
niǔ bǎi
  • torsional pendulum
扭摆[niǔ bǎi]
  1. 现在是一个更有趣的摆动-,一个扭摆。

    Now one more very interesting oscillation & a torsional pendulum .

  2. 双悬扭摆式转动惯量自动测量仪

    Double hanging torsional pendulum auto-measuring instrument for rotational inertia

  3. 当主唱者扭摆臀部时,观众发狂似地尖叫起来。

    As the lead singer gyrated his hips , the crowd screamed wildly .

  4. 她扭摆着腰肢走过来。

    She walked over swaying her hips .

  5. 利用同步辐射扭摆器光源研究X射线同轴轮廓成像质量

    Investigation on the image quality of in-line outline X-ray imaging with wiggler source of synchrotron radiation

  6. 扭梁悬臂梁支撑的扭摆式MEMS永磁双稳态机构

    A Teeterboard Pattern MEMS Permanent Magnet Bistable Structure Supported by Torsion and Cantilever Beam

  7. 利用强迫振动扭摆方法对ZnAl二元合金熔化过程的低频内耗进行了研究。

    The low-frequency internal friction in Zn-Al binary alloy during the melting process is measured via forced vibration torsional pendulum .

  8. 在IC封装设备中,由于直线导轨的扭摆,造成的封装工作台工作梁末端的定位误差,是使工作台定位精度降低的一个主要原因。

    Because of swing lead rail , working girder 's tip of IC banding table have position error , which is the primary cause reducing work table position precision .

  9. 仿真结果表明,应用复合形法整定扭摆加速计中的PID参数是可行的,并取得了很好的整定效果。

    The simulation results show that it is good practice for the complex optimum method to tune the PID parameters and that this method has achieved a good effect on such tuning .

  10. 6T超导扭摆磁铁的特殊真空问题

    The Special Low Temperature Vacuum Problems of a 6T Superconducting Wiggler

  11. LX型电动单梁悬挂起重机运行扭摆问题的处理

    Twisting and swinging problem with LX single - girder electric overhead travelling crane and the solving

  12. 新的补偿方案基本消除了超导扭摆磁铁引入的对beta函数的扰动,很大程度上克服了其他各种负面效应。

    A new compensation scheme was thus obtained , which almost eliminates the beta function distortion due to the wiggler and overcomes other negative effects to a large extent .

  13. 在进行理论分析证实可行性和模拟仿真优化参数后,利用非硅表面微加工方法中的牺牲层工艺制备了一种扭梁悬臂梁支撑的扭摆式MEMS永磁双稳态机构。

    After feasibility analysis and parameter optimization , a teeterboard pattern MEMS permanent magnet bistable structure supported by a torsion and cantilever beam is fabricated with sacrificial layer technology of non-silicon surface micro fabrication .

  14. 对于HLS上的超导扭摆器(wiggler),由于缺少详细的磁场数据,我们只建立了其磁场的硬边模型。

    We only build the hard edge magnetic model of the superconducting wiggler in HLS because of the lack of magnetic field data .

  15. 本文采用葛氏倒扭摆(JN&1型真空扭摆仪)测试了Fe-Al系合金的阻尼性能(用对数衰减率表示)。

    The inverted torsion pendulum technique ( JN-1 vacuum internal friction technique ) was used to test the damping capacities of Fe-Al alloys .

  16. 6T超导扭摆磁铁的低温和磁铁系统以及HLS的储存环决定了Wiggler的真空问题的特殊性。

    The low temperature and magnet systems of a 6T superconducting Wiggler and HLS storage ring induce special vacuum problems of the Wiggler .

  17. 超导扭摆磁铁(或称波长移动器,WLS)能产生短波长同步辐射,研究了WLS的效应与模拟问题。

    Superconducting wiggler , or WLS ( wavelength shifter ), generates short wavelength SR. WLS effects and modeling are studied .

  18. 6T超导扭摆磁铁的同步辐射光是合肥光源储存环超高真空系统中的强热源。

    Abstract Synchroton radiation from 6T superconducting wiggler is a strong heat source in storage ring UHV system of HLS .

  19. 第三大道(第55街)上的PJ克拉克酒吧(P.J.Clarke’s)在第一季的某一集里出现过——佩姬(Peggy)在这里跳过扭摆舞。

    P.J. Clarke 's on Third Avenue ( at 55th Street ) was in an episode in Season 1 - Peggy did the Twist here .

  20. 从理论上计算出扭摆的周期变化2△P/P与功率耗散Q~(-1)在转变温度Tc附近的变化,并与McQueeney等人的实验结果作了比较。

    The period shift 2 △ P / P and the dissipation Q ~ ( - 1 ) for the torsional oscillator near Tc are calculated theoretically and compared with the experimental results of McQueeney et al .

  21. 采用扭摆振动振幅测试法,对轴向最大负荷为10kN的转动惯量测试台磁悬浮系统的电磁阻尼进行了实验研究,结果表明该磁悬浮系统中径向电磁轴承的电磁阻尼起决定性作用。

    Electro magnetic suspend system damping of a test rig , whose maximum axial load is 10 kN , for measuring inertia moment has been measured by using twist vibration method , and the results show that the damping force of radial magnetic bearing is dominant .

  22. 计算机在扭摆法动态力学测量中的应用

    Application of Computer in Dynamic Mechanical Measurement with Torsion Pendulum Method

  23. 扭摆的故事&简单的仪器与重要的成果

    Story of the Torsion Pendulum ── a Simple Device with Important Uses

  24. 用扭摆测试导弹惯性积的方法

    A method for testing missile 's product of inertia using torsion pendulum

  25. 扭摆法测定界面剪切粘度中的若干问题

    Some problems in the measurement of interfacial shear viscosity by oscillation method

  26. 用扭摆验证转动惯量平行轴定理的新方法

    A new method using torsion pendulum to verify the parallel axis theorem

  27. 本文讨论一种扭摆式微机械加速度计。

    This paper discusses one type of micromechanical accelerometer with torsional pendulum .

  28. 超导扭摆磁铁同步辐射光的光电解吸气载

    Photon Induced Desorption Gas Load of Synchrotron Radiation from a Superconducting Wiggler

  29. 真空倒扭摆内耗形变加载装置的研制应用

    Design and application of an inverted pendulum with deformation and loading systems

  30. 扭摆法测量转动惯量实验中光电门摆放位置的探究

    Discussion on position of optical gate in rotational inertia experiment