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前事 [qián shì]
  • [the past] 过去的事情

  • 野谚曰,前事之不忘,后事之师也。--《史记.秦始皇纪》

  1. 前事不忘,后事之师。

    Lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future .

  2. 一个启蒙战士的生前事与身后名

    The Living Matter and Fame after Death of An Enlighten Warrior

  3. 前事不忘,后事之师。牢记历史,是为了开创未来;

    Remember the history , so we can create the future ;

  4. 童子撒母耳在以利面前事奉耶和华。

    The boy Samuel ministered before the LORD under Eli .

  5. 那孩子在祭司以利面前事奉耶和华。

    Then Elkanah went home to Ramah , but the boy ministered before the LORD under Eli the priest .

  6. 我们不在乎隐私,也没有来访前事先预约的习惯。

    We don 't respect privacy and there is no such thing as making an appointment to see someone .

  7. 表示事情相继发生,所以后事是前事之果,但这不总是事实。

    One thing follows the other , therefore it was caused by the other , but it 's not always true .

  8. 前事不忘,后世之师,我们一定要牢记这次血的教训。

    Lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future . We must keep firmly in mind these costly lessons .

  9. 阿尔:文斯,贾森在多大程度上介入了你的决定?你们事前事后做过很多沟通吗?

    Al : Vince , how much did Jason play into this , whether talking to him beforehand , during and after everything ?

  10. 令人精疲力尽的并不是要做的事本身&而是事前事后患得患失的心态。

    What makes us exhausted is not the thing we did , but the mood of worrying about personal gains beforehand and losses afterwards .

  11. 就要奉耶和华他神的名事奉,像他众弟兄利未人侍立在耶和华面前事奉一样。

    He may minister in the name of the LORD his God like all his fellow Levites who serve there in the presence of the LORD .

  12. 理智的来讲,对事物的思考我们必须用自己的理解力而非对前事的盲目照搬,去做出明智的抉择。

    As rational , thinking beings we must use our intellect , not a blind devotion to what has come before , to make rational choices .

  13. 他们必进入我的圣所,就近我的桌前事奉我,守我所吩咐的。

    They shall enter into my sanctuary , and they shall come near to my table , to minister unto me , and they shall keep my charge .

  14. 前事不忘后事之师&要正视长江三峡工程对当地环境的有害影响

    PAST EXPERIENCE , IF NOT FORGOTTEN , IS A GUIDE FOR THE FUTURE & Must Face up to the Adverse Effect of Yangtze Three Gorges Project on the Environment

  15. 我的众子阿,现在不要懈怠。因为耶和华拣选你们站在他面前事奉他,与他烧香。

    My sons , do not be negligent now , for the Lord has chosen you to stand before him and serve him , to minister before him and to burn incense .

  16. 我们本着“前事不忘,后事之师”的精神,发展同日本长期稳定的友好关系

    " We shall develop long-term , stable friendly relations with Japan while keeping in mind that past experience , if not forgotten , can serve as a guide for the future "

  17. 据有些官员透露,新的继任人包括外务省前事务次官薮中三十二和现任驻泰国大使佐藤重和。

    Some officials have been reported as saying the candidates for that position are Mi-toji Yabu-naka , the current Japanese Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs in charge of administration and Shi-ge-kazu Sato , the current Japanese ambassador to Thailand .

  18. 那时,上主选拔了肋未支派,叫他们抬上主的约柜,侍立在上主面前事奉他,并奉他的名祝福,直到今日。

    At that time he separated the tribe of Levi , to carry the ark of the covenant of the Lord , and to stand before him in the ministry , and to bless in his name until this present day .

  19. 恳请为我培养一个心地清明、目标高远的儿子,使他成为一个能责人之心责己的人,一个前事不忘后事之师的人。

    Build me a son whose heart will be clear , whose goal will be high ; a son who will master himself before he seeks to master other men ; one who will reach into the future , and never forget the past .

  20. 那时耶和华将利未支派分别出来、抬耶和华的约柜、又侍立在耶和华面前事奉他、奉他的名祝福、直到今日。

    At that time the LORD had the tribe of Levi marked out to take up the ark of the lord 's agreement , to be before the Lord and to do his work and to give blessings in his name , to this day .

  21. 这些理念主要包括四种,即食品安全的理念、保证人类健康和消费者利益的理念、从农田到餐桌的食品全程规范理念、食品安全事故的事前事后双监督理念。

    These concepts include four kinds , namely the concept of food security , protect the human health and the interests of consumers , the concept of " from farm to table " food whole standardized concept of food safety incidents ," before and after the double supervision " concept .