
qiú gān
  • Club;driver;ball arm
球杆[qiú gān]
  1. 在他退休之际,同事们赠给他一套高尔夫球杆。

    On his retirement , colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs .

  2. 将球杆向后挥至水平位置。

    Swing the club back until it is horizontal .

  3. 开球难度较大时,选一根好使的高尔夫球杆。

    With a difficult tee shot , select a club which will keep you short of the trouble

  4. 于是他使劲一挥球杆,尘土和着蚂蚁,四处飞扬。

    He gave a mighty2 swing . Clouds of dirt and sand and ants exploded from the spot .

  5. 倘若A不用B的球杆,他就不会被处罚。

    No , provided he did not use any of Bs clubs .

  6. 设计了基于NI嵌入式可重配置输入输出自动化控制器实现的球杆系统测控平台,介绍了硬件配置及模块功能。

    A measurement and control platform for the ball-beam system is designed using NI compact reconfigurable I / O programmable automation controller .

  7. 大人们也可以分享玩具:旧电脑,高尔夫球杆,CD机或手机等东西,这些在节假日捐赠出去都非常有意义。

    Sharing toys goes for grown-ups as well : Old computers , golf clubs , CD players or cell phones are meaningful holiday donations .

  8. 第二个女人用这些钱买了高尔夫球杆、CD播放器、电视音响送给男人。

    The second one went out and bought new golf clubs , a CD player , a television , and stereo and gives them to the man .

  9. 最后用串级双闭环PD控制器实际控制球杆系统样机,其主要参数满足满足实验教学要求。

    Finally , Cascade Double Loop PD controller clubs is actual used to control the system , and its main parameters satisfy the requirements to meet the teaching experiment .

  10. GameGolf售价249美元,包括一个别在腰带上的小盒子,重约一盎司(约28克),以及多个用螺丝固定在球杆上的扣子&每只球杆一个。

    For $ 249 , the Game Golf kit comes with a belt clip-on device that weighs about an ounce , and multiple tags that screw onto your clubs & one for each club .

  11. 布鲁氏菌(Brucella)是一种革兰氏阴性球杆状,其致病性很强,感染范围很广。

    Brucella is a Gram-negative ball-bacillus with a strongly pathogenicity to animals and cause a wide range of infections .

  12. GameGolf售价249美元,包括一个别在腰带上的“小盒子”,重约一盎司(约28克),以及多个用螺丝固定在球杆上的“扣子”——每只球杆一个。

    For $ 249 , the Game Golf kit comes with a belt clip-on device that weighs about an ounce , and multiple " tags " that screw onto your clubs - one for each club .

  13. 本文章建立了球杆系统的数学模型,并在该模型的基础上,采用双闭环控制策略,使用遗传算法来整定PID参数,大大提高球杆控制系统的性能。

    Based on the model , double close-loop control strategy is proposed and a genetic algorithm is used to determine the parameters of its PID controllers , which improves the performance of ball and beam system significantly .

  14. 仅仅在两年以前,在耐克决定进入竟争以前,像Titleist,Callaway和TaylorMade等同类高尔夫球杆独自占有着市场份额。

    Now , just two years ago , the likes of Titleist , Callaway and Taylor Made sat alone on shelves like these before Nike decided to muscle in .

  15. 球洞攻略:要注意左右都为OB,可根据旗杆位置选择合适的球杆,抓小鸟的机会较大。

    Hole strategy : Pay attention that there is OB on both the left and the right . Choose the appropriate club as per the pole position for a better chance of birdie .

  16. 比如说,来自西雅图的十项全能运动员杰里米•塔伊沃(JeremyTaiwo)就将在10项赛事中换穿八双运动鞋,每双都有不同的功能,就像高尔夫球杆一样。

    Take , for example , Jeremy Taiwo , a decathlete from Seattle who will wear eight pairs of shoes in his 10 events , each with a function as specific as a golf club 's.

  17. 通过球杆碰撞实验,验证了Hertz接触理论,并表明低速碰撞问题的分析的确可以转化为常规的振动响应问题的分析。

    The impact tests , which were carried out by means of laser vibrometer , verified the Hertz contact theorem . It was also shown that , the analysis of low speed impact problem can really be reformulated as the analysis of conventional dynamic response problem .

  18. 碳纤维高尔夫球杆是体育休闲用品中最重要的项目,2004年生产碳纤维高尔夫球杆约用去2500t碳纤维,占世界碳纤维总消耗量的12.5%左右。

    Use of carbon fiber reinforced composite materials in golf shaft is the most important project in the sporting goods manufacture . It demanded about 2500 tons carbon fibers for producing carbon fiber golf shafts in 2004 , that is 12.5 % of total carbon fiber production in the world .

  19. 一名球员球杆的杆身在下挥杆的时候折断了。

    The shaft of a players club broke during his downswing .

  20. 他们有租球杆及球杆及球鞋的制度吗?

    Do they have a system for rental clubs and shoes ?

  21. 用来支撑球杆使之固定的手。

    The hand used as a support to steady the cue .

  22. 感觉球杆的趾部向前翻滚过去。

    Feel like the toe of the club is rolling over .

  23. 他需要一个球童拿球杆。

    He 'd need one caddie to carry his golf clubs .

  24. 基于球杆仪方法的进出口数控机床检验研究

    Study on Inspection of Entry-exit NC Machine Tools Based on Double-ball-bar

  25. 查尔斯的球杆是顺着目标线,从球的正上方去触球。

    So Charles'club is coming nicely on top of the ball .

  26. 他用高尔夫球杆打到一个老乡了。

    He just almost knocked homeboy out with his golf swing .

  27. 嘿,你们从来没说过要把球杆也拿走。

    Hey , you guys never said anything about taking clubs .

  28. 给没钱买高尔夫球杆的白人募款吗?

    What 's the charity ? White men without golf clubs ?

  29. 击球前不能做空挥杆,球杆不能触碰到沙子。

    No practice swings before the shots , touching the sand .

  30. 球杆碰撞问题的数值分析和实验研究

    Analytical and Experimental Research of Ball-Bar Impact under Low Velocity