
zhé chōng
  • subdue;repulse or subdue the enemy
折冲 [zhé chōng]
  • [subdue] 克敌制胜

  • 折冲于谈笑间

折冲[zhé chōng]
  1. 外交电报中,叙述许多幕后折冲内幕。

    There 's a lot of behind-the-scenes work reported on the diplomatic cables .

  2. 模型试验中的阵发性不稳定流态及折冲流&李家峡水电站左底孔试验中的两个问题

    Model Test on Instable Flow and Oblique Flow

  3. 冲击带水流的折冲作用,可能诱发侧墙空化空蚀破坏。

    The impact band flow reflection reduces the sidewall pressure and initiates sidewall cavitation .

  4. 经过反复折冲,法庭判科航获12亿美元赔偿。目前,科航正努力通过至少九项判决索取这些赔偿。

    After much wrangling , it gained a $ 1.2 billion judgment which it is now trying to collect in at least nine jurisdictions .

  5. 文章分析了与折冲流有关的因素,如压差、压力和流速梯度以及渥奇面参数,进而提出了修改方案,基本解决了该孔存在的折冲流问题。

    The factors related to the oblique flow , such as pressure difference , pressure and velocity gradients and the parameter of Ogee surface are also analysed .

  6. 这种非对称折冲流动可能与上游突扩前断面非对称入口条件相对应,也可能与上游突扩前断面对称入口条件相对应。

    The non-symmetric refracted flow is possible to correspond to the non-symmetric entrance condition of upstream cross before sudden expansion section , and also to the symmetric entrance condition .