
  • 网络Refractive index;index of refraction
  1. 用折光指数监测维生素E深加工过程

    Monitoring the Deeply Treated Process of Vitamin E with Refractive Index

  2. 以桐油样品为对象,测试其折光指数和游离脂肪酸含量,对所得数据通过F检验来判断样品的均匀性。

    Taking tung oil sample as the objective , refractive index and content of free fatty acids were tested .

  3. 用黏度法、折光指数法、DSC法、FTIR法研究了PVC与EC的相容性;

    The good compatibility between PVC and EC was demonstrated via viscometry , refractive index , DSC , and FTIR measurements .

  4. 利用溶解度参数法、共溶剂法、稀溶液粘度法、折光指数法、玻璃化温度法和红外光谱法对PVC和CA的相容性进行探讨。

    The miscibility of PVC blends in tetrahydrofuran ( THF ) were characterized by solubility parameter , dilute solution viscometry , refractive index and glass transition temperature , etc.

  5. 涂料的热反射率与面漆所用的基料、颜填料的折光指数、颜填料的粒径、纯度、膜厚及PVC值有很大的关系。

    The heat reflection rate of the paint is greatly influenced by the binder of finish , the refractive index , particle size , purity of pigments and fillers , PVC , and the film thickness .

  6. 结果表明,连续相的透光性、橡胶相CPE的含量、两相折光指数的匹配都显著地影响MCS树脂的透明性;

    It was shown that the transparency of MCS resins depended on the light-transmitting properties of the phases , the dispersity of the rubber phase , and difference of the refractive index between the phases .

  7. 用激光小角光散射仪(LALLS)和激光示差折射仪(KMX-16),分别测定了低分子肝素的第二维利系数(A2)和折光指数浓度增量(dn/dc)。

    This paper describes the measurement of Second Virial coefficients ( A2 ) and spe-cific refractive index increment ( dn / dc ) of low molecular weight heparines by low angle laser light scattering photometer ( LALLS ) and laser differential refractometer .

  8. 提出以折光指数的变化来确定醇解的反应时间;

    Alcoholysis reaction time was determined by variation of refractive index .

  9. GB/T5527-1985植物油脂检验折光指数测定法

    Inspection of vegetable oils & Methods for determination of refractive index

  10. 含硫高折光指数光学塑料的分子设计

    Molecule design of high refractive index optical plastics containing sulfur

  11. 用结构信息自相关拓扑指数预测环烷烃的折光指数

    Predicting the Refractive Index of Cycloalkane Using Structure Information Autocorrelation Topological Index

  12. 食用植物油折光指数测定法的探讨

    Probe again into the determination of refractive index of the edible vegetable oil

  13. 酸和酚类化合物折光指数的拓扑研究

    Topological study of refractive index of acids and phenols

  14. 连接性指数及其逆指数对一元醇折光指数的拓扑研究

    Connectivity Index and Converse Index for Topological Study of Refractive Index of Single Alcohol

  15. 酯肪醛折光指数与分子结构间定量关系的探讨

    Quantitative Study on the Relation Between Refractive Index and Molecular Structure of Aliphatic Aldehydes

  16. 基团距离参数和连接性指数对烷烃折光指数的拓扑研究

    Topological Research of Group Distance Parameter and Connectivity Index to Refractive Index of Alkanes

  17. 应用分子电性距离矢量预测烷烃和一元醇的折光指数

    Prediction of the Refractive Index for Alkanes and Single Alcohols Using Molecular Electronegativity-Distance Vector

  18. 定量体积排除色谱法测定水溶性高分子的折光指数增量

    Determination of Specific Refractive Index Increments of Water Soluble Polymers by Quantitative Size Exclution Chromatography

  19. 壳聚糖折光指数增量的研究

    The specific refractive index increment of Chitosan

  20. 脂肪胺结构与密度和折光指数关系的探讨

    Studies on the Relationship Between Densities and Refractive Indexes of Alkyl Amine and Its Molecular Structure

  21. GB/T8658-1998乳液聚合型苯乙烯-丁二烯橡胶生胶结合苯乙烯含量的测定折光指数法

    " Rubber , raw styrene-butadiene , emulsion-polymerized Determination of bound styrene content Refractive index method "

  22. 直链1&溴烷烃结构与折光指数关系的探讨

    Quantitative Study on the Relationship Between Refractive Index and Molecular Structure of Normal 1 - Bromoalkane

  23. 氟代烷烃结构与折光指数关系的拓扑化学研究

    Studies on the relationship between refractive indexes of Fluoroalkane and its molecular structure by using topology

  24. 基于折光指数相匹配的理论,设计和计算了各组分的折光指数。

    Based on refractive index match theory , the parameters are de - signed and calculated . index ;

  25. 光散射研究中折光指数增量(dn/dc)的温度和分子量依赖性的影响

    The influence of the dn / dc temperature and molecular weight dependence on the study of light scattering

  26. 折光指数和密度随之增加;而分子链段取向却随之降低。

    At the same time , the refractive index and density increase while the segmental orientation of macromolecule decreases .

  27. 支链烷烃折光指数与其分子结构之间定量关系的二级结构信息法研究

    Study on the relationship between refractive indexes of Alkane Isomers and its molecular structure with the two-order structural information method

  28. 结构族组成在折光指数-熔点图上分别都位于异构烷和单环环烷区。

    Their mean hydrocarbon structural group compositions in the plots of refractive index-melting point were located at isoalkanes or monocycloalkanes region .

  29. 对沸点、密度和折光指数的计算结果表明,计算值都很接近实验值。

    The calculation of boiling points , densities and refractive indexes shows that the result of-calculation agrees with the experimental data very well .

  30. 对齐聚物中各半分散组分的折光指数增量、尺寸排除色谱响应面积与重量分数之间的相互关系作了数学分析。

    The relationships between the refractive index increment , SEC response area and weight fraction of the monodisperse species of oligomers are analyzed mathematically .