
  1. 一些评论员说,女王的包包里总是会放着一张折好的五英镑纸币,用于星期日的教堂捐献,此外包里还会放着一支口红和一面镜子。

    There is always a folded £ 5 note for the church collection on Sundays , some commentators have claimed , and a lipstick and mirror .

  2. 根据瑞信(creditsuisse)的研究,该板块大牌公司的股价相对每股资产净值平均存在大约四分之一的折让,而长期的平均折让幅度为五分之二。

    Bigger names in the sector trade at an average discount to net asset value of about a quarter , compared with a two-fifths long-term average , according to Credit Suisse .