
  • 网络coal gasification process;Shell Coal Gasification Process;SCGP
  1. Shell煤气化工艺的评述和改进意见

    The Evaluation of Shell Coal Gasification Process and Its Ways of Improvement

  2. 原料煤的性质对Shell煤气化工艺操作的影响

    Influences of feed coal properties on operation of Shell coal gasification process

  3. Shell粉煤气化工艺中甲烷化副反应问题探讨

    Problem analysis on by-reaction in methanation in Shell powdered coal gasification process

  4. 二氧化碳在Shell粉煤气化工艺中的应用初探

    Preliminary Investigation into Use of Carbon Dioxide in Shell Pulverized Coal Gasification Process

  5. 煤成分对Shell煤气化工艺的影响

    Effect of Coal Composition on Shell Coal Gasification Process

  6. 基于Shell煤气化工艺的干煤粉加压气流床气化炉性能研究

    Study on Performance of Dry Feed Entrained Flow Bed Gasifier Based on Shell Gasification Technology

  7. SHELL煤气化工艺进展

    Progress of Shell coal gasification process

  8. Shell煤气化工艺中甲烷化副反应的控制研究甲醇合成塔的制造工艺

    Influence of Process Conditions on By-reaction of Methanation in Shell Powdered Coal Gasification Process Study on the Fabricating Procedure for Methanol Synthetic Column

  9. DMF项目的2种煤气化工艺之比选

    Comparison and Selection for Two Kinds of Coal Gasification Process in DMF Project

  10. 国外4座大型IGCC电站的煤气化工艺

    Coal Gasification Technology in Four Large IGCC Power Plants Abroad

  11. 笔者对采用Shell粉煤气化工艺的中型和大型合成氨企业,就一氧化碳变换工艺的选择进行了分析。

    The writer has analyzed the choice of the carbon monoxide shift conversion process in medium-and large-scale ammonia plants based on the Shell process for gasification of pulverized coal .

  12. Texaco煤气化工艺运行状况的可拓评估方法研究

    Extension Method for Evaluating the Operating Process of Texaco Coal Gasification Procedure

  13. Texaco煤气化工艺技术指标与经济效益评价系统的设计

    Technical Indicators of Texaco Gasification Process and Design of Economic Benefit Assessment System

  14. 介绍了壳牌(Shell)煤粉加压气化技术的工艺原理、技术特点及开发现状,并指出了这种煤气化工艺技术在联合循环发电和煤化工等领域内的应用前景。

    Shell coal gasification technology has been developed since 1980 's. The paper introduces the history , feature of Shell coal gasification and reports its applications in power generation plant and chemical industry .

  15. 分析了国外Shell煤气化工艺及我国自主开发的灰熔聚流化床、多喷嘴对置水煤浆气化工艺的技术进展及工业化进程和工业推广前景。

    The progress in technology , industrialization progress and promotion oi the coal-water slurry gasification and ash agglomeration developed by domestic enterprises themselves as well as foreign Shell coal gasification technologies are analyzed .

  16. Texaco与Lurgi煤气化工艺的比较

    Comparison of Texaco and Lurgi coal gasification processes

  17. 目前Texaco煤气化工艺的技术经济指标评价多采用手工作业方式,工作量大而且繁琐。

    The technical and economic evaluation of Texaco coal gasification technology is usually performed by hand .

  18. 通过实验得出,当原料煤加配4%~6%石灰石时,原料煤灰熔点符合Shell粉煤气化工艺对气化炉灰熔点的控制要求。

    It was drawn from the experiment that when 4 % ~ 6 % limestone was blended into feed coal , the ash melting point could satisfy the requirements of Shell coal gasification process .

  19. 介绍了配煤、配焦在Texaco煤气化工艺中应用的新技术。

    A new technology is described for coal or coke blending to be used in the Texaco coal gasification process .

  20. 介绍了工业上体现煤成分的工业分析和元素分析所包含的分析项目和元素组成,并分析了它们对Shell煤气化工艺的影响情况。

    A presentation is given of the analytical items and elementary composition included in industrial and elementary analysis , which reflect the coal composition , and an analysis is conducted of their effect on the Shell coal gasification process .

  21. 根据Shell粉煤气化工艺要求,结合中石化安庆分公司化肥装置原料煤的特性,在原料煤中加配不同比例的石灰石,然后测定其灰熔点;

    According to process requirements of Shell coal gasification process , combined with the characteristics of feed coal of Anqing chemical fertilizer plant , limestone at different ratios was blended into the feed coal , and then the ash melting point was determined .

  22. 介绍了Shell和Texaco煤气化工艺的流程,并就两者的主要设备、对煤质的要求及用煤的处理和工艺性能进行了比较。

    The Shell and Texaco coal gasification processes are presented , and a comparison is made of the two processes with respect to the main equipment , coal quality requirement , coal treatment and process performance .

  23. 论述了Texaco煤气化工艺要求的最关键因素是煤灰的熔融性、腐蚀性、粘温特征和煤的成浆性、反应性等。

    The process requirements of the Texaco coal gasification are discussed , and the key factors are the coal ash fusibility , corrosiveness and viscosity temperature characteristic as well as the slurrying property and reactivity of coal .

  24. 通过对目前世界上典型的4种煤气化工艺建设的大型IGCC工业示范装置的技术经济指标比较,对建设IGCC工程煤气化工艺的选择提出了建议。

    Through comparison of technical economic indexes with present four typical kinds of coal gasification processes in the world in large sized IGCC industrial demonstrative devices , suggestion was made for selection of constructing the IGCC engineering coal gasification technology .

  25. 介绍Texaco煤气化工艺与Lurgi煤气化工艺,并从工艺、设备、气化对煤种和煤质的要求、灰水处理及工艺消耗等方面进行比较分析。

    This paper briefly presents Texaco and Lurgi coal gasification processes . The process , the main equipment , the coal type and quality requirements for gasification , the ash water treatment and consumption of two processes are analyzed and compared .

  26. 介绍了壳牌煤气化工艺(SCGP)的特点以及在中国已建和拟建的SCGP装置概况。

    The author has introduced the features of Shell Coal Gasification Process ( SCGP ) and the situation of the SCGP units which have been built and are to be built .

  27. 基于Texaco煤气化工艺流程的逻辑链,应用模糊故障树分析方法,对煤气化装置的可靠性进行研究,建立煤气化系统的物流链以及运行失常状态故障树模型。

    Based on logistic chain of Texaco coal gasification process , the reliability of coal gasification units was studied by means of fuzzy fault tree method . Fault tree model was proposed to take into account interflow chain of products and unstable operation status for coal gasification system .

  28. 洁净煤气化工艺浅析

    Briefly Analyzing the Clean Coal Gasification Process New arts NEW CRAFT

  29. 中国煤气化工艺(技术)的现状与发展

    Present Status and Future Development of Coal Gasification Technology in China

  30. 加压气流床煤气化工艺的发展现状及存在问题

    Technology Status and Problems in Pressurized Entrained Flow Coal Gasification