
  • 网络coal seismic exploration
  1. 将神经网络技术用于煤田地震勘探领域,对两个矿区的实际资料进行断层检测及煤层宏观结构的解释,提高了地震资料构造解释的水平和精度。

    Artificial neural network technique is applied in coal seismic exploration , which has been used to detect faults and to interpret macrostructures of coal beds with real seismic data of two mining areas , and improves the level and precision of structure interpretation with seismic data .

  2. 地表条件、浅层和深层地震地质条件的复杂,使煤田地震勘探难度加大。

    This paper discusses the differences of coal seismic exploration effects in complex areas and the effects of complex seismic geological conditions on seismic exploration results .

  3. 用Biot介质理论研究孔隙介质的弹性波是受到广泛注意的课题,然而在煤田地震勘探领域应用的例子很少。

    Elastic waves in porous media based on the Biot theory are received widespread attention ; however , seismic exploration in the coalfield shows few examples of applications .

  4. 地表复杂地区煤田地震勘探方法及效果

    Coalfield seismic exploration method in surface complex areas and its effects

  5. 煤田地震勘探在深水区的应用

    An Example of Coal Seismic Prospecting Applied in a Deep Water Area

  6. 地震属性技术在煤田地震勘探中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Seismic Attribute Technique in Coal Exploration

  7. 煤田地震勘探中的可变线元采集技术及其应用

    Variable Line Element Acquisition Technique and Its Application in Coalfield Seismic Prospecting

  8. 煤层反射波在煤田地震勘探中的应用

    The application of reflected waves from coal seams in coal seismic exploration

  9. 厚黄土覆盖丘陵地区煤田地震勘探方法研究

    A study of coalfield seismic exploration method in Thick-Loess covered hills areas

  10. 提高煤田地震勘探采集质量的主要因素探讨

    The major factors affecting the quality of field data in coal seismic prospecting

  11. 广义S变换在煤田地震勘探中的应用

    Application of generalized S transform in coalfield seismic exploration

  12. 几种时频分析方法对比及在煤田地震勘探中的应用

    The comparative study and application of several time-frequency analysis methods in the coal field

  13. 微山湖煤田地震勘探水上施工程序设计

    Design on operation program of seismic exploration on water of Weishan Lake Coal Field

  14. 山东煤田地震勘探及展望

    Seismic prospecting and forecast for coalfields in Shandong

  15. 煤田地震勘探的新方法&槽坡地震勘探

    A New Method of Seismic Prospecting in Coalfield

  16. 此外还承揽了煤田地震勘探、工程地震和工程测量等项目。

    In addition , it has also accomplished many other projects , such as , the coal seismic prospecting , engineering surveying , etc.

  17. 在黄土塬区或复杂的黄土地形区作煤田地震勘探工作需要进行沿沟弯线地震施工技术的研究。

    Coal field seismic prospecting in loess plateau or complicated loess topographic area needs going on the research of crook seismic working technology along channel .

  18. 在复杂地区进行煤田地震勘探,受低速带变化剧烈、倾角大及构造复杂等因素影响,依靠经验设计的观测系统往往存在较大缺陷。

    Besides , for ad hoc complex topography , to use block observation system design of Klseis system is advised to make-up deficiency from regular observation system .

  19. 根据煤田地震勘探资料的特点,结合实例探讨叠前时间偏移技术应用到煤田地震资料处理中应注意的问题。

    According to the peculiarity of coalfield seismic data , discussed par example of problems need to pay attention to use the prestack time migration technology on coalfield seismic data processing .

  20. 传统的煤田地震勘探将煤层假设为单一的各向同性介质,没有考虑其中裂隙对煤层的影响。

    However , coal is usually assumed to be an isotropic medium in the traditional coal seismic exploration , and the impacts of fractures on seam are not taken into account .

  21. 煤田地震勘探一直探寻着对小断层的自动检测方法,因受各种因素的影响,至今尚无良策。

    He automatic detection method of small fault has been searched for in seismic exploration of coal field , but the good plan is not presented as yet due to the effects of various factors .

  22. 本文针对煤田地震勘探的特点,就如何应用偏移时间剖面直接作构造图问题进行了论述,提出了一套完整的交点闭合方法和空间校正方法。

    Abstract According to characteristics of coalfield seismic exploration , this paper deals with the application of offset time profiles to the direct construction of structural maps , and presents a complete set of intersection point closure methods and spatial correction methods .

  23. 通过理论计算及与实际资料对比。确定煤层转换横波能量主要集中在0.2H~1.3H之间(H为目的层深度),据此即可确定煤田多波地震勘探P&SV波偏移距范围。

    Through theoretical calculation and actual data comparison , made sure that coal seam transformed shear wave energy is mainly concentrated between 0.2H ~ 1.3H ( H is the depth of target stratum ), then the P-SV wave offset range in coalfield multiwave seismic prospecting can be set on .

  24. 煤田三维地震勘探在西部某黄土塬地区中的应用

    Application of Coalfield 3D Seismic Prospecting in a Western Loess Tableland

  25. 煤田三维地震勘探技术在河流及河漫滩地区的应用

    Application of Coal 3D Seismic Prospecting in Fluvial and Floodplain Areas

  26. 山区煤田三维地震勘探应用效果

    Applied Effect of Coalfield 3D Seismic Prospecting in Mountainous Areas

  27. 煤田三维地震勘探的应用及效果分析

    Application and analysis of 3D seismic exploration in coal mine

  28. 煤田三维地震勘探测量的技术方法探讨

    Probe into Surveying Technical Method in Coalfield 3D Seismic Prospecting

  29. 黄土厚度变化较大地区煤田三维地震勘探时深转换方法的探讨

    Probe into Coalfield 3D Seismic Prospecting Time-depth Conversion in Variable Loess Thickness Areas

  30. 煤田三维地震勘探放线测量精度的探讨与实践

    A tentative discussion on the precision of exploration line arrangement in coalfield three-dimensional seismic survey