
  • 网络DIGITAL CLOCK;Digital Clock Widget
  1. 介绍在Delphi中利用Win32API路径函数设计一个具有计时功能的数字时钟的方法。

    This paper presents the method that a digital clock is designed with Win32 API path function in Delphi . This clock has a function of counting time .

  2. 通过合理使用DCM(数字时钟管理单元)和BUFG-MUX(全局时钟选择缓冲器)等FPGA的特殊资源,手动搭建时钟电路,可以尽可能地减少时钟偏差对电路时序的影响。

    By reasonably using the special resources in FPGA , such as DCMs ( Digital Clock Manager ) and BUFGMUXs ( global clock MUX buffer ) and manually building up a proper clock circuit , the interference to timing caused by clock skew is mostly reduced .

  3. 具备LCD数字时钟功能及闹钟功能。

    With LCD data clock and alarm clock function .

  4. 论文提出一种DVB-C基带芯片中全数字时钟恢复电路的解决方案。

    This paper presents an all digital timing recovery loop in a single chip for DVB-C receiver .

  5. 青海电力数字时钟同步系统建设方案探讨

    Project scheme of Qinghai electric power digital clock synchronous network

  6. 基于单片机的多功能数字时钟系统设计分析

    The Design of a Multifunctional Digital Clock Based on MCU

  7. 浅谈数字时钟网组网与应用

    Talking About the Network and Application of Digital Clock Net

  8. 有数字时钟,日历和注意的地区,每一天。

    It has digital clock , calendar and note 's area for every day .

  9. 世界时钟插件-新的模拟时钟的面孔和新的数字时钟设计。

    World Clock plug-in – new analog clock faces and new digital clock design .

  10. 双闹钟数字时钟芯片设计

    Design of Digital Clock with Two Alarms

  11. 一种新型通用全数字时钟匀滑技术

    A Novel Universal All-Digital Clock Smoothness Technique

  12. 数字时钟信号产生技术的研究

    The Research of Digital Clock Generation

  13. 大规模集成电路芯片是中等到大规模的记忆芯片,用于8位处理器、数字时钟和计算器。

    LSI chips are medium to large size memory chips , 8 bit microprocessors , digital clocks or calculators .

  14. 在解决其他与后台作业相关的问题之前,我们先看看一个自制的简易数字时钟。

    Before we address some other issues related to background jobs , let 's create a poor man 's digital clock .

  15. 大部这些命令的运行都很快,但现在假设您运行的是图形化桌面,并且想在桌面上显示一个数字时钟。

    Most such commands run quickly , but suppose you are running a graphical desktop and would like a digital clock displayed on the desktop .

  16. 据《华尔街日报》报道,挪威广播公司正策划一档24小时的直播慢节目,记录建筑工人如何使用木头制作数字时钟。

    According to the Wall Street Journal , NRK is also considering a 24-hour live feed of construction workers building a digital clock out of wood .

  17. 结合嵌入式系统课程的特点,并以数字时钟的设计为例,介绍了将建构主义教学理论应用于嵌入式系统课程教学。

    Combining the Constructivism Ideology and taking the case of digital clock design , this paper presents the Application of Constructivism Ideology in Embedded System course teaching .

  18. 透过烧毁的眼睛,折磨奄奄一息的心在这模糊区之间的睡眠和清醒,他观看了脉动数字时钟滴答。

    Through burned out eyes , tormented mind moribund in that fuzzy area between sleep and wakefulness , he watched the pulsating digits of the clock ticking over .

  19. 时钟以24小时制式或者带上下午指示标志的12小时制式的方式工作,可以广泛应用于实际数字时钟产品中。

    The clock operates in either the 24-hour or 12-hour format with an AM / PM indicator , which can be applied to actual digital time clock products widely .

  20. 简述了一种双闹钟数字时钟芯片的设计分析,具体介绍了其中三态输入电路、可逆计数器、输出解码/驱动器等电路的设计。

    This paper present a design of digital clock with two alarms and introduce some circuits concretely such as three input circuit , reversible counter and output decoder / driver .

  21. 设计了一个数字时钟数据恢复电路,采用相位选择锁相环进行相位调整,在不影响系统噪声性能的前提下大大降低了芯片面积。

    A phase selection PLL is adopted to adjust the phase of the recovered clock , and the chip area of the recovery circuit is greatly reduced without sacrificing the noise performance of the system .

  22. 接着,给出了遥测解调器的设计框图,分为中频单元,调频解调单元、副载波解调和数字时钟锁相单元四个部分。

    Secondly , this paper provides the design block diagram of the telemetry demodulator that is made up of the IF unit , the FM demodulation unit , the subcarrier demodulation unit and the digital clock phase lock unit .

  23. 同步数字系统时钟分布及偏斜补偿技术研究

    Research on the Clock Distribution Network and the Deskew Techniques in Synchronous Digital Systems

  24. 多模式数字同步时钟产生技术研究

    Research of Multimode Digital Synchronous Clock Technology

  25. 同步时钟是网络同步的关键,本文对基于多模式数字同步时钟产生的系统构成、关键技术、关键技术对系统性能的影响等进行了研究。

    Synchronous Clock is a key of network synchronization , this paper studies system construction , key technology based on multimode digital synchronous clock , and GPS / GLONASS , local clock , BPM short wave receiver are used .

  26. 随着片上系统(SOC)技术的发展,锁相环被广泛的应用于高性能数字系统的时钟产生。

    With the development of System-on-Chip ( SOC ), phase-locked loops are widely used to generate on-chip clocks in high-performance digital systems .

  27. 文中设计的FIR可变分数延迟滤波器用于解决全数字接收机的时钟同步问题。

    In this paper , the FIR variable fractional delay filter is designed and used to solve the problem of symbol synchronization of all digital receiver .

  28. 随着数字电路中时钟和数据频率的不断提高,PCB的信号完整性问题越来越突出。

    With the rapidly increase of the clock frequency and data rate , the signal integrity issues of the PCB are becoming more and more serious .

  29. 几个街区之外软银(SoftbankCorp.)的一个门店外,立着一个数字倒计时时钟,也有几百名iPhone粉丝已经在排队。

    A few blocks away a digital countdown clock ticked outside a Softbank Corp. store where several hundred more iPhone fans had lined up .

  30. 但这还不是全部,它也支持文本到语音和MS代理,使您的计算机更有趣,同时拥有一个具有数字和模拟时钟面临多种选择全图形显示。

    But that 's not all , it also supports text-to-speech and MS Agents to make your computer more fun and also features a fully graphical display with several options of digital and analog clock faces .