
  • 网络film interference;Thin-Film Interference;interference in thin films
  1. 新设计方法采用宽带法布里-珀罗薄膜干涉滤光片中心波长两侧的干涉带作为长波通或短波通截止滤光片,可实现S和P偏振分量的分离几乎为零。

    The novel design method is based on a broad-band F-P thin film interference in which both sides of transmittance band can be used for long-wave-pass or short-wave-pass filters , and through suitable refinement it is possible to achieve zero separation between two polarization components .

  2. 根据薄膜干涉原理,通过建立反射模型,对GaN薄膜的生长干涉曲线振幅的变化与其生长模式及表面粗糙度的关系进行了详细的阐述和分析。

    According to the thin film interference principle , detailed elaboration and analysis about the dependences of the oscillation amplitude change of GaN thin film growth interference curve on the thin film growth patterns and the surface roughness through establishing thin film reflection model were made .

  3. 本文基于光学薄膜干涉理论成功地设计出一种线性度好和动态范围宽的非对称F-P腔。

    Based on optical thin film characteristic matrix theory , an asymmetric F-P interferometric cavity with good linearity and wide dynamic range is designed .

  4. 目前主要滤波技术有薄膜干涉滤波器、阵列波导光栅(AWG)和光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)。

    At the present time , the mainstream optical filter techniques including dielectric thin-film filter , array waveguide ( AWG ), Fabry-Perot ( F-P ) filter , fiber bragg grating ( FBG ) .

  5. 基于薄膜干涉理论对该干涉腔的反射率响应关系的计算与分析,得出该非对称F-P腔的结构参数。

    The response of the reflectance of this structure has been calculated and analyzed with optical thin film characteristic matrix theory , the optimal parameters of the F-P interferometric structure have been obtained .

  6. 介绍了利用He-Ne激光器和镀金属玻璃镜演示光的薄膜干涉的一种实验方法,并从光的电磁理论和光度学角度对形成的等倾干涉条纹进行了深入分析。

    This paper develops a method of light interference of thin films with He-Ne laser and a glass plate having a metalized surface . The optical principles analyzed are based on the electromagnetic theory of light and photometry .

  7. 薄膜干涉型光学全通滤波器的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of Thin Film Optical All - pass Filters

  8. 薄膜干涉中的半波损失与薄膜厚度

    Half-wave Loss and Thin Film Thickness in the Thin Film Interference

  9. 关于薄膜干涉中额外程差的问题

    On the Problem of Extra Range Differences of Film Interference

  10. 在大学物理教学中介绍薄膜干涉的滤波效应

    Introduction of Filter Effect of Thin Film Interference in College Physics Teaching

  11. 一种演示薄膜干涉的方法及其相关光学原理

    Light Interference of Thin Films and the Related Optical Principle

  12. 关于薄膜干涉条纹定域的探讨

    Discussions on definite region of interference fringe in thin film

  13. 波分复用薄膜干涉窄带滤光片的设计

    Design of thin film interference narrow band pass filter used in WDM system

  14. 薄膜干涉条纹定域和形状问题的讨论

    Discussion of Domain and Pattern of Film Interference Fringe

  15. 薄膜干涉反射光半波损失计算的讨论

    Discussion on Calculation of Half-wave Loss of Reflection Light in Thin Film Interference

  16. 双光束薄膜干涉的定域问题

    The Interference Range of Double Light Beam Film

  17. 分振幅薄膜干涉课件的制作

    The facture of courseware of the membrane interference

  18. 本文介绍了一种更为确切的讨论薄膜干涉的半波损失方法。

    A more exact method of measuring loss of half-wave in thin-film interference is introduced .

  19. 薄膜干涉的半波损失问题

    Half-Wave Loss in Thin Film Interference

  20. 从菲涅耳公式出发解释了“薄膜干涉”中的半波损失问题。

    Furthermore , the half-wave loss exsisted in thin-film interference was explained with the Fresnel 's formula .

  21. 薄膜干涉的色度学分析

    Colorimetric analysis of film interference

  22. 釉面闪现色斑和色环是由于光的薄膜干涉。

    The colour rings and spots on the glaze surface are caused by optical interference in the film .

  23. 红外薄膜干涉滤光片性能在低温下的变化是空间遥感系统中的一个关键性问题。

    The deterioration in the performances of the infrared thin-film interference filters at low-temperature is crucial to the spaceborne remote sensing instruments .

  24. 运用薄膜干涉的理论,分析了不同条件下的牛顿圈干涉条纹。

    Interference theory of thin films is used in this paper to discuss interference fringe of Newton 's rings in different conditions .

  25. 从色度学的角度,对薄膜干涉光的颜色进行了定量分析。

    In the view point of colorimetry , the quantitative analysis was carried out for the color of the light of film interference .

  26. 本文基于薄膜干涉滤光片角度调谐的基本原理,首次提出并实现了一种线性调谐光滤波器。

    In this paper , a new linear tuning filter based on the angle-tuned thin-film interference filter is design for the first time .

  27. 利用玩具激光器对薄膜干涉和布朗运动实验进行改进,使实验现象更加明显、直观。

    The film interference experiment and the Brownian motion experiment are improved by using toy laser , and the experimental phenomena are more obviously .

  28. 结构色来自于角蛋白外层的薄膜干涉效应,而髓质层则起到了粗糙的反射镜的作用。

    Structural colors originate from the thin-film interference of the top keratin layer while the medullary layer plays a role of a poor mirror .

  29. 本文讨论的即是在采用薄膜干涉方法分(合)波时,其中的关键器件&薄膜干涉滤光片的设计和镀膜监控误差模拟。

    In this article we are discussing two problems : the design of the film interference optical filter and the simulation of the coating process .

  30. 系统结构方式为在定焦光学镜头前端配置薄膜干涉滤光片来构建光路系统,镜头和相机通过专用机械结构相连接。

    The optical system includes a thin-film interference filter system in front of the prime lens , lens is connected with camera by the mechanical structure .