
  • 网络Liquid silicone rubber;LsR;alsr
  1. 讨论了n(Si-H)∶n(Si-Vi)值、含氢硅油中活性氢的质量分数及耐漏电起痕添加剂的用量对液体硅橡胶性能的影响。

    The effects of n ( Si-Vi )∶ n ( Si-H ), the mass fraction of active hydrogen in hydrogen-containing silicone oil , and the amount of additives of electric leakage resistant on the properties of LSR were discussed .

  2. 通过添加增粘剂,制得与金属基材具有较好粘接性的加成型液体硅橡胶。

    The addition cure LSR with good adhesion with metal was prepared by adding adhesion promoters .

  3. 液体硅橡胶(LSR)具有独特的物理性能,通过液体硅橡胶注射模设计实例,分析了其注射模设计中应注意的几个问题。

    The liquid silica rubber ( LSR ) had unique physical performance , through the liquid silica rubber injection mold design example , analyzed several attention points in designing injection mold .

  4. MQ树脂用作加成型液体硅橡胶(LTV)的补强材料,可赋予LTV较好的机械性能、很好的流动性,对玻璃、陶瓷等材料较好的粘接性;

    S : The use of MQ silicone resin as reinforcing material for additive type liquid silicone rubber ( LTV ) could endow the LTV with better mechanical properties and fluidity . It has better adhesive power for metals , glasses and ceramics .

  5. 介绍了液体硅橡胶在电子耳蜗电极上的应用,由于工艺及技术的问题,用SilasticMDX-4210做了初步尝试,希望对以后的研究有一定参考。

    This paper introduces the application of LSR in cochlear implant , and focuses primarily on the electrode array design by Silastic MDX-4210 , hoping it could provide a reference for further studies .

  6. 加成型液体硅橡胶注射成型工艺

    Injection Molding Technology Progress of Addition Type Liquid Silicone Rubber

  7. 加成型液体硅橡胶催化固化体系研究

    The Vulcanization of Addition Curing Type Liquid Silicone Rubber in Different Catalyzer

  8. 本文概述了加成型液体硅橡胶的基础原料、助剂、添加剂、催化剂、硫化机理及应用,综述了近年来开发的几种新型加成型液体硅橡胶及其应用。

    New types of addition type liquid silicone rubber were explorationed in recent years .

  9. 加成型液体硅橡胶概述

    Addition type liquid silicone rubber

  10. 两种填料的结构性质与其在液体硅橡胶组分中的分散性和相容性密切相关,进而影响硅橡胶的性能。

    The dispersion and compatibility properties in liquid silicone rubber are mainly affected by the structures of two fillers .

  11. 配制加成型液体硅橡胶基胶以及新型防粘纸用隔离剂;

    Used as base rubber for preparing addition type liquid silicone rubber and new dusting agent for anti-adhesive paper ;

  12. 电子工业用加成型液体硅橡胶灌封料的关键技术指标为:胶料黏度、硫化胶力学性能和电性能。

    The key properties of additional liquid silicone potting material in electronic industry are viscosity , mechanical property and dielectric property .

  13. 研究了硅硼增粘剂和钛酸酯增粘剂对加成型液体硅橡胶的黏度和粘接性的影响。

    The effects of silicon-boron and titanate adhesion promoter on the viscosity and adhesion of the addition cure LSR were studied .

  14. 介绍了液体硅橡胶的成型工艺、成型设备及其特点。

    The fine performances of liquid silicone rubber products and the significance of developing the technique were pointed out in this paper .

  15. 研究了不同导电填料填充液体硅橡胶的电阻率及屏蔽值随填料配比、拉力的变化特性。

    The dependence of electrical resistance and shielding effectiveness on filler proportioning and tensile force are studied in liquid silicone rubber with different conductive fillers .

  16. 加成型液体硅橡胶与缩合型液体硅橡胶相比,具有卓越的优点。

    The basic material , additive and promoter , catalyst , vulcanization mechanism , and application of the addition type liquid silicone rubber were summarized in this paper .

  17. 液体硅橡胶与各种基材具有良好的粘接性,液体硅橡胶的低粘度能消除机械压力对复合基材的不良影响。

    LSR has good adhesiveness with all kinds of baseplates ; And the low viscosity of LSR can eliminate the bad effect of the mechanical pressure to the composite baseplates .

  18. 本文介绍在震动三轴试验中,采用试件表面涂液体硅橡胶的方法以消除橡皮膜顺变性的影响。

    This paper describes the test method based on coating a kind of liquid silica gel on the surface of soil specimens in dynamic triaxial tests for eliminating the membrane penetration effect .

  19. 介绍液体硅橡胶用作防火工艺夹板门模具的胶料配方、工艺和产品性能,该产品获得用户认可。

    The pater introduces the compound recipe , technology and product performance of mold made from fluid silicone rubber for split door for fire proof technology . The product has the approval of consumer .

  20. 随着电子工业的快速发展,加成型液体硅橡胶灌封料由于其优异的性能在电子元件灌封中的应用日渐加大,被认为是极有发展前途的电子工业用新型材料。

    With the rapid development of electronic industry , additional liquid silicone potting material , for its outstanding performance , is increasingly used in electronic parts and is considered as a new prospective material used in electronic industry .

  21. 论文通过对液体硅橡胶和固体硅橡胶憎水迁移性能的比较,验证了硅橡胶憎水迁移性机理,并通过试验,分析了憎水性对复合绝缘子湿闪电压的影响。

    This paper confirms the hydrophobicity transference scheme and describes the influence of hydrophobicity on the wet flashover voltage of silicone rubber composite insulators by comparing the hydrophobicity transference of liquid silicone rubber with that of solid silicone rubber .

  22. 结果表明,处理100份白炭黑时,用25份六甲基二硅氮烷,5份二甲基二乙氧基硅烷,5份水,所得白炭黑对加成型液体硅橡胶增强效果较好。

    The results showed that 100 phr silica modified by 25 phr hexamethyldisiazane ( modifier ), 5 phr dimethyldiethoxysilane ( co - modifier ), 5 phr water had a good reinforcing effect on the properties of addition liquid silicone rubber .

  23. 文中综述了加成型液体硅橡胶的注射成型工艺,介绍了液体注射成型工艺、共注射成型工艺和气体辅助注射成型工艺及冷流道技术在液体硅橡胶中的应用。

    The paper summarizes injection molding technology progress of addition type liquid silicone rubber , Application of liquid injection molding technology and coinjection molding technology and gas coinjection molding technology and cold fluxion track technology in addition type liquid silicone rubber .

  24. 冷缩电缆附件用液体注射硅橡胶的制备

    Preparation of LSR for shrinkable cable accessories silicone rubber

  25. 以白炭黑为填料通过密炼等工序制备了医用高透明液体注射硅橡胶。

    Use silica as filler , through grinding and packaging process , a high transparency and high strength liquid injection silicone rubber used for medicine was produced .

  26. 以乙烯基硅油为基胶,含氢硅油为交联剂,白炭黑为补强填料,加入自制的耐漏电起痕添加剂,制成加成型冷缩电缆附件用液体注射硅橡胶。

    Then the LSR for shrinkable cable accessories was prepared by vinyl silicone oil as gum , hydrogen-containing silicone oil as crosslinking agent , fumed silica as reinforcing filler , and self-made electric leakage resistant additives .

  27. 并介绍了真空浇注成型和液体注射成型等硅橡胶加工的新技术。

    The new techniques in vacuum casting molding and liquid injection molding of silicone rubber were also described .