
  • 网络gasification agent
  1. 气化剂对气流床煤气化炉性能的影响

    Effect of gasification agent on performance of entrained flow coal gasifier

  2. 气化剂中水蒸气供给量影响因素分析

    Study on Factors Affecting Vapor Amount in Gasification Agent

  3. 水蒸汽作为气化剂和使用催化剂是提高产气中H2含量和降低焦油含量的有效手段。

    The addition of steam and catalyst favor hydrogen production and tar reduction .

  4. CO2作为固定层煤气炉气化剂的应用

    Application of CO_2 As a Gasification Agent in Fixed Bed Coal Gasifier

  5. 气化剂和气化原料以并流的方式进入反应器中反应生成高浓度CO合成气。

    The gasifying agent and gasification cocurrent flow to enter the reactor to generate high concentrations of carbon monoxide synthesis gas .

  6. 混合气化剂,在石油焦气化制取CO气过程中脱硫研究表明:当脱硫剂与石油焦中硫摩尔比为4:l时,脱硫率可达41.2%。

    The result showed that when the mole ratio of desulfuration agent to sulfur in petroleum coke reached 4 , the proportion of desulfuration reached 41.2 % .

  7. 简述了CO2气化剂倒入壳牌气化炉系统后所产生的影响,并提出了生产中所遇到的问题以及解决方法。

    To introduce the influence on methanol production of CO2 gasification agent into Shell gasifier , and put forward the problems encountered in production and solution methods .

  8. 以纯氧、二氧化碳为气化剂,利用CO发生炉来制取甲酸原料气是国内一种新型的工艺。

    Use of pure oxygen and carbon dioxide as the gasifying agent to obtain formic acid gas in the large CO generator is one kind of new chemical process in our country .

  9. 煤气化技术是一种将煤在高温条件下,通过与气化剂反应,把煤中的可燃部分转化为气体(CO、H2、CH4等)的过程。

    Coal gasification is a chemical reaction process that changing the combustible portion of coal into gas with gasifying agent in the condition of high temperature .

  10. 提出了一个用空气和水蒸汽为气化剂的常压流化床煤气化的数学模型,并建立了求解方法和计算机程序框图.K解法解计算机程序框图。

    Through the study a mathematical model for atmospheric fluidized bed coal gasification with air and water vapour as the working medium was proposed in the paper and methods for solution and block diagram for computer program are also established .

  11. 利用固定床实验装置、以CO2作为气化剂,进行煤焦气化反应动力学的研究,分析了碱金属的含量及气化温度对煤焦-CO2气化反应的影响。

    The kinetics of gasification reaction of coal char , with CO_2 serving as the gasifying agent , has been studied in a fixed bed test rig and the effect of alkali metal content , as well as that of temperature , on the reaction investigated .

  12. 得到了以空气和水蒸气作为气化剂的煤气发生炉的气化适宜床温在940~980℃,合理的给煤量和总空气量之比在0.7~0.8kg/Nm3之间。

    The optimal gasification temperature between 940 ~ 980 ℃ and the reasonable ratio of coal to total air supply between 0.7 ~ 0.8 kg / Nm3 are deduced from the teats for this type of gasifier with air and water steam as a gasification medium .

  13. 气化剂预热温度对加压湍动循环流化床煤气化的影响

    Effect of gasifying agent preheating temperature on pressurized turbulent CFB coal gasification

  14. 气化剂配比对气化炉性能的影响

    Effect of gasifying agent mixing ratio on polygene ratio n system gasifier performance

  15. 高温气化剂加压喷动流化床煤气化试验研究

    Coal gasification using high temperature preheated gasifying agent in a pressurized spout-fluid bed

  16. 气化剂类型对流化床煤气化过程效率的影响分析

    The Influence of Gasification Agent to Coal Gasification Process in a Fluidized Bed

  17. 研究表明,炉膛内填充介质空隙率的变化会对气化剂的分配产生影响。

    Moreover it demonstrated that the changes of media clearance rates would affect the distribution of gasification agent .

  18. 北京地区深秋季节一次对流性暴雨天气中尺度分析气化剂对气流床煤气化炉性能的影响

    Meso-scale Analysis of Heavy Rainfall Event Occurred in the Late Autumn 2007 in Beijing Effect of gasification agent on performance of entrained flow coal gasifier

  19. 考察的因素有:煤种、温度、粒径、流速、加煤方式、反应持续时间,气化剂的类型。

    The factors concerned are coal type , reaction temperature , particle size of coal , gas flow rate , coal feeding methods , reaction time and gasification agents .

  20. 说明:我公司设计制造的煤气发生炉,是以空气和水蒸气为气化剂,生产混合煤气的先进设备。

    Explains : The producer gas generator product explains Our company designs the manufacture producer gas generator , is take the air and the steam as vaporization medicinal preparation , production combination gas advanced equipment .

  21. 气化剂中氧含量的增加,可缩短气化反应时间,促进碳的转化,提高产气率,但可燃气热值却有较大幅度的降低。

    Increasing the oxygen content in the gasification reagent , can shorten the gasification reaction time , promote the carbon conversion rate and increase gas yield , whereas , the lower heating value of the produced gas decreased obviously .

  22. 研究着重分析了多孔床料下各种影响因素(如温度、气化剂种类、气化剂流量、不同种类多孔床料以及不同比例床料)对生物质气化制取富氢燃气的影响。

    Especially , the various factors such as temperature , gasifying agent flux , different porous bed material and different ratio of three porous bed materials were studied to determine optimum operation conditions of producing hydrogen rich syngas from biomass gasification .

  23. 通过对炉篦的结构分析,并考虑炉内搅拌器的作用,结合原料煤的特性,提出气化剂均布的原则及方案,以改善气化炉操作功效

    The paper , by analyzing the structure of the stirrer and grate inside gasifier , presents the principles and schemes for evenly distributing gasification agent with considering the special characters of raw coal so as to improve the operation efficiency of gasifier

  24. 采用石灰石为催化剂,在1MW热态实验台上进行了实验,研究焦油和煤气成分在循环煤气作气化剂时不同钙硫比工况下的变化情况。

    Employing limestone as the catalyst , made a research on the variation of tar yields and gas composition while employing the recycled gas as the gas agent with the difference of the rate of Ca / S on the 1 MW hot test-bed .

  25. 一方面利用燃气炉窑排出的高温烟气预热空气,将高温空气作为煤气化炉的高温气化剂使煤高效气化:另一方面使焦油在煤气化过程中裂解并转化为可燃气体,实现洁净燃烧。

    The high temperature air preheated by waste heat of high temperature flue gas is used for coal gasification as gasification agent in the integrated system . The tar crack and turn into fuel gas inside the gasifier during coal gasification and the clean combustion is realized .

  26. 而气化剂如空气、二氧化碳或水蒸气对产气影响比较复杂,并非单纯地使产气含量和热值升高或降低,存在最优污泥气化剂配比。

    The influence on gas products by gasifying agents is more complicated , The content and the heat value of the gas products is not simply increased or decreased with the change of the gasifying agent level . Therefore , an optimal ratio of sludge on gasification agent exists .

  27. 本文讨论了高温操作、生严能力放大、负荷跟踪能力、加煤方式、气化剂和煤气净化,同时提出仍待开发的某些值得注意的问题。

    In this paper , the desirable characteristics of gasification systems , that are including high temperature , scale-up capacity , load following capacity , coal feed system , gasification agents and gas cleanup system are discussed and some attention given to problems for which development solutions are still required .

  28. 最后加入50g无机试剂M,充分搅拌0.5h,得到性能优良的纸浆黑液气化型煤黏结剂。

    Finally the modified product was mixed with 50g inorganic reagent M and stirred for 0.5 hour . The good quality binder was thus obtained .

  29. 纸浆黑液制气化型煤黏结剂研究

    Preparation of Binder for Gasifying Briquettes with Black Liquor from Pulping

  30. 油缸内封有气化性防锈剂,所以,在装配前不得拆下入口的塞子。

    It is prohibited to remove the opening plug before assembly as gasified rust preventative is sealed in cylinder .