
  • 网络Liquid surface tension;surface tension of liquid
  1. 利用固液润湿效应研究液体表面张力

    Study on the surface tension of liquid using the wetting effect between solid and liquid

  2. 编制了一个适用于微型计算机的BASIC程序以计算液体表面张力及液/固接触角。

    A BASIC program for the pocket computer was developed to calculate the surface tension and contact angle of a metal melt drop on the plaque .

  3. 用EXCEL处理液体表面张力测定实验数据

    Data handling of measurements of surface tension of solution by Microsoft Excel

  4. 利用Excel软件处理液体表面张力数据

    Data Processing of Liquid Surface Tension With Excel

  5. 用VB6.0建立液体表面张力系数实验数据处理程序

    Data processing program based on VB6.0 for liquid surface tension coefficient experiment

  6. Jaeger法测定液体表面张力系数实验装置的改进

    Improve the Experiment Device to Measure the Liquid Surface Tension Coefficient with method of Jaeger

  7. 引入表示离心力与液体表面张力之比的常数Cf,以Stewartson&Wedemeyer理论和Murphy方法为基础,研究腔内液体晃动对共振不稳定频带的影响。

    On the basis of Stewartson-Wedemeyer theory and Murphy method , a constant Cf representing the ratio of centrifugal force to liquid surface tension is introduced for studying the influence of liquid sloshing within the body to resonant instability frequency band .

  8. 结论在传统底涂剂配方中引入极性适中,液体表面张力适当的HAMA所形成的PR-2配方是本研究的理想的底涂剂配方。

    Conclusion PR-2 was the best formula in this study , in which HAMA with temperate polarity and liquid surface tension was added in the traditional formula .

  9. 基于新方法的液体表面张力快速测定仪由单片机数据采集单元、自动探头及驱动单元三大部分构成,全部测试过程可在5s中内完成,且可得到满意的测试结果。

    The liquid surface tension tester based on the new method consists of a single chip microcomputer , an automatic detector and a driving unit . With the new tester , the testing process can be finished in 5s and the testing results are satisfactory .

  10. 为此,对Jaeger法测定液体表面张力系数的实验原理、方法及仪器进行了分析研究;

    Through the analysis of experimental principle , method and instrument of the Jaeger we have studied the improvement of the Experiment device to measure the liquid surface tension coefficient , and designed the composite pistons .

  11. 纯液体表面张力的统计热力学模型

    Statistical thermodynamic model for calculation of surface tension of pure liquids

  12. 用简易装置测液体表面张力系数

    A Simple Device to Measure the Tension Coefficient of Liquid Surface

  13. 利用硅压阻式力敏传感器测量液体表面张力系数。

    The liquid surface tension coefficient was measured by si-resistance-strain sensor .

  14. 液体表面张力测定实验数据处理的改进

    The improvement of experimental date treatment of surface tension on liquor

  15. 用力敏传感器测量液体表面张力系数

    Measurement of the surface tension coefficient of liquid with force sensor

  16. 激光在测定液体表面张力系数及折射率中的应用

    Applications of Laser in Measurement of Surface tension and Refractive index

  17. 液体表面张力系数σ的研究

    Research into the Surface Tension σ - Coefficient of Liquid

  18. 对液体表面张力的微观解释的几点商榷

    Discussion on Some Disputable Views about Micromechanism of Surface Tenson of Liquid

  19. 一种用数字示波器测量液体表面张力系数的实验方法

    An experimental approach for measuring liquid surface tension coefficient with digital oscilloscope

  20. Ляпунов直接方法在液体表面张力不稳定问题中的应用

    An application of Liapunov direct method to the capillary instability in liquid

  21. 用光学方法测量液体表面张力系数

    An optical method for measuring tension coefficient of liquid surface

  22. 液体表面张力与内压的关系摘要

    The Relationship Between Surface Tension and Internal Pressure of Liquid

  23. 拉脱法测定液体表面张力系数的实验研究

    Experimental study of Liquid Surface Tension Coefficients by Pull-out Method

  24. 磁性液体表面张力演示实验的实践与分析

    The demonstrative experiment practice and analysis of surface tension about magnetic fluid

  25. 液体表面张力系数测量和实验现象讨论

    Liquid surface tension coefficient measured and experimental situation discussed

  26. 用约利弹簧秤测液体表面张力系数的研究

    Measurement of surface tension coefficient using Jolly spring balance

  27. 液体表面张力系数随温度升高而减小的定量证明

    Quantitative Demonstration of Decreasing of Coefficient Surface Tension in Accordance with Temperature Increasing

  28. 液体表面张力系数测量的进一步探讨

    Further exploration of the liquid surface tension coefficient measurement

  29. 毛细上升法测液体表面张力的精确解

    The Accurate Solutions of Surface Tension from Capillary Rise

  30. 液体表面张力定义浅谈

    The Discussion of the Definition for Liquid Surface Tension