
zhé zhǐ
  • Origami;paper folding;fold paper;flexagon
折纸 [zhé zhǐ]
  • [paper folding] 把纸折叠成各种物体的形状的艺术

折纸[zhé zhǐ]
  1. 手工折纸对提高精神分裂症患者社会技能的研究

    The research to improve schizophrenia 's social technique with manual paper folding

  2. 在西班牙、南美和德国也很流行折纸。

    Paper folding has also flourished in Spain , South America , and Germany .

  3. Yolo!制片和狮鹫公司联合打造了这部拉吉夫·约瑟夫的剧集,它讲述了一位折纸艺术家邀请一个天才少年和他的老师去她工作室的故事。

    Yolo ! Productions and the Great Griffon present the play by Rajiv Joseph , in which an origami artist invites a teenage talent and his teacher into her studio .

  4. 他们展示自己的作品,教学生如何折纸。

    They show their works and teach students how to fold .

  5. 他们去年成立了一个折纸俱乐部。

    They set up a paper-folding club last year .

  6. 就读于浙江杭州恩特尔外国语学校,14岁就有折纸天赋。

    The 14-year-old has origami talent at Hangzhou Entel Foreign Language School , Zhejiang .

  7. 在陈读四年级的时候,他发现了哥哥的折纸书。

    When Chen was a fourth-grader , he found his brother 's paper-folding book .

  8. 学校支持他们每周三下午开一次折纸课。

    With support from school , they host a paper-folding class every Wednesday afternoon .

  9. 这使他对折纸产生了兴趣。

    It got him interested in origami .

  10. “我希望越来越多的人能够了解折纸,热爱这门艺术。”

    " I hope more and more people get to know origami and love this art . "

  11. 从那以后,他在业余时间读了很多关于折纸和练习的书。

    Since then , he has read many books about origami and practices in his spare time .

  12. DNA折纸术也是目前DNA自组装发展的一个方向。

    DNA origami is a newly developed direction of DNA self-assembly .

  13. 新型DNA折纸芯片系统的开发与研究

    Research and Development for a New DNA Origami Chip System

  14. 所谓DNA折纸芯片,就是由DNA折纸术得到的图形改造为的芯片。

    DNA origami chip means a chip based on DNA origami technique .

  15. 本课题的内容是开发一种新型的DNA折纸芯片,这其实也属于纳米排布的一种。

    The main subject of this thesis is about DNA origami chip , which actually belongs to nanofabrication .

  16. 珑骧LePliage包的灵感源自折纸艺术。

    Longchamp 's Le Pliage bag took its inspiration from origami .

  17. 接着,本文就DNA折纸术的一个发展方向进行了更深入的研究:和DNA金属化相结合构造分子电子器件。

    Then , a subsequential study was carried out as an application of DNA origami : molecular electronic circuit constructed by DNA origami combining with DNA metallization .

  18. 令人吃惊的图像证实了DNA折纸过程中有效地产生埃舍尔式的莫比乌斯带测量超过千分之一的人类头发的宽度减少。

    The startling images confirm that the DNA origami process efficiently produced Escher-like M ö bius strips measuring less than a thousandth the width of a human hair .

  19. 我们使用DNA折纸术的方法在特定的位置设计一些订书钉链作为金纳米粒子的连接位点,并且将修饰巯基的DNA引物通过共价键与金纳米粒子连接。

    We have used the DNA origami approach to engineer staple strands at selected sites for attachment of gold nanoparticles . The covalent attachment of thiol-modified DNA oligomers was used to functionalize gold nanoparticles .

  20. 该图形采用了基于DNA折纸术的构造原理,并进一步证明了DNA折纸术具有构造几乎任何复杂二维纳米级图形的能力,为基于自下而上方法的纳米构造技术提供了新方法。

    The DNA origami technology was employed in the construction of this shape , which has proved the capability of constructing almost any complicated nanoscale shape enabled by DNA origami , and provided novel bottom-up approach for constructing nanostructures .

  21. 本论文主要研究利用DNA折纸术组装纳米材料的几种方法,目前在纳米尺度上组装材料的方法有很多,这些方法主要分为两类:自上而下和自下而上。

    This dissertation is about using DNA origami to organize matter at the nanoscale . There are several approaches that are used to organize matter at this scale . These organizational methods are mainly classified into two groups : Top down and bottom up approaches .

  22. 克里斯托弗·凯恩(ChristopherKane)的秋季折纸造型(左下)和辛勒·别克利(SindreBjerkli)的多层纸桌(上排最右)展示出这种平凡材料的诸多可能性。

    Christopher Kane 's origami looks for fall ( bottom left ) and Sindre Bjerkli 's layered paper tables ( top far right ) showcase the many possibilities of the humble material .

  23. 今天我们将探讨迷人的古老折纸艺术。

    Today we will explore the fasinating ancient art of origami .

  24. 除了那个折纸动物园,我没有任何其他玩具。

    I didn 't have any toys except my paper menagerie .

  25. 混合式折纸机:结合刀式折和栅栏式折的折纸机。

    Combination folder : A machine combining a knife and buckle folder .

  26. 我们总是冷漠的用短信、折纸来表达。

    We speak in cold we send messages , origami .

  27. 现在我很喜欢折纸手工。

    At the moment I 'm really fond of origami .

  28. 折纸等仿制品不再使用。

    Origami and other imitation articles are no longer used .

  29. 建筑整体如折纸般轻盈。

    The building asserts it lightness , like an origami .

  30. 我爱看动画片、读书、折纸;

    I love watching cartoons , reading , origami ;