
yè huà qì ɡuàn
  • liquid gas storage tank
  1. GH(70/2.2-3)型液化气罐车曲线通过能力的计算与校核

    Calculating and Checking of the Curve Negotiating Ability of GH 70 / 2.2 3 Type Tank Car for Liquefied Gas

  2. 由于大气压力的作用,大气被压入液化气罐,同时经过流量计感应,得到信号,被USB采集卡采集到计算机内。

    Due to the atmospheric pressure , air is pressed into the liquefaction tank , meanwhile , induced by the flowmeter , we get the signal and the signal will be gathered by the USB acquisition card , and transmitted to the computer .

  3. GH70/2.2&3型液化气罐车

    Liquefied Gas Tank Car Type GH 70 / / 2 2 3

  4. 本文论证了在各种线路状况下,GH70/2.2&3型液化气罐车的曲线通过能力,并进行了计算与校核,为该车的总体结构参数确定提供了理论依据。

    In this paper , the curve negotiating ability of GH70 / 2.2 3 type tank car for liquefied gas under various line conditions is demonstrated , calculating and checking is carried out , which provides theoretical basis for the overall structural parameters of the car .

  5. 液化气罐车紧急切断装置原理与设计

    The design of urgent shut device for LPG tank truck

  6. 伺服液位计在液化气罐区中的应用

    Liquidometer 's Applications in the Liquified Gas Tank Area

  7. 液化气罐焊接质量的控制

    Welding Quality Control of Liquefied-gas Tanks

  8. 液化气罐车安全附件突发故障的分析与应急措施

    Analysis of Sudden Breakdown of the Safety Accessories of Liquefied Gas Tank Car and the Emergency Measures

  9. 所以,除能运液化气罐之外,还可以运蜂窝煤之类不便倾斜的物品。

    The utility model can transport liquid gas storage tanks and inconvenient inclined articles like honeycomb briquette .

  10. 在对液化气罐区生产特点进行科学分析的基础上,引进流程管理机制,对罐区生产进行全面的在线安全分析、安全监督、一旦有危及安全的操作,进行安全控制、完成安全控制系统的开发。

    Fetch in flow manage mechanism , process entirely online safety analysis and safety supervise to tins section manufacture .

  11. 简要介绍了GY100&Ⅰ型液化气罐车的主要技术参数、结构和试验情况。

    The main technical parameters , structure and testing of the GY 100 ⅰ Type Tank Car for Liquefied Gas are briefly described .

  12. 在运行着的液化气罐区内建设新球罐,要进行大规模的动火作业,这样对生产和安全极为不利。

    It is not safe to weld & install a new spherical tank within a liquified gas tank farm with fire on a large scale .

  13. 目前世界上只有美国、德国、英国、日本、韩国等为数不多的国家具有建造特种液化气罐的能力。

    Until now , there are only a few countries that are able to make these special tanks in the world such as America , German , Japan , South Korea , and so on .

  14. 此液位计在液化气罐、沥青氧化塔、原油脱盐罐等场合的应用达到了标定方便、稳定性好、测量精度高的要求。

    This level admitance meter meets the requirements of ease calibration , high stability and measurement accuracy in areas of liquid gas tank , oxidizing tower of asphaltic bitumen , and desalt tank of petroleum crude ,( etc. )

  15. 液化石油气罐区爆炸危险性分析

    Analysis of Explosion Hazard in Liquid Petroleum Gas Tank Area

  16. 液化石油气罐区危险性的定量评价

    Major Risk Assessment for the Area of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Storage Vessels

  17. 铝合金液化天然气罐式集装箱的设计

    Design of the liquefied natural gas container with aluminum alloy

  18. 液化石油气罐车火灾爆炸后果风险定量评估

    Quantitative risk assessment of liquefied petroleum gas tanker fire and explosion consequences

  19. 地埋式液化石油气罐区在化工生产中的应用

    Application of Underground LPG Storage Tanks in Chemical Industry

  20. 液化石油气罐区的安全设计

    Safety Design of Tank Farm of Liquefied Petroleum Gas

  21. 试验观测了液化天然气罐式集装箱的压力、液位等变化情况。

    In the test the pressure and liquid-level in LNG tank container were measured .

  22. 液化石油气罐区的危险性定量模拟评价技术及其事故预防

    Quantitative hazards evaluation and accident prevention for area of liquefied petroleum gas storage tanks

  23. 液化天然气罐式集装箱公路运输的分析

    Analysis on LNG Highway Transportation with Tank-type Container

  24. 液化石油气罐车部分结构的设计

    Design of some structure of Liquified Gas Tanker

  25. 液化石油气罐车安全阀泄漏原因及防治

    The Prevention Measurement of the Safety Valve Leakage of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tank Lorry

  26. 液化天然气罐式集装箱是运输液化天然气的重要设备。

    The liquefied natural gas containers are important equipments for transporting the liquefied natural gas .

  27. 40英尺液化天然气罐式集装箱的研制

    Development of 40-foot LNG pot container

  28. 运送石油气罐的货车液化石油气罐车安全阀弹簧失效分析

    Failure Analysis of the Elastic Spring of the Safety Valve of a Liquefied Oil Gas Storage Tank

  29. 液化石油气罐区的主要危险是贮罐区发生火灾、爆炸事故。

    Fire and explosion are the major risks in the area of liquefied petroleum gas ( LPG ) storage vessels .

  30. 同时为了有效控制运输风险,提出了保障液化天然气罐式集装箱水路运输安全的相应建议。

    Some relevant suggestions to assure waterway transportation safety of LNG tank container for controlling transportation risk effectively are put forward .