
  1. 生物柴油作为可再生的绿色液体能源,由于具有与柴油相似的理化性质备受关注。

    As green liquid energy resource , Biodiesel is attractive because it has the similar physical and chemical properties with diesel .

  2. 石油这种黑色的液体能源,在为人类带来巨大经济效益的同时,对我们的生存环境也产生了不容忽视的威胁。

    Petroleum is a kind of black liquid energy . It brings environment problems when it brings enormous economic benefits to human beings .

  3. 近年来,温室离子液体在能源设备、光电子、微流控光器件等领域应用蓬勃开展。

    In recent years , Room Temperature Ionic Liquids apply vigorously in the field of energy equipment , optoelectronics , microfluidic optical devices and so on .

  4. 液体雾化是能源动力、航空航天、化工、农业以及环境工程等许多研究领域的一个重要课题。

    Liquid atomization is an important issue in many fields such as energy , power , aerospace , agriculture , chemical and environment engineering .

  5. 生物质作为唯一可转化为液体燃料的可再生能源。

    Biomass is the only practical source of renewable liquid fuel .

  6. 作为唯一能够直接转化为液体燃料的可再生能源,生物质以其产量巨大、可储存和碳循环等优点已引起全球的广泛关注。

    As the only renewable energy directly translated into liquid fuels , biomass with the advantages of huge output , storage and the carbon cycle has attracted widespread interests all over the world .

  7. 目前各种管道运输已成为输送液体、气体等能源的经济安全的运输方式,并在油气运输业中被广泛应用。

    At present a variety of pipeline transport has become a kind of economic and security transportation for liquid , gas and other petroleum products . It is widely used in oil and gas transportation industry .