
  • 网络hydraulic model test
  1. 水工模型试验中薄壁堰缩尺效应分析

    Analysis of scale effect of thin-plate weir in hydraulic model test

  2. 水工模型试验中长导流洞的糙率修正问题

    Roughness Correction in Hydraulic Model Test for Long Diversion Tunnels

  3. 结合拱坝的水工模型试验,对小桥墩的设置、出口堰宽的变化等因素对拱坝WES堰流量系数的影响进行了对比试验和分析,并得出了相应的结论。

    The comparative hydraulic modeling tests and analysis have been done to show the influence of the factors , such as the establishing of pier , the variance of weir outlet width , to the flow coefficient of WES weir of arch dam . The results are concluded .

  4. 这些论文的研究方法大多是水工模型试验与原型观测,并对两者结果进行了比较。

    The studying methods are mostly hydraulic model test and prototype observation .

  5. 步进电机在水工模型试验中的应用&以拉西瓦水电站进水口快速闸门模型试验为例

    In Test Application of stepping motors in hydraulic model test

  6. 排洪竖井水工模型试验研究

    Experimental Study on Hydraulic Scale Model of Flood Discharge Shaft

  7. 盘山闸扩建工程水工模型试验研究

    Hydraulic model test of extension project of Panshan sluice

  8. 隧洞进水口及洞内消能水工模型试验研究

    Hydraulic Model Test and Research for Water Intake and Energy Dissipation in Tunnel

  9. 水工模型试验中尾水控制的反堰流分析

    Inverse analysis for tailwater control in hydraulic model tests

  10. 论《桥渡设计》与桥渡水工模型试验

    Bridge Crossing Design and Related Hydraulic Model Test

  11. 惠州抽水蓄能电站下库进出水口水工模型试验研究

    Hydraulic Modelling of Inlet / Outlet of Lower Reservoir for Huizhou Pump Storage Plant

  12. 玉溪水利枢纽工程水工模型试验研究

    Hydraulic model test for Yuxi water control project

  13. 水工模型试验关于表面张力影响的波速论证

    Effect of surface tension on hydraulic model test

  14. 水工模型试验船模通航波高采集测量系统及其应用

    Ship Model Navigation of Hydraulics Model Test Wave Height Acquisition Test System and Its Application

  15. 响洪甸抽水蓄能电站岩塞爆破水工模型试验与实践

    Hydraulic model test and practice of rock stopple burst in Xianghongdian Pump Storage Power Station

  16. 虹吸式泄水建筑物水工模型试验

    Hydraulic Model Test for Siphon Releasing Structure

  17. 本文通过水工模型试验,对水垫塘冲击区底板块表面及底面动水动力进行了测量。

    On the experimental model , fluctuating pressure on the bottom of plunge pool was measured .

  18. 并且通过水工模型试验与数值模拟相结合的研究手段,对这一布置方式进行了分析研究。

    And this arrangement is analyzed through the means of hydraulic model test and numerical simulation .

  19. 楠溪江供水工程拦河闸枢纽水工模型试验研究

    An Experimental Study of the Hydraulic Models of the Sluice in Nanxi River Water Supply Projects

  20. 景洪水电站左岸厂房枢纽布置水工模型试验研究

    Hydraulic Model Test and Research on the Left Bank Powerhouse Complex Layout for the Jinghong Hydropower Project

  21. 经水工模型试验验证,过闸水流流态明显改善。

    Through verification by hydraulic model , the pattern of flow passing the gate has improved significantly .

  22. 针对存在问题进行了多方案的枢纽布置及一系列的水工模型试验。

    Several project layout alternatives are compared and a series of hydraulic model tests are carried out .

  23. 本文着重介绍了万安水利枢纽水工模型试验研究的主要成果。

    The main results of the hydraulic model study for the Wan'an Project are presented in this paper .

  24. 主要研究内容如下:(1)腊山分洪道水工模型试验研究。

    The main research contents of this paper are as follows : ( 1 ) Hydraulic model tests .

  25. 介绍了水位自动控制和流速、水位数据采集处理系统以及该系统在水工模型试验中的应用方法和结果。

    This paper introduces an automatic water level and velocity control and acquisition system for hydraulic model tests .

  26. 计算机远程I/O控制技术在大型水工模型试验中应用研究

    Research on the application of the computer long-range I / O control technology in large-scale hydraulic model tests

  27. 低水头水利枢纽对泄流能力的试验精度要求较高,一般水工模型试验的精度难于满足工程要求。

    Test on discharge capacity for low head hydraulic projects requires higher accuracy which conventional methods cannot reach .

  28. 百色水利枢纽导流洞水工模型试验中加糙与上游水位校正计算

    Model roughening and US level correction calculation for hydraulic model test of construction diversion tunnel of Baise Multipurpose Dam Project

  29. 本文通过介绍先锋水利枢纽扩建工程的水工模型试验,阐述了枢纽的水力特性。

    This article expounds the hydraulic characteristics of Xianfeng Water-conservancy Project by introducing the hydraulic model test of its extensions .

  30. 介绍金平水电站竖井溢洪道的结构型式、水力计算和水工模型试验成果。

    The structural style , hydraulical computation & model test results of the vertical-shaft spillway of Jinping Hydropower station are described .