
  • 网络folding seat;rumble seat
  1. 双门的车身上印有路虎商标,钢架上的铝面板以及体现了Rover最新的安全技术,包括与前排折叠座椅相结合的安全带。

    The two-door body features Land Rover 's trademark aluminium panels on a steel frame and embodies Rover 's latest safety technology including seat belts integrated with the folding front seats .

  2. 乘务员得知了亚瑟的情况后,他们也感到无能为力,因为他们不能让亚瑟坐在他们的折叠座椅上。他们很同情亚瑟,却什么也帮不了他。

    Flight attendants whom he told about the problem said they could not help him as he was not allowed to sit in their jump seats . They were sympathetic , but could not do anything .

  3. 向前拉后座椅底部,并折叠后座椅。

    Pull rear seat bottom forward and fold down rear seat .

  4. 法官们喜欢其分裂挡板,移动存储和中控台容易折叠后排座椅。

    The judges liked its split tailgate , removable centre console storage and easily folded rear seats .

  5. 将可折叠的汽车后座椅还原,以防止孩子由此钻入后行李箱。

    Keep rear-fold seats in place to prevent entering the trunk from inside .