
  • 网络Liquid polysulfide rubber;PSR;LPSR
  1. 以液体聚硫橡胶作为主体材料制成密封腻子,结合舰船的使用环境,对该材料的力学性能、粘接性能、耐介质性能、耐辐照性能以及与油漆的配套性进行了研究。

    The performance of a new sealing material made of liquid polysulfide rubber is investigated with reference to working environment in ship .

  2. 本文主要研究了不同剂量γ射线辐射对巯基封端液体聚硫橡胶及其耐高温航空煤油性能的影响,确定了适宜的辐射剂量为16kGy。

    Effect of γ - ray radiation with different doses on the viscosity of mercapto-terminated liquid polysulfide rubber and the resistance to high temperature aviation kerosene for the sealants was studied . The results showed that the suitable radiation dose is 16 kGy .

  3. 其基本组份之一是液体聚硫橡胶。

    The basic ingredient of the mixture is liquid thiokol .