
  1. 看神秘的数学王国在飞,无处落脚!

    See Mystery to Mathematics fly !

  2. 在这本书的后半部分,Qfwfq从视野里消失了,卡尔维诺将小说进一步推向逻辑和数学的王国。

    In the latter part of the book , Qfwfq drops from view and Calvino takes fiction one bound further into the realm of logic and mathematics .

  3. 因此在那个时候,我非常希望能够成为一个数学家,徜徉在数学的王国里,去探索那无尽的宝藏。

    Therefore at that time , I hoped extremely I could work as a mathematician , live in mathematics kingdom , and heartily explore unknown buried treasure .

  4. 根据高斯的理论,数学是科学王国的王后。

    According to goues , mathematies is the queen of sciences .