
jiǎo jiē
  • hinge joint;splice;knuckle joint;hinge
铰接 [jiǎo jiē]
  • [hinge joint] 用铰链把两个物体连接起来

  • 铰接门窗

铰接[jiǎo jiē]
  1. 工程机械因关键联接部位(铰接点等)润滑不良而引起的磨损已成为影响其效益的重要因素。

    The abrasion of the engineering machine 's key connection position ( for example the hinge joint and so on ) because of the poor lubrication has become the major factor that affected the mechanical benefit .

  2. 既有简支铰接空心板梁桥结构状况动力评估

    Dynamic Assessment About Existing Simply-supported Hinge Joint Celluar Slab Bridges

  3. 后面的门是在顶部铰接上的,以便可以向上开。

    The rear door is hinged at the top so that it opens upwards .

  4. 通过金属铰接的软管用来将水从煤水车输送到锅炉。

    The metal hinged hose was used to transfer water from a tender to a boiler .

  5. 一端固定一端铰接H形截面钢柱抗火性能试验研究

    Experimental investigation of the behaviors of pinned-fixed H-section steel columns under fire

  6. 某铰接客车承载式车身骨架CAE分析与研究

    A Study on CAE Analysis of an Integral Articulated Bus

  7. 基于ADAMS的集中质量铰接式自卸车平顺性仿真研究

    Study of Ride Comfort Simulation of Lumped Mass Articulated Dump Truck Based on ADAMS

  8. 青岛国际帆船中心是2008年奥运会帆船帆板比赛场地之一,其媒体中心钢屋面结构比较特殊,单榀平面结构为圆弧形H型钢梁和圆管柱铰接而成。

    The steel roofing of Qingdao International Sailboat Center for 2008 Olympic Games is shaped as quarter arc , which is made of H-beam and pipe column .

  9. 因为混凝土和H型钢两种材料性能的差异,使得该结构的受力性能和传力机理与传统门式刚架或钢筋混凝土铰接排架有较大区别。

    Because the mechanics properties of the concrete and H section steel have great difference , so this structure is more complex than portal frame or bent structure .

  10. BRT大型客车铰接装置控制系统设计

    Design of control system for BRT large bus articulated device

  11. 文中详述了客车整车及铰接系统有限元模型的建立过程,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS,通过合理的简化,建立了整车及铰接系统的有限元模型。

    Using the FEA software ANSYS , through reasonable simplification , established the Finite Element Model of the articulation systems and the whole vehicle .

  12. 针对现场的需要,设计制备了一种以改性MC尼龙为原材料的护顶铰接顶梁。

    In view of the worksite demand , a noosing cross beam for the lop protection was designed with MC nylon as raw material .

  13. 本文的主要工作如下:(1)对两种不同支承条件(两端铰接,一端固定另一端铰接)下的H型截面轴心受压钢构件的限制失稳问题进行了理论分析。

    Firstly , buckling load of H-section axial pressure structures is studied aim at two different conditions of support : both ends are hinged and one end is hinged but the other is rigid connection .

  14. 荷兰铁路铰接式Sprinter电动车组

    The Articulated Sprinters EMUs in Holland

  15. 研究表明,铰接式高速客车转向架在300km/h运行时具有优良的动力性能。

    The excellent and good dynamic performance of the bogies at high speed of 300 km / h has been achieved by the research .

  16. 通过对K型铸钢节点与K型钢管相贯节点的有限元分析表明,K型铸钢节点应用于结构后,节点连接不能按照相贯节点铰接假设计算,也不可按照简单刚接考虑。

    After the finite element analysis of K-type tubular joints and K-type castle steel joints , it is presented that the K-type castle steel joint can not be regarded as both hinged joint and rigid joint .

  17. 1km铰接式扬矿子系统横向运动仿真与实验研究

    Experimental Study for Lateral Motion of 1 km Articulated Lifting Subsystem

  18. 张力式平台(TLP)和铰接塔是一种典型的流体和固体相互耦合作用的结构,这类问题的研究是近年来的热点。

    The tension leg platform or an articulated tower is a typical system of fluid and structure interaction , which is a focus in resent research .

  19. 结合大型工程有限元计算程序ANSYS,将古代城楼和城墙通过节点耦合起来作为一个整体结构研究。其中,有限元中的简化计算模型是:对于城楼木结构,将柱与柱础简化为铰接形式;

    The mostly work are that ancient timber structures and rampart structures are coupled by nodes as a integrated study object , according to mechanics analysis and scientific predigestion of ancient architecture , and combined the programmer of finite element analysis ANSYS .

  20. 65t岸边集装箱起重机前后大梁铰接孔的加工工艺

    A Process Technique of a Line Reaming on the Front and Rear Main Beam of a 65t Shore Container Crane

  21. 运用VB6.0软件开发出电主轴铰接高速移动机构的运动仿真软件,其分析的结果为该机构在高速加工中心中的应用提供了理论依据。

    The movement simulation software of the high-speed moving mechanism is designed by using VB6.0 's software . The results supply theory foundation for the application of high-speed cutting machines or machining center .

  22. DL-621三架六轴铰接电车动力分析

    Dynamic Analysis of DL-621 Articulated Train with Three Bogies and Six Axles

  23. 铰接式自卸汽车(ADT)是一种非公路载重运输车辆,因具有广泛的道路适应性与良好的机动性备受世界各国的重视。

    Articulated Dump Truck ( ADT ) is a non-highway heavy-duty transport vehicle , it obtains much attention around the world because of its good mobility and wide range road adaptability .

  24. 本文以CJ6181GCHK高级城市客车的应用为例,对推式铰接装置的电气应用进行介绍。

    Its electric application is introduced here with the example of CJ6181GCHK advanced city bus .

  25. 通过仿真分析,综合各项指标评价出BRT客车操纵稳定性较好,前、后车身的相对运动被铰接装置限制在允许的范围以内。

    By analyzing the simulation results , thanks to the existence of Articulation System the BRT vehicle have higher Controllability and stability . The relative movement of front and trailer bodies has been limited in an allowed range .

  26. 考虑海流和波浪对平台的作用,应用Morison公式计算铰接塔平台瞬时位置所受水动力,依据拉格朗日原理建立了铰接塔平台的强非线性运动方程。

    Considering current and wave loads , and hydro-dynamics acted on the ATP at the instantaneous position is calculated by Morison formula , the highly nonlinear motion equation is established by Lagrange principle .

  27. 铰接塔平台为适应水深100m~500m的顺应式平台,可用于单点系泊、装载终端、控制塔、海底安装等生产环节。

    The articulated tower platform ( ATP ) is the a kind of compliant platform designed for water depths of 100 to 500 m , it is used as single point mooring or as loading terminals , control towers , seabed installation facilities .

  28. 本文主要介绍了快速公交客车(BRT)整车及铰接系统的结构及原理、有限单元法(FEA)的基本原理、有限单元法及有限元软件CAE方法在汽车行业的应用状况及发展趋势。

    This paper introduced the bus structure and the principle of Bus Rapid ( BRT ) System , including the articulation systems and the whole vehicle , the principle of the finite element analysis method ( FEA ), the application and trend of the FEA method and FEA software ANSYS .

  29. 伸缩式带式输送机采用双电机头部集中驱动,由机头传动部、可储带25m的储带装置、张紧装置和机身组成,伸缩式带式输送机支架和托辊组之间连接采用铰接结构。

    The telescopic belt conveyor made up of head driving , device of storing 25 m belt , tensing device and fuselage , adopts head concentration driving of double motor , and adopts splice joint structure between support of telescopic belt conveyor and idle frame .

  30. 铰接车辆稳定性的监测与控制方法

    The Method of Monitor and Control for Stability of Articulated Vehicle