
bò he
  • mint;peppermint;bergamot;Mentha haplocalyx, field mint
薄荷 [bò he]
  • [mint;peppermint] 组成唇形科的各种芳香植物中的任何一种;尤指薄荷属( Mentha )的成员,可入药

薄荷[bò he]
  1. 薄荷油超临界CO2萃取条件的优化和筛选

    Optimization and selection of extraction conditions of essential oil from Mentha haplocalyx by supercritical CO_2 extraction method

  2. 薄荷黄酮类含量动态变化

    Study on the Dynamic Change of Flavonoids Content in Mentha haplocalyx

  3. 我用小薄荷枝装点水果色拉。

    I decorated the fruit salad with a sprig of mint .

  4. 我们这顿午餐吃了五道菜,最后是咖啡和薄荷糖。

    We had a five-course lunch and finished up with coffee and mints .

  5. 她嘴里咂着一颗薄荷糖。

    She sucked on a mint .

  6. 这刨冰有薄荷味儿。

    The ice tasted of mint .

  7. 她嘴里咂着一颗薄荷糖。

    She sucked a mint .

  8. 薄荷油能很有效地调节消化系统失调。

    Peppermint oil is very good for regulating digestive disorders .

  9. 将菜豆、切碎的薄荷和橄榄油放在大碗里搅拌。

    Combine the beans , chopped mint and olive oil in a large bowl

  10. 我咬了口胡椒薄荷味奶油软糖。

    I sank my teeth into a peppermint cream

  11. 用薄荷枝装点。

    Garnish with mint sprigs .

  12. 如果想提神,不要吃巧克力或者喝咖啡,试试薄荷油。

    When you crave a pick-me-up , don 't reach for chocolate or coffee — try peppermint oil instead

  13. 你何不在这里涂点薄荷?

    Why don 't you apply some mentholatum here ?

  14. 来份薄荷汁烤羊肉怎么样?

    How about the roast lamb with mint sauce ?

  15. 吃一块这种薄荷糖!

    Have one of these mints !

  16. 我总是随身带着薄荷糖,就好像它是一枚金币一样。

    I carried the peppermint with me as if it was a gold coin .

  17. “是的。现在你可以带着薄荷糖回去上课了。”

    " Yes . Now you can take that peppermint and go back to class . "

  18. 他买了一些薄荷糖给我,并且当我取得进展时,他都愿意花时间注意到我。

    He bought some peppermints and took the time to notice me when I got something-anything-right .

  19. 我想让你知道我为你感到多么自豪,我刚刚叫你到我的办公室,是为了给你一颗薄荷糖。

    I want you to know how proud I am of you , and I just called you down to my office to give you a peppermint .

  20. MINT,通常称作“薄荷国家”或“薄荷四国”,是对墨西哥、印度尼西亚、尼日利亚和土耳其四个国家的缩略称呼,这个称呼多用于经济领域,将这四个国家定义为影响力逐渐扩大的一个经济组织。

    MINT , often used in the phrase the MINT countries , is an acronym1 of Mexico , Indonesia , Nigeria and Turkey , and is used in financial spheres to characterize these countries as an economic group with growing influence .

  21. 由粗糙表面的薄荷糖们没有表面活性剂的话不会有那么大的喷泉。

    Rough-surfaced mints without surfactant did not create such large fountains .

  22. 具有强烈的薄荷清凉气味。

    It has a strong , minty , cooling odour and taste .

  23. 薄荷四国中有三个国家具有另外一个主要优势:地理位置。

    Another key advantage of three of the MINT countries is their geographical3 location .

  24. 他坐下来,突然往嘴里放了一颗薄荷糖,当即被噎死。

    He sat down , popped in a peppermint and promptly choked to death .

  25. 这糖果有薄荷味。

    This candy tastes of mint .

  26. 不过,经济预测学家预计,薄荷四国大概要用30年的时间才能跻身于世界十大经济体。

    Though it may take some years , possibly as many as 30 , economic forecasters predict that the MINTs have the potential to join the top 10 largest economies in the world .

  27. HPLC法测定薄荷麝香草酚搽剂中3种主药的含量

    Simultaneous Determination of Three Ingredients in Menthol and Thymol Liniment by HPLC

  28. W:不,是薄荷巧克力。

    W : No , they are peppermint chocolates .

  29. •Freshmintleaves新鲜薄荷叶•Whiterum白朗姆酒•Icecubes冰块•Sodawater苏打水混合鲜榨青柠汁,糖和薄荷叶,捣碎拌匀

    Muddle the lime juice , sugar and mint leaves , crushing the mint

  30. 退休工程师V·P·维尔马(V.P.Verma)把他薄荷绿色的大使车骄傲地停在德里南部的家门外。

    P. Verma , a retired engineer , parks his mint green Ambassador proudly outside his south Delhi home .