
  • 网络Sounding equipment;sounding device
  1. GB/T8016-1995船用回声测深设备通用技术条件

    General specification for echo-sounding equipment in ships

  2. 然而现行的大地电磁测深设备的检验办法既缺少整个系统的定量检测,也没有统一规范的技术标准。

    But nowadays tests for magnetotelluric surveying equipment can not quantitative detect overall system and there is no uniform technical standards .

  3. 此外,文中对系统中的测深设备&线性电位器的工作原理,以及阀岛气动技术都作了较为详尽的探讨。

    The paper also make discussion on how the measuring devices & potentiometer works in the system , and the valve box technology .

  4. 本文以实例介绍了此法使用上的特点,并指出利用远参考法进行大地电磁测深时对仪器设备的要求。

    This paper explains the special points in using this method by concrete examples , and outlines the equipment requirement needed in making magnetotelluric sounding by the remote reference method .

  5. 测深仪是水声领域中常用的测深设备,经常用于海水深度的测量,对船舶运输、地形测绘及海洋工程有重要意义。

    Acoustic echosounder is used for depth measurements on the sea . And it is widely applied in the field of underwater acoustics .