
  • 网络Crystal Wall
  1. 隔着透明的水晶墙,什么都纤毫毕露;

    Through crystal walls each little mote will peep .

  2. 一天,透过水晶墙,他看见了自己的新娘,顿时欣喜若狂。

    One day , in the reflection of the crystal walls he caught the image of his bride , and felt joy extreme .

  3. 我向前走直到接近一堵有火舌包围的水晶墙:这时它开始让我感到恐惧。

    And I went in till I drew nigh to a wall which is built of crystals and surrounded by tongues of fire : and it began to affright me .

  4. 一次烧水晶釉墙地砖常见缺陷及解决方法

    One-firing Crystalline Glaze Wall or Floor Tile Common Defects and Solving Methods

  5. 用金矿尾砂研制大规格水晶釉墙地砖

    Using the Slag of Gold Ore to Make the Crystalline Glazed Tiles With Large Size

  6. 本文介绍了一次烧水晶釉墙地砖的一些常见缺陷,并提出相应的解决方法。

    This paper introduces one-firing crystalline glaze wall or floor tile some common defects , and proposes solving methods accordingly .

  7. 两旁是水晶的墙,前面是耶和华的荣光。终夜都是这样;到了天一亮,最后一个以色列人也上了岸,大东风的使命便完成了。

    So on through all that night ; and when , at dawn of the next day , the last of Israel 's host set foot upon the other shore , the work of the stormy wind was done .