
  • 网络film coated tablet
  1. 盐酸芬氟拉明片化学分析盐酸雷尼替丁薄膜衣片的工艺初探及质量考察

    Preliminary Study on Preparing Process and Quality of Film Coated Tablets of Ranitidine Hydrochloride

  2. HPLC法测定复方茵陈薄膜衣片中6,7-二甲氧基香豆素含量

    Determination of 6,7-dimethylesculetin in Compound Yinchen Film-coating Tablets by HPLC

  3. 采用羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC)和聚丙烯酸树脂将维生素C制成薄膜衣片。

    The Vitamin C coated tablets have been prepared using HPMC and eudragit II .

  4. 结果:经过统计学处理,薄膜衣片和糖衣片溶出参数(T50)有极显著性差异,45分钟薄膜衣片累积溶出百分率在90%以上,糖衣片仅有49-78%。

    Results : Statistics indicated there was a significant difference in dissolution parameter ( T 50 ) between film-coated tablets and sugar-coated tablets . The dissolution percentage of film-coated tablets in 45 minutes was over 90 % , whereas sugar-coated tablets was only 49-78 % .

  5. 进口与国产利培酮薄膜衣片在健康志愿者的生物等效性

    Bioequivalence of imported and domestic risperidone film-coated tablets in healthy volunteers

  6. 应用近红外漫反射光谱法对红霉素薄膜衣片进行一致性检验

    Conformity Test of Erythromycin Film-coated Tablets by Near Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy

  7. 双氯芬酸钠肠溶薄膜衣片的制备及质量控制

    Preparation and quality control of Diclofenac Sodium Enteric Film-coated Tablets

  8. 尿塞通糖衣片、薄膜衣片的体外溶出度考察黄芩清肺分散片中栀子苷的体外溶出度研究

    Study on in Vitro Dissolution Rate of Niaosaitong Sugar-coated Tablets and Film-coated Tablets

  9. 诺氟沙星薄膜衣片含量测定的不确定度评定

    Uncertainty evaluation for the assay of norfloxacin membrane tablets

  10. 替米沙坦薄膜衣片制备工艺的研究

    Investigation on preparation technology of Telmisartan film-coaling Tablets

  11. 本品为棕红色薄膜衣片与淡橙色薄膜衣片。

    It occurs as a brownish red film-coated tablet and a pale orange film-coated tablet .

  12. 头孢氨苄薄膜衣片,解决了头孢氨苄糖衣片含量下降和有效期内变色问题。

    Cefalexin film-coated tablets solved the problems of sugar-coated tablets : content falling and colour changing .

  13. 目的建立复方茵陈薄膜衣片中的6,7-二甲氧基香豆素含量测定方法。

    Aim To develop a method for the Determination content of 6,7-dimethylesculetin in Compound Yinchen film-coating tablets .

  14. 结论本法简单,专属性强,可准确用于氯诺昔康薄膜衣片溶出度的测定。

    CONCLUSION The simple HPLC method with good specificity may be used for the accurate dissolution determination of lornoxicam film-coated tablets .

  15. 我公司生产的薄膜衣片(黄色)色泽均一,质量稳定,工艺已成熟。

    The film-coated tablets of my company , its colour is uniform , quality is stable and process technology has matured .

  16. 结果解决了配方所列缓释片、薄膜衣片及片剂生产异常的难题,产品合格,考查期质量稳定。

    Results The sustained-release tablets , film-coating tablets and unconventional tablets production were up to grade and steady in watching period .

  17. 结果优选配方制备的红霉素肠溶薄膜衣片,防潮、防变色能力强,胃液崩解合格,释放度理想。

    Results The optimized enteric-coated tablets of erythromycin have strong abilities of moisture proof , against discoloration , qualified disintegration and release .

  18. 方法:采用正交试验确定最佳处方,并与普通薄膜衣片进行体外溶出度比较。

    METHO_DS : The formula was optimized by orthogonal experimental , and the dissolution of the oral-disintegrating tablets was compared with that of common film coating tablets .

  19. 对分散片进行制剂学基础研究,完成制剂工艺筛选、质量标准和初步稳定性研究,并以普通薄膜衣片为对照,进行溶出度实验验证。

    In this study , the basic pharmaceutical research of dispersible tablets was achieved , together with the selection of manufacturing techniques , establishment of quality standards , the appraise of preliminary stability .