
  • 网络HYDRAULIC CLUTCH;Fluid coupling
  1. 某型起动机液压离合器故障分析与改进

    Trouble Analysis And Improvement of Hydraulic Clutch

  2. 液压离合器的设计研究

    Design and research of hydraulic clutch

  3. 蓄能控制阀是加藤NK系列汽车起重机起升液压离合器回路自动蓄能系统的核心元件。

    The accumulation control valve is the key element of the hydraulic clutch system on NK series truck cares .

  4. 阿液压离合器和自动调节的机制消除了调整,在整个传输寿命的需要。

    A hydraulic clutch and self-adjusting mechanism eliminates the need for adjustments throughout the lifespan of the transmission .

  5. 介绍了液压离合器的结构、工作原理及主参数设计,通过工业性试验证明,其使用寿命长、密封性能好、安全可靠,达到了设计要求。

    This paper introduces the structure , working principle and determination of the main parameter of hydraulic clutch . Industrial test showes that the clutch has the features of long life , nice seal , safe and reliability and reachs the aim of design .

  6. 液压换档离合器带排转矩研究

    99 10 13 A study on drag torque of hydraulic shift clutch

  7. 本文在分析上述两类离合器的优缺点基础之上,设计了一种新型的液压自动离合器,即将摩擦式离合器的手动执行机构改为由液压缸旋转式配油的执行机构;

    This paper presents a design of a new kind of hydraulic automobile clutch , namely the actuator of rotary hydraulic cylinder which is being changed from the manual driving actuator of friction clutch .

  8. 磨矿机液压滑差离合器软起动装置研究

    Study on smooth start device with hydraulic slip clutch in a mill

  9. 制动液是装备液压制动和离合器工作缸的汽车使用的另一种油料。

    Brake fluid is another oil product used for a hydraulic brake or a clutch cylinder of a car .

  10. 根据研究结果指出,通过采取诸如滑移控制、改进的液压回路、分离离合器或启动-停止控制等措施,压力钢带式CVT仍具有较大的降低油耗的潜力;

    The research results show that pressure steel-belt CVT has a big potential for reducing fuel consumption through some measures such as slip control , improvement on hydraulic return line , separating clutch or start-stop control etc ;