
  1. 华东地区液化煤资源评价指标及总体构成

    Assessment Indices and General Constituting of Coals for Liquefaction in East China

  2. 立足自主核心技术建设百万吨级间接液化煤制油装置的可行性

    Feasibility of Constructing Megaton-scale Indirect Coal to Liquid Fuels Plants Using Proprietary F-T Synthesis Technology

  3. 试验结果表明,液化煤种的评价应包括两方面内容:煤的液化性能试验和最佳工艺条件的研究。

    The test results also indicated that the evaluation of coal types suitable for liquefaction should include two aspects : test of coal liquefaction performance and study of optimal process conditions .

  4. H/C原子比较高、挥发份较高、惰性组分含量和灰分较低的褐煤、长焰煤、不粘煤、弱粘煤等是适宜直接液化煤种。

    Lignite , long flame coal , non-caking coal and weakly caking coal with higher ratio of atomic hydrogen to atomic carbon , higher volatile matter , lower inert component content and lower ash are suitable for direct liquefaction .

  5. 云南先锋褐煤在IGOR工艺200kg/d的PDU装置上的试验结果表明,先锋褐煤是适宜IGOR煤液化的煤种,得到的油收率为53%,油品中氮和硫的含量分别为2mg/kg和17mg/kg。

    The results of Xianfeng coal tested in 200 kg / d PDU of IGOR process in Germany showed IGOR process marched Xianfeng brown coal well with 53 % of oil yield , 2 mg / kg and 17 mg / kg of N and S contents .

  6. 中国煤炭直接液化优选煤种的油收率极限

    Limitations to Chinese optimum coal types used in direct coal liquefaction

  7. 煤直接液化中油煤浆热溶产物的变化

    Study on thermally dissolved product changes of coal-oil slurry during direct coal liquefaction

  8. 介绍了由煤转化为汽车燃料技术上可行的主要路线煤的直接液化,煤的间接液化和煤基合成含氧醇、醚燃料等;

    The technically feasible routes for coal to be converted to vehicle fuel are introduced . That is direct / indirect coal liquefaction and coal-based oxygen containing alcohol and aether .

  9. 概述了中国炼焦、合成氨、甲醇、二甲醚、煤炭液化等煤化工领域的工业技术现状,分析了近年来该技术领域的发展和存在的问题,并对未来发展趋势作了分析预测。

    The present technical status of coking , ammonia synthesis , methanol , dimethyl ether , and coal liquefaction in China was reviewed , their recent development and existing problems analyzed and the development trend predicted .

  10. 综合分析了14种中国煤炭直接液化优选煤种的煤质特征,首次提出了优选区域和临界方程,确定了煤炭直接液化优选煤种的必要条件,对于煤种液化特性的研究具有重大的指导意义。

    The quality characteristics of 14 Chinese optimum coal types used in direct liquefaction have been analyzed . The optimum region and the critical equation have been worked out for the first time , Which are of great significance for guiding the research on coal liquefaction behaviors .

  11. 论述了空分设备在煤气化、煤液化和煤联合循环发电中的应用,以及该类型空分设备的流程形式,指出了空分设备在煤化工中的应用前景。

    The paper describes the application of coal gasification , coal liquefaction and coal in the combination cycling power generation , as well as the process flow of this type air separation plant . It also points out the application prospect of air separation plant in coal chemical industry .

  12. 煤炭直接液化条件下煤浆黏度的研究

    Study on Viscosity of Coal-oil Slurry in Direct Coal Liquefaction Conditions

  13. 在煤直接液化中,煤浆黏度变化是一个十分重要的工艺性问题,至今尚未得到充分研究。

    Viscosity change of coal slurry is an important technological problem during direct coal liquefaction , and up to now it hasn 't been fully researched .

  14. 云南褐煤是可直接液化的理想煤种,建立客观而合理的分级体系,是保证云南液化褐煤资源评价的可靠性和客观性的前提条件。

    There are rich in lignite resources in Yunnan and are an ideal coal to be used directly liquefaction . To establish the objective and rational division system is a prerequisite to guarantee the reliability and objectivity for the evaluation of liquefaction lignite resources in Yunnan .

  15. 微生物液化褐煤的溶煤方式和工艺条件研究

    Study on methods and process conditions of microorganism liquefaction of lignite

  16. 合成气液化褐煤动力学德国煤液化装置功能的转换和含氯有机废料的处理

    The function change of coal liquefaction facilities and treatment on organic wastes containing chlorine in Germany

  17. 神华煤液化残渣及水煤浆的燃烧特性研究与数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Combustion Characteristics of She Hua Coal Liquefaction Residual and Liquefaction Residual CWS

  18. 年轻煤在石油重油中加氢液化的研究&煤液化动力学初探

    Liquefaction of Low-rank Coals by Hydrogenation in Heavy Oils of Petroleum - Preliminary Investigations into Coal Liquefaction Kinetics

  19. 煤间接液化也可合成煤基含氧燃料,即甲醇燃料和二甲醚燃料等。

    Two oxygenated fuels from coal , methanol ( MeOH ) and dimethyl ether ( DME ), can also be derived via indirect liquefaction .

  20. 煤直接液化残渣主要由煤中未转化的碳、煤中矿物质、液化反应过程生成物以及反应时加入的催化剂组成。

    Coal direct liquefaction residue mainly from the unconverted coal , coal minerals , the product of liquefaction process as well as the reaction catalyst .

  21. 石油的替代燃料有煤直接液化成品油、煤间接液化合成油、甲醇、乙醇汽油、乙醇柴油、甲醇汽油、生物柴油和天然气水合物。

    The alternative fuels to petroleum include product oil from direct coal liquefaction , synthetic oil from indirect coal liquefaction , methanol , ethanol gasoline , ethanol diesel oil , methanol gasoline , biological diesel oil and natural gas hydrate .

  22. 煤的直接液化、间接液化、煤制甲醇以及将来的氢能发展都需要以氢气为原料,通过煤气化制氢是煤化工发展的重要步骤。

    The coal direct liquefication , indirect liquefication , coal-to - methanol as well as the future hydrogen development all need to take the hydrogen as raw material . So taking hydrogen through the coal gasification system is important for development of coal chemical industry .

  23. 燃烧系统的设计和运行都必须以燃料的自身特性为基础,用热重差热同步分析仪研究了神华煤液化残渣和液化残渣水煤浆的热解以及燃烧特性。

    When design or run any combustion system the fuel characteristics must be taken as the foundation .

  24. 煤热解、间接液化和直接液化是实现煤制油的三种途径。

    The direct liquefaction , in-direct liquefaction and coal pyrolysis were three methods for oil producing from coal .

  25. 文章分析了我国煤制油的发展现状,包括间接液化法和直接液化法两种煤制油装置的建设情况,以及我国煤制油的规划动向;

    The article analyzes the current development of China 's GTL , including construction of facilities , both direct liquefaction and indirect liquefaction , and the planning trends of GTL in China .

  26. 与此同时,煤液化技术的研究发展及初步工业化试验,使得煤液化的副产物煤蜡等资源的合理有效利用也得到了广泛的关注。

    At the same time , the research development and preliminary industrial test of the coal liquefaction technology were taken in the last few years . As the by-product of coal liquefaction , how to make full use of the coal liquefaction wax also received extensive attention .

  27. 德国的煤液化装置建在鲁尔区Bottrop,规模为200吨/天,煤液化试验用煤量累计16.6万吨。

    The liquefaction equipment in Germany is built at Bottrop , Ruhr district with the scale of 200 tons per day .

  28. 榆神煤液化效果好,主要液化指标较高,是适于直接液化的原料用煤。

    Coal in Yulin and Shenmu , there are better liquefied effect and the main liquefied indexes much higher , So it is suitable raw material coal for direct liquefaction .