
  • 网络Refractive index temperature coefficient;TCRI
  1. 7.5mol%Nb∶KTP晶体的主折射率温度系数的计算

    Calculation of the Principal Thermal Refractive Index Coefficients in 7.5 mol % Nb ∶ KTP Crystals

  2. 高掺镁LiNbO3晶体折射率温度系数的表示式

    Expressions of Thermal Refractive Index Coefficients for LiNbO_3 Crystal Heavily Doped with Magnesium

  3. 冰洲石晶体色散方程解析研究及折射率温度系数表达式

    Sellmeier Coefficients for the Refractive Indices of Calcite at Crystal Different Temperatures

  4. 云母晶体最大双折射率温度系数的测定

    Measurement of Thermal Maximal Birefringent Index Coefficients of Mica Crystal

  5. Ti:Mg:LiNbO3晶体的折射率温度系数表示式

    Expressions of thermal refractive index coefficients for Ti : Mg : LiNbO_3 crystal

  6. 石英晶体的色散方程及折射率温度系数

    The Study on Dispersive Equation and Thermal Refractive Index Coefficient of Quartz Crystal

  7. 卤化铊晶体折射率温度系数的理论研究

    The theory of temperature coefficient of the refractive index for thallous halide crystals

  8. 测量晶体最大双折射率温度系数的偏光干涉法

    Measurement of the temperature coefficient of maximal birefringent index of crystal by polarized interference spectrum

  9. 无色光学玻璃折射率温度系数与平晶等厚干涉条纹

    Thermal Refractive Index Coefficients of Colorless Optical Glass and Equal Thickness Interference Fringe of Optical Flat

  10. 折射率温度系数测定仪中数据自动采集处理系统的研究

    Development of an Automatic Data Sampling and Processing System in on Instrument for Measuring Temperature Coefficient of Retractive Index

  11. 折射率温度系数测定仪升降温装置和自动控制系统的研究

    Developments of Systems for Rising and Droping the Temperature and for Automatically Controling in an In (?) trument for Measuring the Temperature Coefficient of Refractive Index

  12. 然后介绍了空间光学遥感器光机热集成分析的技术路径和技术实现,技术实现主要探讨如何将透镜的折射率温度系数效应和反射镜面的热变形效应数据变成光学分析软件可以接受的数据;

    The way and technique of thermal / structure / optical integrated analysis was studied , mainly on how to link the temperature and thermo-elastic data with optical analysis .

  13. 基于神经网络的智能温度仪表的研制折射率温度系数测定仪中数据自动采集处理系统的研究

    Research of the Intelligent Instrument for Measuring Temperature Based on Neural Network Development of an Automatic Data Sampling and Processing System in on Instrument for Measuring Temperature Coefficient of Retractive Index

  14. 首次指出电声子相互作用引起的折射率温度系数,高温时为一常数,低温时与T~3成正比。

    It is the first time to point out that the temperature coefficient of refractive index introduced by the electron-phonon interaction ( excluded the thermal expansion ) is a constant at high temperture and is proportional to T3 at low temperature .

  15. BaF2晶体折射率及其温度系数的测定

    Refractive Indices and Its Thermal Coefficients of BaF_2

  16. BiB3O6晶体主轴折射率及其温度系数

    The Principal Refractive Indices and Thermal Coefficients of BiB_3O_6 Crystal

  17. 绿宝石激光晶体的主折射率及其温度系数的精确测量

    Measurement of Principal Refractive Indices and Expression of Thermal Refractive Index Coefficients of Emerald Laser Crystal

  18. Nd(0.007)Gd(0.993)VO4晶体折射率和折射率温度系数的测量

    Measurement of Refractive Indices and Thermal Refractive Index Coefficients of Nd_ ( 0.007 ) Gd_ ( 0.993 ) VO_4 Crystal

  19. KTiOPO4晶体的折射率和折射率温度系数的测量

    Measurements of the Refractive Index and its Thermal Coefficient for KTiOPO_4 Crystals

  20. 钒酸钇晶体折射率和折射率温度系数的测定

    Measurement of Principal Refractive Indices and the Thermal Refractive Index Coefficients of Yttrium Vanadate

  21. 用自准直方法测量了冰洲石晶体的主折射率并计算出了折射率温度系数。

    The main refractive indices of calcite crystal are measured by the means of auto-collimation , and the thermo-optical coefficients are calculated .

  22. 研究了卤化铊晶体的折射率温度效应,结果表明晶格常数变化引起的带宽变化对这类晶体折射率温度系数的影响不可忽视,且是负贡献。

    The thermal effect of the refractive index for thallous halide crystals is studied . The result shows that the contribution of the variation of band width due to the change of lattice constant is important for the temperature coefficient of thallous halide crystals and is negative .