
  • 网络PROCESS EQUIPMENT;Process Facilities;PECVD
  1. 对价格为202元/块和10元/块的硬质合金拉丝模A和B在同样的工艺设备条件下进行试验。

    To test hard alloy wire drawing die A whose price is RMB 20.2 yuan a piece and B whose price is 10 yuan a piece under same process equipment conditions . The wear and tear of the die per tone steel wire , wire broken times ?

  2. 齐鲁石化公司重油加氢装置工艺设备简介

    Brief introduction of process equipment for Qilu Petrochemical Company VRDS unit

  3. 尽可能改造B、C级生产企业的工艺设备;

    Reforming the technological equipment of B-and C-class enterprise as far as possible ;

  4. 讨论了选矿厂工艺设备配置图设计中CAD技术应用的三种主要方法,结果表明,参数化绘图是最有效的途径之一。

    Three basic methods for application of CAD techniques in the engineering plotting of process equipment flowsheet arrangement in concentrator were discussed . As a result , it is shown that the parametrization plotting is one of the most effective ways .

  5. 汽车总装配工艺设备选型方法与实践

    Equipment Selection for Automobile General Assembly Line : Methods and Practice

  6. 搞好工艺设备安装减少油站先天性隐患

    Installing Technological Equipment Well , Reducing Hidden Hazards of Fuel Station

  7. 涂层复合技术的应用与工艺设备的研发

    Application of Coating and Laminating Technology and Development of Processing Equipments

  8. 利用现有气流&轮碾工艺设备生产之,其产品件能优良,质量稳定。

    The products had a good property and their quality was stabilized .

  9. 一种卷绕式铅酸蓄电池卷绕工艺设备的研制

    Study and Preparation on Spirally Wound Equipment of Spirally Wound Lead-acid Batteries

  10. 非正态分布工艺设备调整数学模型

    The Mathematical models for the Adjustment of Some Non-Gaussian Distribution Technological Installations

  11. 改造供料工艺设备降低烧结矿返粉率

    Transforming Feeding Equipment Reducing Return Fine Rate of Sintered Ore

  12. 马钢全连续式棒材车间工艺设备设计特点

    The design characteristics of the continuous bar rolling line

  13. 低温粉碎用工艺设备的选择与分析

    Choice and analysis of apparatus used in cryogenic comminution

  14. 排渣工艺设备设计浅见

    Process and Equipment Design of a Cinder Discharging System

  15. 探尺装置是现代化高炉的重要工艺设备,合理地选择和优化其自控系统。

    Stock rod device is an important technological equipment of large blast furnace .

  16. 菠萝叶纤维提取与工艺设备的研究

    Research on Pineapple Leaf Fiber Extraction and Processing Equipment

  17. 我国磁铁矿选矿工艺设备存在的问题及发展方向

    Existing Problems and Development Orientation of China 's Beneficiation Technology and Equipment for Magnetite Ore

  18. 加工高硫原油常减压装置工艺设备防腐措施

    Corrosion protection measures for process equpment processing high sulfur crude oil in atmospheric vacuum unit

  19. 对国产化真空过滤工艺设备布置取得的经验进行了总结和优化。

    It also summed up experiences and optimization of equipment layout of the domestic RVF .

  20. 湘钢宽厚板热处理区域工艺设备选型探讨

    Exploration of Type Choice of Process Equipment in Heat Treatment Area for Wide and Heavy Plate in Xiangtan Steelworks

  21. 大型双旋喷头是大型炼油装置工艺设备的重要组成部分。

    The large scale double spin nozzle is the major component part of process equipment in large scale refined unit .

  22. 本文以某中药制药厂生产过程控制系统为研究对象,分析了中药生产各工段的工艺设备和控制特点。

    This paper deals with the conception and connotation of " new and high technology in Chinese drug preparation " .

  23. 对鱼糜生产排放废水中鱼糜回收的技术工艺设备和回收鱼糜的再利用等技术进行了系统研究。

    Systematic studies were made on the recovery technology , equipment and reutilization of surimi discharged with the processing waste water .

  24. 经选用合适的电解液配方和电解抛光工艺设备,连续生产出5~3等规格的超细钨灯丝。

    Suitable electrolyte and equipments for electrolyze - polished technology , ultrathin tungsten wire of 5 ~ 3 are continuously produced .

  25. 调查了少年、儿童的生活、学习习惯;调研了工艺设备与材料,特别是板式家具的生产工艺流程;

    Surveying youth and children living and learning customs , investigate the techniques and materials , especially to board furniture production craft ;

  26. 用湿式回转窑工艺设备,在窑内相继对真空过滤机产生的尘泥(含水40%左右)进行初步干燥、造粒、烧结三个过程。

    Preliminary dehydration , granulation and sintering of vacuum-filter dust containing 40 % of water can continuously be accomplished in wet rotary kiln .

  27. 该技术适用于复杂形状零件,其工艺设备简单,易于控制和掌握。

    The technology equipment is simple , and it is easy to control and grasp , and suitable for complicated form the part .

  28. 结论本制剂工艺设备简单,操作方便,制成的制剂符合分散片质量标准。

    Conclusion This product craft equipments is simple , the operation is convenient , the product accord with the dispersible tablets quantity standard .

  29. 因此,深入研究并提供一种可靠的麦汁充氧与酵母添加工艺设备对啤酒的酿造有着十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , to deeply study and provide a reliable " wort aeration and yeast pitching process equipment " is meaningful to brewery .

  30. 此化学抛光工艺设备投资小,抛光液价格低、寿命长,生产成本低。

    The chemistry polishing technology is characterized as small equipment investment , low price of polishing solution , long life and low production cost .