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xīng hào
  • asterisk;star
星号 [xīng hào]
  • [asterisk] 书写符号*,在印刷中用作一般参考符号的第一个符号,表示字母或词的省略

星号[xīng hào]
  1. 打星号的项目可以删去。

    Items marked with an asterisk can be omitted .

  2. 我在要你首先完成的任务旁边标上了星号。

    I 've placed an asterisk next to the tasks I want you to do first .

  3. 要优先处理所有标星号的部分。

    Treat all the sections that have been starred as priority .

  4. 我在要你首先完成的任务旁边标上了星号。

    I 've asterisked the tasks I want you to do first .

  5. 我在班里女生名字旁都画了一个星号。

    I 've put a star by the names of the girls in the class .

  6. 星号“☆”代表体积元的有关量。

    An asterisk designates quantities that refer to the volume element .

  7. 星号是让读者参看脚注。

    The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote .

  8. 他在第一页上加了个星号。

    He added an asterisk to the first page .

  9. 请注意,惟一的必填字段是带星号()的字段和InstanceName。

    Note that the only mandatory fields are those starred () and the Instance Name .

  10. 用于处理查询的Web搜索引擎样式的界面专门用于处理查询中的多个星号。

    The Web search engine-style interface used for processing the queries is designed to handle multiple asterisks in the query .

  11. 星号表示服务和端口是打开的并且正在侦听所有IP地址。

    The asterisk indicates that the service and ports are open and listening on all IP addresses .

  12. 注:当输入时,所有PIN在屏幕上都以星号显示。

    Note : All PINs show up as stars on-screen when entered .

  13. 如果你写的是HTML格式的邮件,用破折号、星号和子弹号立出清单。

    Make lists with dashes , asterisks , or bullets if you use HTML email .

  14. 注意FLIGHTS选项卡上单词FLIGHTS之前的那个星号。

    Notice on the FLIGHTS tab the asterisk that precedes the word FLIGHTS .

  15. 您可以方便地将该类型更改为password,并将该字段中的用户输入替换为一串星号。

    You can easily change the type to password and replace user input in that field to a series of asterisks .

  16. 建议您用双引号将跟踪屏蔽括起来,以免操作系统shell对星号发生错误判断。

    It is recommended that you enclose the trace mask with double quotation marks to avoid possible misinterpretation of the asterisk character by the operating-system shell .

  17. 他们的全垒打功绩或赛扬奖(CyYoung)荣誉不再是被标记上星号,而是直接从记录中抹去。

    Their home-run titles or Cy Young awards would not be listed with asterisks ; they would simply be wiped away .

  18. 在这个示例中,Bash将星号()解释为Shell运算符,而不是正则表达式运算符。

    Here , in the case of Bash , the asterisk () is interpreted as a shell operator , not as a regular expression operator .

  19. 去年11月沙特阿拉伯的油轮“天狼星号”(siriusstar)遭劫持后,随即出现船员夺回控制权的报道。

    In November , after the Saudi-owned oil tanker Sirius Star was hijacked , there were immediate reports that the crew had regained control .

  20. 例如,(星号)和$(美元符号)都是regex操作符,并且对于您的Shell具有特殊的含义。

    For example , both ( asterisk ) and $ ( dollar sign ) are regex operators and also have special meaning to your shell .

  21. 此系统被称作starroutes,即“星号邮路”。三个世纪前才建立起来的邮政业务,到今天已发展成在美国的每一个市、镇和村都设有邮局的广泛的政府业务。

    The postal service which was started over 3 centuries ago , has developed into an extensive government service with post offices in every city , town and village in the United States .

  22. 在本例中,最有一条if语句为false(因为查询词不以星号为开头),因此构建好的正则表达式将被返回给algNWord子程序。

    The last if statement is false in this case ( as the query word did not begin with an asterisk ), so the built regular expression is returned to the alg_N_Word subroutine .

  23. 总体而言,它的工作对我来说奇妙,因为我的FTP程序存储的密码后面的星号和我能够恢复所有的我的FTP密码。

    Overall , it worked wonderfully for me since my FTP programs stored the passwords behind the asterisks and I was able to recover all of my FTP passwords .

  24. 当你看到星号,通过查找在谓词信息中的ID号去看(在WHERE子句的条件中)哪个谓词关联到了那个操作。

    When you see the asterisk , you know to look for that ID number in the Predicate Information section to see which predicate ( condition in the WHERE clause ) was related to that operation .

  25. 在items中,路径位置表达式使用星号作为通配符NameTest匹配所有子元素below-item。

    Within items , the path location expression then uses an asterisk to perform a wildcard NameTest to match on all child elements below-items .

  26. 与星虎号客机一样,阿里尔星号(StarAriel)也是一驾图多尔四引擎客机,原定于1949年1月17日由百慕大(Bermuda)飞往牙买加(Jamaica),机上共有7名机组人员和13名乘客。

    A Tudor IV aircraft , like the Star Tiger , left Bermuda on January 17 , 1949 , with seven crew members and 13 passengers en route to Jamaica .

  27. 第三个字段中的星号表示,在这个进程的任何模块中找到的foo()函数都应该探测。

    The asterisk in the third field indicates that the function foo () is to be probed if it exists in any module of the process .

  28. 关于该页面,稍微有点混淆的地方是,NIEM遵从性所必需的字段并没有全都标记有黄色星号。

    One thing that is slightly confusing about this page is that the fields required for NIEM conformance are not all marked with yellow asterisks .

  29. 我在工具条内提供了关于Scrum和“灵活”的术语的词汇表,并且在下文中这些术语首次出现的地方用星号作了标记。

    I provide a glossary for Scrum and agile terms in the sidebar , and I use an asterisk ( * ) after the first occurence of these terms in the text below .

  30. 是,可我认为那时我已死了几百年了。asterisk:星号cyborg:电子人,半机器人而且他的名字后面还有个*号,注释着他是个半机器人。

    Sheldon : Yes , but I assumed I would 've been dead hundreds of years And that there 'd be an asterisk by his name because he 'd be a cyborg .