
  1. 而工业照明作为中国照明行业中的一个细分市场,在过去的十年里也以每年30%以上的速度在增长。

    Industrial lighting being one of the segment markets of lighting industry in China , in the past decade , it has been growing at more than 30 % annually .

  2. 谈智能照明控制系统及其在工业厂房照明设计中的应用

    Intelligent Lighting Control Systems and Applications in the Industrial Plant lighting Design

  3. 浅议钢铁工业厂房照明设计

    A discussion on lighting design for steel workshop buildings

  4. 工业厂房照明设计的几点认识

    Several cognitions on lighting design for industrial factory building

  5. 在米兰工艺学校取得工业特殊照明技术设计学位。

    Degree in Industrial Design with specialization in Lighting Technique at Polytechnic of Milan .

  6. 色温的测量对于灯泡工业和照明工程等具有很重要的意义。

    The measurement of colour temperature is important to bulb industrial and illumination engineering .

  7. 工业厂房照明的改进与效益

    Improvement and benefit of workshop illumination

  8. 对一些钢铁企业类的工业厂房照明设计作一些简要的分析和总结。

    A brief analysis and summary were made of the lighting design for the workshop buildings for steel works .

  9. 本产品适用于加油站、仓库、车站、船舶、站台、球场等工业固定照明场所。

    The product is mainly applicable to gas station , warehouse , station , ships , platform , stadium and other industrial areas .

  10. 电源管理的应用无处不在,从计算机、便携设备、家电,到工业控制、照明、宇航、军事等领域,其市场极为广阔。

    Recently , Power management IC becomes a very important and active field , due to it can be used for computers , portable equipments , home-devices , industrial control , lighting , space navigation , and military affairs and so on , and its market is very large .

  11. 两个月前,中国南方工业城市佛山的照明灯具协会秘书长朱新智带队前往广西招聘员工。

    Two months ago Zhu Xinzhi , head of a lighting manufacturers ' association in the industrial city of Foshan in southern China , set off for Guangxi on a recruiting trip .

  12. 在工业生产中,工业环境和照明条件的确定性使得快速准确地判别分类出工业零件的想法成为可能,本系统就是在这种想法下应运而生的。

    During the course of industrial manufacture , the determinacy of the industrial environment and illuminating conditions makes the ideas possible that industrial parts can be distinguished and classified rapidly and accurately . The system introduced below is the result of this idea .