
  • 网络scout;Scouting;talent scout
  1. 这则广告描述的是英国球探汤米豪(tommyhowe)去西非寻找足球运动员的故事。

    The latest advertisement shows Tommy Howe , an English football scout , visiting West Africa in search of players .

  2. 在他最早聘用的人员中,有曾经担任过巴塞罗那足球俱乐部(F.C.Barcelona)青训球探的何塞普·科洛梅尔(JosepColomer)。人们普遍认为,当初就是科洛梅尔发现了阿根廷少年利昂内尔·梅西(LionelMessi)。梅西或许是当今世界上最优秀的足球运动员。

    One of his early hires was Josep Colomer , a former youth scout for F.C. Barcelona generally credited with discovering Lionel Messi , perhaps the best soccer player in the world , when Messi was a boy in Argentina .

  3. 与此同时,今年1月,纽约扬基队(newyorkyankees)也同意向中国派遣球探和教练,以协助培养人才。

    Meanwhile , the New York Yankees agreed in January to send scouts and coaches to China to help develop talent .

  4. 但沃尔顿、NBA高级官员及球探认为,姚明目前还不是NBA最好的中锋。奥尼尔“第一中锋”的位置还无人可以取代。

    But according to Walton , league executives , and scouts , Yao Ming is not the best center in the NBA .

  5. NBA球探和高管们长期以来一直在质疑艾尔顿的竞争精神,这些问题也都带到了NBA。

    NBA scouts and executives have long questioned Ayton 's competitive spirit , and those questions have all carried into the NBA .

  6. 球探们很快熟知了他,尽管不代表有NBA球队想要他,但他无疑成为上海大鲨鱼和中国国家队的骄傲。

    Scouts quickly became familiar with Yao . It wasn 't a matter of whether the NBA wanted him , but how soon he could be pried from the Sharks and China 's national team .

  7. “大学的教练们都他妈的给予六尺的孩子更多注意而不是五尺十一寸的孩子,”一个长期在NBA工作的球探克里斯,艾克斯坦说。

    " College coaches pay a hell of a lot better attention when a guy is6 feet instead of5-11 ," said Chris Ekstrand , a consultant to the N.B.A.who was the longtime editor of its draft guide .

  8. 尽管卡塔尔坚称,足球之梦一直是当做一项人道主义项目来开展的,但是Aspire的球探刚一开始搜罗非洲的人才,这个项目就招来了激烈的批评。

    Despite Qatar 's insistence that Football Dreams was always intended as a humanitarian mission , the program drew intense criticism almost as soon as Aspire 's scouts set off in search of African talent .

  9. 我的同事西蒙?库珀(SimonKuper)写了一本关于足球的新书,书中提到,魁梧高大的男子更容易进入顶级球队,因为球探们认为这种人适合踢足球。

    According to my colleague Simon Kuper 's new book about football , hunks get picked more often for top teams as scouts are impressed by players who look the part 。

  10. 我的同事库珀(SimonKuper)写了一本关于足球的新书,书中提到,魁梧高大的男子更容易进入顶级球队,因为球探们认为这种人适合踢足球。

    According to my colleague Simon Kuper 's new book about football , hunks get picked more often for top teams as scouts are impressed by players who look the part .

  11. 此举是必要特劳雷即将离任QPR,他们的球探显然没有看周日在老特拉福德的惨败。

    The move was necessitated by the impending departure of Armand Traore to QPR , whose scouts obviously weren 't watching the debacle at Old Trafford on Sunday .

  12. 几年前,卡塔尔球探来到非洲后,测试了成百上千名13岁的男孩,而绰号吉吉(Jiji)的让·朱尔就是其中之一。

    A few years earlier , Jean Jules ( known as Jiji ) was among the hundreds of thousands of 13-year-old boys screened by Aspire scouts when they came to Africa .

  13. 当你刚刚接管球队的时候,我是你的球探之一。

    I was one of your scouts when you first took over .

  14. 现在网上的球探工具都是假的。

    All of those which are in the net now are fake .

  15. 下周的比赛会有大学的球探来。

    There 's gonna be college scouts at our game next week .

  16. 刚刚我又和球探谈了,他今晚会过来

    Just talked to the scout again . He 's coming tonight .

  17. 星期五有金恩大学球探会来。

    On Friday we have the kings University scout coming to the game .

  18. 我知道你想给那球探留下好印象。

    I know you wanted to impress that scout .

  19. 所以我们得让球探们活跃于世界各地。

    So we keep our scouts active everywhere and keep an open mind .

  20. 首款球探工具确定将于周日面世。

    It is confirmed that the first version will come out on sunday .

  21. 美国的大学都有很齐全的训练师,助理教练员以及球探。

    American university has a very complete trainer , assistant coaches and scouts .

  22. 照我们这个打法,不会有什么球探来的。

    There are no scouts , not with the way we 're playing .

  23. 但我们在葡萄牙有很好的球探,他很聪明。

    But we have a good scout in Portugal and he 's very bright .

  24. 更别提球探都特地绕路来小镇上了。

    Not to mention the scouts that have suddenly added a detour to smallville .

  25. 这是地方的球探已经以防止他们的敌人的攻击。

    This is the area where scouts have to prevent their enemy 's attacks .

  26. 韦斯特在简短执教湖人三个赛季后成为一名球探。

    West coached the Lakers for three short years and later turned to scouting .

  27. 专业球探们把他标注为2010年潜在前20顺位新秀。

    Professional scouts have pegged him as a probable top-20 pick in the2010 draft .

  28. 越好的球探能给你越准确的信息。

    The better the scout the more accurate info he will give you too .

  29. 在布隆德比的时候,你是否察觉到他的球探在关注着你?

    Were you aware his scouts were watching you while you were playing for brondby ?

  30. 耐克球探和教练从中国各地选拔出30位学生球员。

    Thirty student basketball players were chosen from around the country by coaches and Nike scouts .