
tōnɡ pèi fú
  • wildcard;wildcard character
  1. teststring的格式是由冒号(:)分隔的一系列通配符模式。

    The format for the test string is a series of wildcard patterns separated by colons (:) .

  2. 不要在LIKE语句里使用通配符%开始的字串。

    Avoid using a wildcard as the leading character in a LIKE clause , for example , LIKE ' % a % ' .

  3. 通配符是另一种简写形式,用来引用目录中的内容。

    Wildcards are another form of shorthand to refer to the contents of a directory .

  4. 有关在查询中使用通配符的详细信息,请参阅access通配符参考一文。

    For more information about using wildcards in your queries , see the article access wildcard character reference .

  5. 类似于OpenType,您可以使用通配符或缩写来快速缩小列表中的资源范围。

    Similar to Open Type , you can use wildcard characters or abbreviations to quickly narrow down the list of resources .

  6. 示例Customer类中的子方面只是枚举所有以通配符作为参数的方法。

    The subaspect in the example Customer class simply enumerates all the methods with wildcards for arguments .

  7. copy不支持通配符或目录副本。

    Copy does not support wildcards or directory copies .

  8. NetSearchExtender支持两种用于通配符搜索的字符匹配

    Net Search Extender supports two kinds of character masking for wildcard search

  9. ZShell具有许多独特的通配符匹配操作符。

    The Z shell has many unique glob operators .

  10. 通配符类型List>与原始类型List和具体类型List都不相同。

    The wildcard type List > is different from both the raw type List and the concrete type List .

  11. 使用通配符的建议如你所料,SQL的通配符是非常强大的。

    As you can see , SQL 's wildcards are extremely powerful .

  12. delete命令不接受通配符。

    The delete command does not accept wild card ( * ) characters .

  13. 这是因为SOAP树中的这些项定义为通配符。

    This is because these items in the SOAP tree are defined as wildcards .

  14. 此主题字符串使用了特殊的通配符+字符,它让NorthernAir得以订阅所有机场的航班抵达信息。

    This topic string uses the special wildcard + character , which enables Northern Air to subscribe to arrivals for all airports .

  15. 现在您可以选择,AutomaticDataCollection工具在客户机或服务器上运行时,将会收集哪些文件(使用通配符)。

    Now you can select which files ( using wildcards ) will be collected by the Automatic Data Collection tool when it runs on clients or servers .

  16. php能进行有限的通配符匹配。

    PHP will perform limited wildcard matching .

  17. 为了减少这种威胁,应该尽可能使用通配符来保护Servlet。

    To prevent this , whenever possible , use wildcards to secure servlets .

  18. 争议很大的惟一粒子属性(UniqueParticleAttribution,UPA)规则不允许使用可选的通配符。

    The very controversial Unique Particle Attribution ( UPA ) rule makes it difficult to use optional wildcards .

  19. 弱通配符(WeakWildcard)&允许通配符紧接在可选元素之后

    Weak wildcards-permits wildcards adjacent to optional elements

  20. 在Output页面中填充通配符属性(例如文件名wildcard.txt;对于这个例子,我们使用.xml)。

    Fill the wild card property ( filename wildcard . txt , for example ; we use . xml for this case ) in the " Output " page .

  21. 您仍然可以选择是列出每个可能的URL模式还是使用/通配符注册。

    You still have the option to list the URL patterns individually or use the / wild card registration .

  22. 您可以列出每个可能的URL模式,或者使用/通配符注册,如下所示。

    You can either list each possible URL pattern , or use the / wild card registration as shown below .

  23. 但这个示例无需检查通配符元素,因此将其设置为skip。

    But this example doesn 't bother checking the wildcard elements , so leave it set to skip .

  24. 当遇到一个名为userName的元素时,难以确定它是与通配符

    When an element named userName is encountered , it is ambiguous whether it matches the wildcard

  25. 包含processContents=“skip”的最简单的通配符用法能够使您避免大多数这种复杂性。

    The simplest use of wildcards with processContents = " skip " will allow you to avoid most of this complexity .

  26. 以下脚本将使用通配符表达式%MEASURES以及脚本ALTERTABLE和REORG命令扫描指定的AW事实表。

    The script below will scan for AW fact tables named using the wildcard expression % _MEASURES and scripts ALTER TABLE and REORG commands .

  27. 几乎所有的JMS供应商都使用不同的通配符,这使得在运行时统一定义主题名称变得很困难。

    Almost all JMS providers employ different wild-card characters , making it tough to uniformly define the topic names at run time .

  28. 前两个参数可以使用空字符串或NULL,以执行通配符()搜索。

    You are allowed to use an empty string or NULL in the first two parameters to perform a wild card () search .

  29. 通过在版本号中使用通配符,甚至可以允许Composer以您的名义升级库。

    By using a wildcard in the version number , you can even allow Composer to upgrade libraries on your behalf .

  30. 注意通配符形式,这是CSE的特性之一。

    Notice the wildcard form , one of the features of CSE .