
cè liánɡ diǎn
  • measurement point
  1. 测量点和分析单元最多可相距30米。

    Measurement point and analysis unit can be up to30 m apart .

  2. 如果在应用点与测量点之间存在或预计存在任何应用损失,在修正测量值时应考虑此损失。

    If a loss of any service exists or is expected to exist between the service point and measurement point , such a loss shall be taken into account when correcting the measured value .

  3. 利用激光视觉传感器获取空间焊缝特征点的机器人基坐标系坐标,用B样条曲线拟合测量点。

    Laser visual sensor is used to get position information of space weld seams , and B-spline curve fitting for measuring data is developed .

  4. ST段下移测量点为J点后80ms处。

    The depression of ST segment was measure 80 ms after J point by computer .

  5. GPS是现代高科技,它采用微型接收机,可以实现快速定位并取得测量点的3维座标。

    GPS is one of the modern technologies , which apply the micro-receiver and can locate measure quickly the 3 dimensions .

  6. JPEG压缩对摄影测量点定位精度的影响

    Effects of JPEG Compression on the Accuracy of Photogrammetric Point Determination

  7. 粗配准采用主方向重合法来缩小三维测量点云数据与CAD数模的平移错位和旋转错位;

    Rough registration that adopts primary direction superposition algorithm can narrow3D point cloud data and CAD model for the translation and rotation dislocation ;

  8. 研究了测量点数据的NURBS曲面重构。

    NURBS surface reconstruction of measuring data points .

  9. 它采用可编程控制器(PLC)作为系统的运算控制核心,利用液压式压力发生器,实现了测量点处无电气量。

    It utilized hydraulic press transducer and adopted PLC as the core of the system , which realized no electrical quantity at measure point .

  10. 用基于有限元分析的软件结合Si桥结构参数对各测量点的温升进行了模拟计算,其结果在热导分布的基本趋势上与实验相一致。

    Compared with the simulated temperature distribution obtained by the finite element software , the experimental and theoretical results are in agreement with each other .

  11. 基于最小二乘法的Bertrand齿廓面测量点回归

    Regression of Measured Points of Bertrand Tooth Surface Based on Least Square Method

  12. 之后,根据分布式搜索引擎爬虫加入退出的随机性和不确定性,选用不依赖于固定测量点的距离预测算法计算Web节点网络坐标。

    Then , based on the randomness and uncertainties of crawlers ' accessions in distributed search engines , we choose a distance prediction algorithm not dependent on fixed points to calculate the coordinates of hosts in WAN .

  13. 根据所选用的单体镍氢电池的特点,以及荷电状态SOC均衡方法来确定电池包参数测量点的数量。

    According to feature of individual battery and equalization method for state of charge ( SOC ), the number of measuring points is determined .

  14. ±800kV特高压直流保护阀组区测量点配置的探讨

    Discussion on Measuring Configuration of ± 800 kV Ultra HVDC System Protection

  15. 把反应产物收集到一条镀铝Mylar箔上,然后极快地传送到测量点进行测量。

    The reaction products are collected on a Mylar foil , which was then transported immediately to the measurement spot .

  16. 干预组在干预后三个测量点上PTSD发生率逐渐下降,与非干预组比较,差异均有统计学意义。

    The event rate of PTSD of intervention group at the three time points after intervention became lower and lower , there were significant differences compared with non-intervention group .

  17. 主要论述了利用Honeywell公司的TPS系统和现有在线温压测量点实现流量计量的温度压力补偿。

    The realization for the compensation of temperature and pressure on the flow measure is discussed . It is realized by Honeywell TPS System and online temperature and pressure measure points in existence .

  18. 从实际工程应用出发,深入研究了灰色系统建模理论,提出了基于测量点数据序列的SGM(1,1)模型,解决了逆向工程中数据测量和数据处理的灰色建模问题;

    Based on the practical engineering , this paper studies the grey modeling system and proposes a SGM ( 1,1 ) for the measured data of reverse engineering .

  19. 使用Ansys有限元分析软件,结合有限几个测量点温度变化的实验数据,对6mm厚度紫铜板FSW焊接过程的温度场进行了有限元分析和计算,获得了该焊接过程的温度场分布与变化规律。

    With the Ansys finite element software and the temperature data at the limited number of measurement points , the temperature distribution and change of 6 mm thick purple copper friction stir welding were analyzed with finite elements .

  20. 数据处理上采用多测量点间分段线性内插处理方式,避免使用拉格朗日多项式处理引起的Runge现象,保证数据处理的正确性。

    To avoid the Runge phenomenon introduced by the use of Lagrange polynomial processing and ensure the accuracy of data processing , data are processed between the measuring points by multi-segmented linear interpolation approach .

  21. 此次调查中,共布设测量点61个,其中,25km×25km网格点26个,在市区、各县城区、某核设施厂区周围布设加密点35个。

    26 grid points were distributed in terms of 25 km × 25 km with 35 densed points around the urban area , counties and a nuclear facility .

  22. 采用AQS技术对波音飞机舱门外形数据测量点进行分析,查找产品质量波动的原因,制定相应的措施,提高了产品质量。

    The door contour data measuring points of Boeing aircraft are analyzed by using AQS technology . The reasons of the unstable product quality are determined . The corresponding measures are taken .

  23. 数据压缩后的顶点是原来大规模测量点的优化子集,所生成的优化三角面片可以直接生成STL(stereolithography)文件或者数控加工路径,避免了手工建模。

    The vertices after compression constitute an optimal subset of the original vertices . The optimal triangulated-surfaces created after compression can be used to generate STL ( stereolithography ) file or NC ( numeral control ) code directly , which avoids manual modeling .

  24. 提出了在CATIA二次开发平台上,首先由测量点生成草图轮廓,再根据用户对设计意图的理解,按照正向设计的思路,反求结构件三维模型的思想。

    This paper gives a method to create 3D models of structural parts implemented on CATIA developing platform , which firstly creates sketch profiles from data points , secondly reconstructs the 3D models of structural parts in terms of ordinary design procedures based on design intent .

  25. 环上设16个真空测量点,配有热阴极规管(UHV-24)、冷阴极规管(IKR020)及皮氏规(TPR010)。

    There are 16 pressure-measurement points on the ring equipped with the hot-cathode gauge ( UHV-24 ), the cold-cathode gauge ( IKR020 ) and the Pirani gauge ( TPR010 ) .

  26. 从探头阵列到标准测量点的磁场值转换

    Conversion of magnetic field data from basis points to standard points

  27. 同时,测量点的具体地理位置也自动地存入了计算机内。

    The position is checked and stored in the computer automatically .

  28. 基于测量点云的模具反求设计

    Die was designed by reverse solution based on points of measurement

  29. 航道疏浚区的测量点边界搜索方法

    The Border Hunting Method at Measure Points in Waterway Dredging Area

  30. 模型故障诊断中测量点优选的一类期望熵法

    An expected entropy approach to optimal measurements in model-based diagnosis