
  • 网络refractive index dispersion
  1. 在两量子点共振频率的中间,显示出相对低折射率色散、宽带宽、适宜于光通信的特性。

    In the middle of the two quantum dots resonance energy , it shows relatively low refractive index dispersion , large bandwidth and suitable for optical communication .

  2. 有机聚合物材料折射率色散的研究

    Study on Refractive Index Dispersion of Organic Polymer

  3. 与衍射效应产生的色散相比,透镜本身的折射率色散很小。

    The dispersion caused from the chromatic aberrations of lens is smaller than that from diffraction effects of it .

  4. 此方法对其它各向异性晶体材料的双折射率色散特性的研究同样适应。

    For the study of birefringence dispersion character of other aeolotropic crystal material , this method can also be applied .

  5. 介绍了偏光干涉测量石英晶体双折射率色散特性及其相关数据处理方法。

    The method of measuring out quartz crystal 's birefringence dispersion character through polarization interference and processing correlated data was introduced .

  6. 分析了泵浦光强、双激子驰豫速率对吸收谱的影响,计算了系统的折射率色散。

    We discuss the pump pulse intensity and biexciton relaxation rate influence on the absorption spectrum . We calculate the refractive index dispersion of the system .

  7. 相对论正负电子对等离子体色散关系与衍射效应产生的色散相比,透镜本身的折射率色散很小。

    Linear Dispersion Relation for Electron-positron Plasma in Relativistic Regime The dispersion caused from the chromatic aberrations of lens is smaller than that from diffraction effects of it .

  8. 测量了它们的时间分辨光谱,通过傅里叶变换获得了它们的频谱,从而得到了频谱响应和折射率色散关系。

    The frequency-domain spectra were obtained by fast Fourier transform ( FFT ) . The spectral response and the dispersive relationship of refractive index in THz spectral range were obtained .

  9. 本文提供了一种在GaAs/GaAlAs多量子阱(MQW)材料的直接带边附近折射率参数色散关系的获得方法。

    This paper presents a method for obtaining the dispersion relation of the refractive index near the direct band-gap of GaAs / GaAlAs multiple quantum wells ( MQW ) materials .

  10. 从KTP色散方程及其参数数据得到折射率、色散曲线、主轴坐标平面上倍频相位匹配(PM)角,并分析各组数据的可靠性及KTP色散特性。分析双轴晶体主平面上倍频PM的表征。

    The reliability of dispersive data and the dispersive properties are analyzed characterization for phase matching ( PM ) of frequency doubling in the principal planes of biaxial crystals are depicted , in terms of polarization directions of 3 wave involved .

  11. 为此,论文提出了玻璃的折射率和色散变化对二级光谱的影响,推导了它们之间的关系式,实际应用于CE-1傅立叶变换光学系统的玻璃选取,取得了好的效果。

    Therefore , the effects of the variety of the refraction to secondary were brought forward and the relationship between them was deduced . This formula was used into the CE-1 FT lens and gets a good result .

  12. 一维光子晶体的有效折射率及色散特性

    Effective refractive index and dispersive properties of one-dimensional photonic crystals

  13. GB/T7962.1-1987无色光学玻璃测试方法折射率和色散系数测试方法

    Colourless optical glass test methods & Refractive index and coefficient of dispersion

  14. 光学材料折射率和色散的高精度测量技术研究

    High Accuracy Measurment Technique for Refractive Index and Dispersion of optical Material

  15. 用环形横向剪切干涉法精密测定透镜的折射率和色散

    Precise measurement of refraction index and dispersion of lens by encircling lateral shearing interferometer

  16. 沿膜厚方向的簿膜非均匀折射率及其色散测量

    Measurement of the Inhomogeneous Refractive Indices and Dispersion of Thin Films along Film Thickness

  17. 折射率、色散变化量与宽谱段傅氏镜二级光谱变化量的分析

    Analysis on Increment of Index of Glass and Increment of Secondary Spectrum of the Wide Bands FT Lens

  18. 分层芯折射率分布色散平坦型单模光纤光纤分布式布里渊传感散射谱数据分析模型

    Segmented core index profile dispersion-flattened single-mode fiber Analytical Model of Brillouin Scattering Spectrum Measurements in Fibre-Optic Distributed Sensing Systems

  19. 折射率、色散和吸收系数是用于超高速全光开关的光学材料的重要品质指数。

    Refractive index , chromatic dispersion and absorption coefficient are material figures of merit for ultrafast all optical switch .

  20. 光学材料的折射率和色散系数对光学系统成像影响极大,如折射率对球差等单色像差的影响极为敏感,而色散系数则对色差有直接影响。本文将以具体产品为例。

    The optical constants , such as refractivity and chromatic dispersion efficiency , have great influence on the imaging of optical system .

  21. 介绍了宽谱段傅里叶变换镜头中光学玻璃的折射率、色散变化对系统的成像质量的影响。

    The effect induced by the increment of refraction index and dispersion of glass in the wide bands FT ( Fourier Translate ) lens were introduced .

  22. 采用连续偏光干涉原理,针对石英晶体样品,获得了石英晶体在300~800nm间的光强透射比曲线和最大双折射率的色散曲线。

    By using the method of continuous polarization interfering , we have measured birefringence dispersion curve and intensity transmission curve of quartz between 300 nm and 800 nm .

  23. 研究了上述系统玻璃折射率、色散、密度、轻变温度、转化温度、热膨胀系数、热光常数和成份之间关系。

    The relations between glass composition and refractive index , dispersion , density , transformation temperature , softening temperature , thermal expansion coefficient , thermal optical coefficient are studied .

  24. 实例表明光学玻璃的折射率、色散变化量对宽谱段傅里叶变换镜头的成像质量有显著的影响。

    The example showed in this thesis indicated that the increment of refraction index and dispersion of glass in the wide bands system had more serious effect to its imaging quality .

  25. 根据云母折射率的色散关系和相位延迟随波长变化关系,给出了一种测量双折射率比较精确的方法。

    A new accurate method for measuring the birefringence of muscovite mica has been reported in terms of the dispersion relations of the indices and the variety relations between the phase delay and the wavelength .

  26. 径向梯度变折射率透镜的色散特性的研究

    Research on dispersion characteristic of gradient index lens

  27. 用光学相关识别方法测量单模光纤的折射率分布和色散

    Refractive Index Profile and Modal Dispersion Prediction for Single Mode Fibers Using Optical Correlation Method

  28. 本文介绍了如何利用折射率的洛伦茨色散关系拟合氢原子光谱实验的定标曲线的方法。

    This article demonstrates the method of simulating the calibration curve of hydrogen atomic spectrum using the Lorentz dispersion relation .

  29. 阶跃折射率光纤的色散影响比剃度折射率光纤大得多。

    The influence of the modal dispersion of a multimode step-index fiber is larger than one of a multimode graded-index fiber .

  30. 结果表明,少磷氟化物玻璃的折射率低,色散系数高,从近紫外到中红外光谱区域有良好的透过特性。

    The results indicate that the fluoride glasses containing a small amount of phosphate have a low refractive index , high Abbe number and good transmission characteristics ranging from near UV to medium IR .