
  • 网络Hydraulic Transmission System;hydraulic drive system;hydraulic power actuating system
  1. 混凝土搅拌运输车液压传动系统研究与设计

    Research and Design of Hydraulic Drive System of Concrete Mixer Truck

  2. 工程机械液压传动系统的现代智能故障诊断方法

    Modern intelligent malfunction diagnosis for hydraulic drive system of engineering machinery

  3. 基于Web的远程液压传动系统设计模式研究

    Study on Web-based Tele-design Mode of Hydraulic Power Transmission System

  4. PLC在推焦车液压传动系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in hydraulic transmission of pushing machine in coking plant

  5. 该系统已经应用于我们的实验教学中,它可以对液压传动系统PLC的运行状态进行实时监控。

    This system has been put into operation in our experiment teaching , which can monitor the running state of Hydraulic transmission system .

  6. 考虑到液压传动系统的非线性特性,为了提高模型的准确性,采用了分布式物理图网建模方法建立液压系统模型。NET的开放式数控系统的一项关键技术。

    In consideration of the nonlinear characteristics of hydraulic transmission system , the distributed physical net modeling method is applied to improve the accuracy of the model .

  7. RY型热压机液压传动系统的改进设计

    The Improvement Design of the Hydraulic Driving System of the RY-type Hot Presses

  8. 本文总结了工程机械液压传动系统大量成熟的设计理论,结合人工智能和专家系统技术提出了工程机械液压传动智能CAD系统趵实现方法。

    This paper summarized numerous mature design theories for construction machines and . in association to artificial intelligence and expert system technique , presents the implementation of an intelligent CAD system for hydraulic transmission on construction machines .

  9. 本文介绍我国自行设计的160t救援起重机的液压传动系统与设计原则,并根据近期参考文献资料对该系统提出几点改进的建议。

    This paper describes the hydraulic transmission system and its design principle of a 160t rescue crane of domestic design . Some proposals concerning improvement of the machine are also given in the paper .

  10. 本设计主要是为卧式组合机床设计的液压传动系统。

    This hydraulic transmission system is mainly designed for horizontal machine .

  11. 液压传动系统液压油泵的噪声分析

    Oil Pump Noise Analysis of the Hydraulic Power Transmission Sytem

  12. 用二通插装式控制阀实现液压传动系统的集成

    Using the cartridge valves form the integrated hydraulic transmission and control system

  13. 风扇温控调速液压传动系统研究

    Study on fan hydraulic drive system of temperature regulate speed

  14. 斗轮装盐机液压传动系统的设计

    Design of the Hydraulic Transmission System of Bucket Wheel Loading Salt Machine

  15. 在液压传动系统设计计算中可采用本文推导出的公式。

    The formula is applicable to the designing of hydraulic transmission systems .

  16. 被动[从动]摩擦圈测井绞车液压传动系统的设计和创新

    Driven friction ring Design of the hydraulic system of the logging truck

  17. 专用自动钻床液压传动系统设计

    The Design of the Fluid Drive System for Special Automatic Drill Presses

  18. 船舶液压传动系统故障诊断的理论研究

    A study on fault diagnosis theory of marine hydraulic system

  19. 大功率轮胎式装载机的液压传动系统研究

    Research to the System of Hydrostatic Transmission of Big power Wheel Loader

  20. 混凝土搅拌输送车拌筒液压传动系统的设计

    Design of hydraulic drive of the mixing drum in transit concrete mixer

  21. 特种重型运输车辆液压传动系统的模糊控制

    Fuzzy Control in the Hydraulic System of Special Heavy-duty Vehicle

  22. 液压传动系统中节能技术的探讨

    Discuss on Energy Saving Technique in the Hydraulic Transmission System

  23. 液压传动系统在螺杆挤压机中的应用

    The Application of Hydraulic Drive Systems in the Screw Extruder

  24. 与液压传动系统相比,它污染相对较小,经济性好,制造维修方便。

    It has less pollution , better economy and easier making than hydraulic .

  25. 测井绞车液压传动系统的设计和创新

    Design of the hydraulic system of the logging truck

  26. 提高液压传动系统抗干扰能力设计方法的研究

    Investigation in design method of improving antidisturbance ability for fluid power transmission system

  27. 液压传动系统在塔式起重机顶升系统中的应用

    The application of hydraulic transmission system in the lift-up system of tower crane

  28. 矿井装、卸载液压传动系统

    Hydraulic Drive System for Loading and Dumping in Shaft

  29. 典型液压传动系统的虚拟设计与可视化

    Virtual design and visualization of typical hydraulic transmission system

  30. 新型登陆舰液压传动系统的设计分析

    Design analysis of the hydraulic transmission system developed for new type of landing ship