for LGS is the main part of this study .

  24. 不同生育期、氮肥水平和品种对烟草赤星病抗性组分的影响

    Effects of Different Growth Stages , Levels of Nitrogenous Fertilizer and Varieties on the Main Components of Resistance to Tobacco Brown Spot

  25. 利用载波相位差分GPS技术确定编队星座的姿态和相对位置时,由于卫星状态间的相互耦合和差分观测值的相关性,应该联合星内和星间的差分观测进行状态的整体解算。

    When determining attitude and relative position of formation constellation using carrier-phase differential GPS ( CDGPS ), the difference measurements of intra-satellite and inter-satellite must be combined to entirely resolve the states , because the states of the satellites are coupled and the difference measurements are correlative to each other .