
  • 网络Logging tool;SBT;HDIL;TCRT;CAST-V;EMRT
  1. 基于DSP的数字声波测井仪设计

    The Design Of Digital Acoustic Well Logging Instrument Based on DSP

  2. 基于BP神经网络的存储式测井仪数据回放模型

    The Data Playback model of Memory-logging Tool based on Neural Network BP

  3. 文章介绍了一种新型X射线荧光测井仪的硬件与软件。

    This paper describes the hardware and software of a new X ray fluorescence logging instrument .

  4. 基于CPLD的高性能自然伽马能谱测井仪的研制

    Development of a high performance natural Gamma-ray spectrometry logging tool based on CPLD

  5. MAC多极阵列声波测井仪

    The MAC Multiple Array Acoustic Logging Tool

  6. GY型感应测井仪常见故障及排除方法

    Common Failures and Their Elimination in Model GY-14 Induction Logging Device

  7. 基于ADAMS的VSP测井仪推靠机构的优化设计

    Optimization Design for VSP Jogging Tool of Eccentering Machinery Based on ADAMS

  8. MIT测井仪在大港油田套管质量检测中的应用

    Application of MIT Logging Tool for Casing Quality Examination in Dagang Oilfield

  9. 简要地说明了国内最新研制的MIT型阵列感应成像测井仪的技术构成。

    Outlined are technical content of MIT array induction imaging tool newly developed in China .

  10. MIT阵列感应测井仪在华北地区的应用

    Application of multi-array induction tool in huabei

  11. VSP测井仪采用先进的光纤传感技术进行油气层测试。

    VSP jogging tool adopts advanced fiber optics sensor to test the oil-gas reservoir .

  12. 脉码传输微电极、井径测井仪的研制PCM检查器的设计与实现

    Development of the PCM transmitted minilog / caliper combination logging tool The Design of PCM Tester

  13. 双晶自然γ能谱测井仪数据处理方法研究玻璃作为双参数剂量探测器的TL性能研究

    Data Processing Method of Double - detector Natural Gamma Ray Spectral Logging Device DOUBLE DOSIMETRY PARAMETERS GLASS DETECTOR

  14. 和传统的数据采集存储方法相比较,USBHost技术的应用提高了测井仪系统的便携性,同时还可方便的进行大容量数据的存储。

    Compared with the traditional data storage method , the application of the USB HOST technology will improve the convenience of the well logging instrument and make data storage easy .

  15. CDL测井仪打捞工具现场组装快捷,操作方便。

    This CDL tool is very easy to assemble and operate .

  16. 厚度方向极化的圆片状压电换能器已经广泛地被用到声波成象测井仪和CET水泥胶结质量评价仪上。

    A thin disc transducer polarized in thickness direction is widely used in ultrasonic imaging logging tool and CET logging tool .

  17. CDL测井仪打捞工具的研制与应用

    Development and application of CDL fishing tool for logging tools

  18. HDC集流法产液剖面测井仪的研制

    Development of HDC packer-flow production profile logging tool

  19. 接着根据偶极子数字阵列声波测井仪的具体功能和性能要求,采用分布式处理的设计思想,论述了一种基于DSP的偶极子数字阵列声波测井仪的实施方案。

    Then according to the function of the instrument , adopting a distribution processing method , the paper has discussed the realization scheme of a dipole array digital acoustic well logging instrument based on DSP .

  20. RMT测井仪在某些油田的初步应用

    Some Applications of RMT in Some China Oilfields

  21. SZS声幅-变密度测井仪及其应用

    The acoustic amplitude - variable density logging instrument and its application

  22. 从斯伦贝谢公司储层饱和度测井仪RST的四边形模型出发,用平面解析几何导出了解释模型。

    The interpretation model is derived by means of analytic plane geometry on the basis of Schlumberger RST quadrilateral model .

  23. 扇区水泥胶结测井仪SBT是目前检查固井质量及管外窜槽的最新最有效的测井仪器之一。

    SBT is one of the latest and the most effective tools for checking cementing quality and its channeling .

  24. 在油井测试技术中,传统的测井仪数据存储量有限,通常采用RS232总线将采集到的数据传输给上位机。

    The traditional well logging instrument is limited by the capacity of data storage and transport data to computer by RS232 BUS in well logging technology .

  25. Ф76mm补偿密度测井仪的研制

    Development of Φ 76mm compensated density logging tool

  26. 本文讨论了FD-61K型自然伽玛测井仪的换算系数K′0,并确认换算系数K0应为115.6±3μR/h。

    The paper discusses the conversion coefficient K ′ _0 of model FD-61K natural gamma-ray logger and confirms the conversion coefficient K_0 of 115.6 ± 3 μ R / h.

  27. 在开窗侧钻井中使用国产SJC2C水泥胶结综合测井仪替代进口的DDL系列CBL测井仪已取得了较好应用效果。

    Satisfactory results have been reached by substituting imported CBL logging tool of DDL series with home made cement bond logging tool SJC 2C .

  28. 新型的多相持率测井仪(电容阵列多相持率测井仪(CAT))采用许多传感器分布在套管内壁附近,或分布在不同半径的圆周上,在井中相同深度测量各相持率。

    A new type of multiple phase holdup logging instrument ( multiple phase holdup logging instrument ) uses many censers distributing near inner case or circles of different radius to meter every phase holdup rate in sane depth of well .

  29. 1100M电磁波测井仪推靠器国外同类产品往往采用液压方式来完成。

    Foreign similar product of 1100M Electromagnetic wave logger propeller adopts hydraulic ways .

  30. RMT是国外同类仪器中晶体效率最高且尺寸最大的双源距脉冲中子综合测井仪,测井曲线统计性较好。

    RMT is a pulsed-neutron spectrometry tool that employs two high-performance BGO detectors , which ensure good statistical properties of its logging curves .