
  • 网络Mathematics Society;siam
  1. 澳大利亚数学会志,B辑。

    Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society , Series B.

  2. 为了定量地分析药皮辅料对焊条工艺性能的影响,利用中国数学会均匀设计分会推荐的UST4。

    In order to analyze quantitatively the effect of coating ingredients on the usability of electrode , the slag detachability of stainless steel electrode was studied , using the computer software UST4 .

  3. 山东数学会信息交流平台设计与开发

    Design and Development on the Information Exchange Platform of Shandong Mathematical Society

  4. 美国数学会会议论文摘要。

    Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical society .

  5. 那到底为什么数学会让许多学生觉得无所适从呢?

    Why is math so overwhelming for so many students ?

  6. 中国数学会的创建及其数学期刊

    The earliest mathematic magazines of mathematic association of China

  7. 工业与应用数学会矩阵分析和应用杂志。

    SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications .

  8. 长时间学数学会让我头疼。

    This math stuff gives me a headache if I work on it too long .

  9. 毫无疑问,随着年龄的增长,人们学数学会更难。但是,我不清楚为什么会这样。

    There seems to be no doubt that people find maths more difficult as they grow older . Though , why this is so , I cannot say .

  10. 中国数学会副理事长、2002年国际数学家大会筹款委员会主席侯自新说,这是本届大会收到的数目最大的一笔个人捐款。

    Deputy director of the Chinese mathematics association , chairman of the fundraising committee of imc2002mr.hou Zixin said , this is the biggest individual donation this Congress had been received .

  11. 如果想到数学测验会让你出一身冷汗,你的爸妈可能要承担些责任。

    If the thought of a math test makes you break out in a cold sweat , Mom or Dad may be partly to blame .

  12. 数学分析会表明它们真正是无规的。

    A mathematical analysis would show that they are truly random .

  13. 你觉得这次数学考试会怎么样?

    A : What do you think of the coming math exam ?

  14. 一般来说,文科生的数学考试会比理科生的相对简单一些。

    Math tests for liberal arts students are usually easier than those given to science students .

  15. 学习理论之计算数学基金会研讨会支持并促进对计算数学基础的研究。

    The FoCM Workshop on learning theory supports and promotes research on foundations of computational mathematics .

  16. 数学老师会需要隐藏他们相信数学逻辑的事实吗?

    Do the mathematics teachers hide the fact that they believe in the logic of mathematics ?

  17. 由于风险评价结果具有模糊性,采用模糊数学原理会取得较可靠的评价结果。

    Because of fuzziness of risk assessment results , this paper achieved a more reliable evaluation result using fuzzy mathematical principles .

  18. 无论如何,我们在周一会有我们第二个期中考试,并且它将会像第一次期中考试一样,但是数学方面会涉及的更少。

    Anyway we have our second mid-term exam on Monday and it will be like the first mid-term but it will be less mathematical .

  19. 在研究设计的六个自变量中教师所处地域、教龄、学科背景对小学教师的数学观会产生影响。

    The questionnaire and interview results revealed that primary teachers ' subject backgrounds , working zones , and school ages all could have effects on their view of mathematics .

  20. 克里斯·汉弗莱斯表示,糟糕的数学技能会影响一个人的生活,使他们更有可能被学校开除或失业。

    Chris Humphries , chairman of the group , said that poor maths skills can affect an individual 's life , leaving them at a higher risk of being excluded from school or out of work .

  21. 但是,一天里只有这么多时间。就像一位日本的推特用户,如果你家里有4只猫,简单的数学运算会告诉你,能够为每一只宠物拍照的时间更少了。

    But there are only so many hours in the day , and if you 've got four cats in the home , like a JapaneseTwitter user , simple math would tell you the result is less time with the lens trained on each one of yourpets .

  22. 每一年Corleone中学的数学科班都会在匹萨日比赛

    Every year , the math classes at Corleone competed for a pizza day .

  23. DAVEWEISS:“在小学,在很大程度上,普通的老师在教阅读和数学的同时会教科学,如果他们的科学背景知识不强,那么他们对科学的讲述就不深刻。”

    DAVE WEISS : " In elementary school , for the most part , your regular classroom teacher is responsible for teaching science , along with reading and math , and if they don 't have a strong science background , just by nature , they 're going to tend to underrepresent science in the

  24. 全国高师数学教育研究会2003年常务理事会会议纪要

    National Higher Normal Colleges Mathematics Education Seminar 2003 Council Conference Summary

  25. 那些懂数学的人会帮助我大白的。

    The math guys set it up and helped me understand it .

  26. 一个数学天才怎么会不知道他父亲的年龄?

    How can a math genius not know how old his father is ?

  27. 但是根据约翰霍普金斯大学的研究,所有的小孩在暑假中数学能力都会降低。

    Math slides affect all students , according to the Johns Hopkins research .

  28. 间隔时间再短的话,年长的孩子的阅读和数学技能都会下降。

    Any shorter , and the reading and maths skills of the older child dipped .

  29. 数学的默会知识及其教学意义

    Mathematical Tacit Knowledge and Teaching Importance

  30. 事实是,年龄大一点的孩子通常个子高一些,同时他们的数学成绩也会好一些。

    What 's going on is that older kids are both taller and better at math .