
  • 网络hydraulic hammer
  1. 分析了1000J对击式液压锤打击过程。

    The blow process of anvil-less hydraulic hammer is analyzed .

  2. 对荷兰SC-250液压锤的改进

    Improvement of Holland SC-250 Type Hydraulic Hammer

  3. 液压锤液压驱动部分CAD系统

    A CAD System for Hydraulic Driving Part of Hydraulic Hammer

  4. NH型液压锤液压回路及其数学描述

    Hydraulic circuit and its mathematic model for NH hydraulic piling hammer

  5. 介绍了用AUTOCAD的型建立液压锤液压系统CAD图形库及用参数化技术自动生成系统原理图的方法。

    Abstract The method of formation of graphic library by means of shape of Auto CAD and the auto-formation graphic by means of parametric technique for setting up hydraulic system of hydraulic hammer is introduced in this paper .

  6. 液压锤及其在汽车零件模锻中的应用

    A Hydraulic Hammer and Its Application in Die Forging Automotive Parts

  7. YC100型液压锤的结构设计与实验研究

    Structural Design and Experimental Study of YC-100 Type of Hydraulic Hammer

  8. 液压锤用液控单向阀的动力学分析

    Dynamic analysis of the pilot check valve used in hydraulic hammer

  9. 双作用液压锤液压回路及其仿真研究

    The Hydraulic Circuits of Double-process Hydraulic Hammer and their Simulation Research

  10. 对击式液压锤外框架结构设计及力学分析

    Structure design and mechanical analysis on the frame of counterblow hydraulic hammer

  11. 用键合图方法研究液压锤动态特性

    Power Bond Graphs to Study Dynamic Features of Hydraulic Hammer

  12. 对击式液压锤运动部分动力学分析

    Dynamic Analyses to the Moving Parts of Anvil-less Hydraulic Hammer

  13. 一次液压锤液压系统故障的分析

    The analysis of a hydraulic systematic breakdown of hydraulic hammer

  14. 液压锤液压系统动态特性分析

    A Dynamic Analysis on the Hydraulic System of Hydraulic Hammer

  15. 间隙泄漏对液压锤性能影响的研究

    Research of Hydraulic Hammer Performance Affected with Clearance Leakage

  16. 液压锤液压系统的研究

    A Research into the Hydraulic System of Hydraulic Hammer

  17. 基于现代控制理论的液压锤的建模和分析

    Modeling and Analytic Method of Hydraulic Hammer Based on the Modern Control Theory

  18. 液压锤开环程序控制系统

    The Open-Loop Programme Control System for Hydraulic Hammers

  19. 液压锤及桩支承力的计算

    Hydraulic Hammer and Pile Bearing Force Calculation

  20. 研制和开发了液压锤插装阀集成液压系统;

    A new logic valve integrated hydraulic system of hydraulic hammer was researched and developed .

  21. 本文对液压锤使用的闭式液压系统性能进行了分析,在此基础上提出了泵直接传动的开式液压系统。

    Based on the analysis to close loop hydraulic system of hydraulic hammer , this paper provides on open loop hydraulic system .

  22. 这些管片被一个液压锤推至正确位置,接着抹上几分钟就会凝结的快凝灌浆。

    These are pushed into place by a hydraulic ram , then cemented in with instant grout that takes a few minutes to set .

  23. 本文通过分析对击式锤的打击过程和能量变化,建立了液压锤振动的力学模型。

    The vibrational mechanics models of hydraulic hammer are formed in the paper by analyzing the impact process and energy distribution of counterblow hammers .

  24. 实践表明:液压锤新型插装阀集成液压系统具有许多优点和良好的动态特性;该灰箱建模理论与方法可广泛应用于液压系统动态分析与设计。

    It is shown from practice that the new hydraulic system possesses many advantages and better dynamic characteristics and that the gray-box modeling method can be widely used for hydraulic system analysis .

  25. 仿真结果表明:粘性摩擦力降低了BH65液压锤的冲击能,增加了平均输入压力,降低了工作效率,但对冲击频率的影响不大;

    Simulation result shows that impact energy and work efficiency are reduced and average imput pressure is increased because of the viscous friction , but viscous friction has less influence on impact frequency .

  26. 目前,国外对液压锤的研究相对比较成熟,同时产品也形成了系列化;国内液压锤设计理论落后,没有成熟的产品。

    At present , . foreign study on the hydraulic hammer is relatively mature , while the products are also formed a series ; the domestic hydraulic hammer design theory relatively backward , and have no mature products .

  27. 通过对一种新型液压锤进行建模与仿真,得到了不同的输入流量、活塞半径间隙、换向阀半径间隙、温度等技术参数对液压锤性能的影响。

    A new hydraulic hammer was simulated . Performance of the new hydraulic hammer is affected by vary technical parameters , such as diverse input flux , diverse piston radius clearance , diverse valve radius clearance , diverse oil temperature .

  28. 结果表明,液压锤具有很高的锤击能传递系数,文章所述工程中液压锤的有效传递系数是柴油锤的2.58倍。

    The results of the analysis show that a hydraulic hammer produces a higher transfer coefficient of driving energy and the effective transfer coefficient of the hydraulic hammer used on the present project is 2.58 times that of a diesel hammer .

  29. 根据风化岩地基施打钢管桩的打桩记录、地质条件、高应变动力检测结果,对柴油锤和液压锤的使用效果进行了分析。

    Based on the pile driving logs , geological conditions on site and results of high-strain dynamic pile-driving tests of the steel tubular piles driven in decomposed rocks , the effect of diesel and hydraulic hammers in driving these piles is analyzed .

  30. 对液压锤合理地设置了蓄能器与组合密封结构,提高了液压锤的总效率,并通过实验证实了该设计方法的合理性与有效性。

    Taking account of the working characteristics of hydraulic hammers , an optimum de - sign of the accumulator and composite seal constructions is conducted - to increase the hammer 's total efficiency . Experiments were done to verify the effectiveness of the design .