
  • 网络coal quality
  1. 煤炭质量,决定矿井效益。

    Coal quality determines the final beneficial result of coal mine .

  2. 浅议煤炭质量检验部门的软件建设

    On the " software " construction in coal quality inspection department

  3. 煤炭质量与企业经济效益的关系

    Relation Between Coal Product Quality and Economic Performance in Business Enterprise

  4. 浅谈用煤企业如何把好煤炭质量关

    The discussion of ensuring using coal enterprise to obtain eligible coal

  5. 加强煤质管理提高煤炭质量

    Raise Coal Quality by Strengthening the Raw Coal Quality Management

  6. 提高鸡西矿区煤炭质量的几点举措

    Measures of improving the coal quality in Jixi mining area

  7. 浅谈如何加强港口煤炭质量管理

    Preliminary Discussion on Enforced Management of Coal Quality at the Harbor Terminal

  8. GB/T15224.3-1994煤炭质量分级煤炭发热量分级

    Classification for quality of coal & Classification for calorific value of coal

  9. 数理统计技术在煤炭质量控制中的应用与实践

    The Application and Practice of Mathematical Statistics in the Coal Quality Control

  10. 合理实施干法选煤有效提高煤炭质量

    Implementing Dry Washing Rationally to Improve Coal Quality Effectively

  11. 加强管理从严监控努力提高煤炭质量

    Strengthening management and controlling to improve the coal quality

  12. 分布式煤炭质量管理信息系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Distributed Quality Management Information System of Coal

  13. 煤炭质量管理影响因素识别与控制策划

    Identification and control of coal quality influencing factors

  14. 煤质检验是衡量煤炭质量的关键手段。

    Coal quality test is the key means to test the quality of coal .

  15. 改进回采工艺提高煤炭质量

    Improve Mining Technique to Raise Coal Quality

  16. 影响煤炭质量的几个问题

    Some questions that influence the coal quality

  17. 供应链成员在生产、检验和纠纷中的煤炭质量协调问题包括主要两个方面。

    The agents of coal supply chain have to be faced with two major problems about product quality coordination .

  18. 通过对煤炭质量重要性的分析,指出提高煤质的必要性。

    By analyzing the importance of coal quality , the paper points out the necessity of improving coal quality .

  19. 介绍了复杂条件矿井煤炭质量预测方法,对矿井管理者确保产品质量有一定的借鉴意义。

    This paper presents the method of how to predict coal quality , and provides some positive reference to coal mine'management .

  20. 煤气表(计量煤气用量的仪表).GB/T15224.3-1994煤炭质量分级煤炭发热量分级

    Gas meter meter for measuring the amount of gas used Classification for quality of coal & Classification for calorific value of coal

  21. 煤气站生产过程中煤炭质量与煤气质量及产量供需平衡关系的研讨

    Discussion on Coal Quality and Gas Quality and the Balance Relations between Supply and Demand of Output During Production of the Gas Station

  22. 论述了客观地质因素及开采过程中的人为因素直接影响生产矿井的煤炭质量。

    This paper points out that the geological and factitious factors in the process of mining strictly influenced the coal quality of this production mine shaft .

  23. 大采高开采资源回收率高,煤炭质量好,能实现高产高效,经济效益好。

    The greater mining height mining is higher in resource recovery rate , better in coal quality , high in output and efficiency and good economic benefit .

  24. 根据国家质量技术监督局的计划安排,国家标准GB/T15224-1994《煤炭质量分级》需要修订。

    The Nation standard of coal quality classification [ GB / T15224-1994 ] should be revised according to the plan of the " Nation Quality Technology Supervisory Bureau " .

  25. 煤炭质量不仅是煤炭企业可持续发展的关键因素,也是煤炭高效加工利用和节能减排的重要保障。

    The quality of coal is not only a key factor for sustainable development of coal enterprises but also an important guarantee for efficient coal processing and utilization and energy savings .

  26. 山西焦煤集团公司不同煤层的煤炭质量差别大,原选煤工艺不适应煤质的不断变化,产品不能满足市场需求;

    Great difference existed between different coal seams at Shanxi Coking Coal Group , existing coal cleaning process un-suitable to meet the varying coal quality , coal products thence unsatisfied with market demand ;

  27. 介绍了老虎台矿选煤厂煤炭质量管理现状及其在生产过程中采取的一些加强质量管理的方法。

    The present status of the coal quality management in Laohutai Coal Preparation Plant was introduced in this paper , and the methods of enhancing coal quality management taken during the coal production was also introduced .

  28. 煤岩学在焦化企业中,可以用来控制煤炭质量、指导煤场分堆、优化配煤方案等环节,达到提高焦炭质量,降低焦炭成本的目的。

    Coal petrography can be used to control supplied coal quality , guide separate coal piling in coal storage yard , optimize coal blending plans etc. and can stabilize and improve coke quality and reduce coke cost effectively in coking enterprises .

  29. 国家煤炭质量监督检验中心(西安)拥有国家煤炭质量监管职能和任务,煤炭质量管理的水平和手段的提高是其适应社会发展和改革的关键。

    National supervision and test center of coal quality ( Xi ' an ) has the functions and tasks of national coal quality regulatory , the improvement of standards and means of coal quality management is essential to adapt to social development and reform .

  30. 用户对煤炭质量有特殊要求的,由供需双方在煤炭购销合同中约定。唐纳德?特朗普出生于纽约东河对面皇后区的一户中产阶级家庭。

    Where customers have special requirements for coal quality , they shall have to reach an agreement with the seller in a purchase and sale contract . Donald Trump was born across the East River in the Borough of Queens , into a middle-class family .